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August Story Contest Age 12 and Older NOTE: To be eligible for voting your entry must have a horse or pony in it somewhere. Start your entry with TITLE by YOUR USERNAME

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Jane Crandal & JB
2013-07-31 21:18:21
The Innocent
By Maid Mairain

This is a book I wrote through a program called Nanowrimo. Read about it this month in the CPP Magazine!

Chapter I

A hand clapped over Levi's mouth. Someone else grabbed his arms from behind. Levi struggled. He felt cold metal against his throat, and looked down to see a hand– and it was holding a knife.
“Calm down.” said an authoritative voice somewhere beside Levi in the dark street next to the saloon. The voice continued, “Calm down and shut your trap. Or else.” Levi felt the cold metal blade touch his throat menacingly. “My name's Clint Andrews, ya might have heard of me. And of course my pal, Clyde Daring. If you keep quiet I'll take my hand off your face. Don't want you to smother now do we? Clyde, let go of his arms. But the knife can stay. Just in case. Now let's get down to business. There's a bank in town, as you may know. Just got a shipment of gold. Trouble is, we need it. They don't. That's where you come in.”
“You want me to steal!” Levi gasped.
A shadow of a man with hooked nose momentarily fell across Clint's face and he cringed.
“Hush.” Clint hissed as the knife grew closer to Levi's throat.
“Naw, not steal,” Clyde spoke for the first time, slurring his words, pronouncing steal as stale, “They'll give it right to ya. It's real handy. You just ask fer it and the hand it right over, quick like too. So, so handy.”
“Yep,” Clint agreed. “Of course, you most always need to use a bit of persuasion. We know. We're experts at this job.”
“Then why don't you do it yourselves! You needn't call in innocent folks to do the dirty work for you!” Levi huffed as he grew more and more exasperated.
“Ooooh, what have we here? A bit of sass?” Clyde taunted.
“Well you see, we're too well known here, They'd set the sheriff on us before we get halfway through town. We ain’t to easily disguised like some of them Harpers, who can just take a wash and no one knows who they are.” Clint laughed.
Levi grimaced, not amused by Stone Creek's most popular joke.
“But take you now, you're real well known fer bein' trustworthy,” Clyde nodded.
“Leave me out of it!” Levi whispered forcefully.
“Now, now. We can't have that kind of attitude. If you act like that, we'll have to forget all about you and go finde someone else and leave you here,” Clint grinned, his eight gold teeth glinting in the moonlight, “dead.” Clint pushed the knife closer against Levi's throat.
“You- you wouldn't dare.” gasped Levi, but he wasn't so sure.
“Oh yes we would.” Said Clyde with an evil chuckle, “Remember, my last name’s Daring, and it aint for naught. Ohhhh yes. We’d dare.” Clyde drew out his “Oh” for emphasis.
“Yeah, remember River Bend, Clyde? The whole town went up in flames. Just women and children and invalids at home of course. Everyone else was off mining.”
“You – you cowards! How dare you!” Live was astounded at their audacity.
“Be careful what you say, and be glad we won’t punish you for all these sassy remarks. Remember, Levi McClure, we hold all the cards.” Clint grinned wickedly.
“You know my name?” Levi croaked.
“Like I said. We hold all the cards.”
Levi looked from Clint to Clyde, as he could see them now in the light of the rising moon. He knew they were right. The had everything planned just right.
“So you see,” said Clyde, with a gleam in his eye, “You’ll just have to cooperate with us.”
Clint nodded in agreement. “So here’s the plan. You listen sharp now. Tomorrow at noon, right before the bank closes for dinner, you’ll walk in there. We choose that time ‘cause there won’t be many folks in there then. You pull your gun and stick it in the man’s face and tell him, real polite like, what you’ve come for. He’ll be only too happy to oblige. Then you light out and take the horse that’ll be at the hitching post and bring the money and th horse here. Get it? And you don’t dare tell no one. We’ll know if you do. And if you don’t show up, we’ll hunt you down. And when we find you, it won’t be any too pleasant. You understand my drift?”
Levi nodded, his heart beating loudly.
“All right now. See you tomorrow at noon.” Said Clint, as he and Clyde mounted their horses.
Levi nodded again, and felt like he was going to keel over.
“Remember,” Clint called, “Tomorrow at noon!”

At last Levi reached Jenkins Boarding House and collapsed on his bed. He wished that noon the next day would never come, be he knew his hopes were worth nothing.
And indeed, noon came quickly.
Levi sat on his bed and glanced at the clock. Quarter to noon. How he wished he could back out of it!
Maybe if I just don’t show up. . . Levi shook his head. He still remembered Clint’s words, “If you don’t show up, we’ll hunt you down, and when we find you, it won’t be any too pleasant.” Levi shuddered, remembering the feel of the knife against his throat, threatening his very presence on the earth. Ten to noon. Time was running out and it refused to stop simply to please Levi.
I could tell the sheriff. . . Levi toyed with the idea in his mind. But no. Once again Clint’s words stood in the way. “You don’t dare to tell no one. We’ll know if you do.” Indeed, Clint and Clyde did seem to hold all the cards. They had skillfully blocked off every exit. There was only one way to go, and that was to do as they had commanded.
The clock in the lobby downstairs chimed twelve times. Levi looked at his clock. It was twelve minutes behind.
He was late.
The door swung open and Clyde barreled in, his pistol drawn and aimed at Levi. “You’re late!” he growled.
Levi drew back against the wall, wishing his gun was by his side. So this was to be his grand departure.
“Please, Lord,” Levi prayed, “Help me.” Then he spoke aloud. “Why don’t you shoot? Or are you too full of cowardice that you can’t shoot a man from the front?”
Clyde grinned, “Naw, Clint’s just too soft. He’s givin’ you a second chance. Kin you believe it? Only this time, I’m your escort. Git yer gun. And unload it. We don’t want any shenanigans.”
Levi emptied his gun on the table under Clyde’s watchful eye.
“All right.” grinned Clyde, “Get goin’, And remember. I can draw my gun fast. Faster than you, faster than anyone. And I won’t hesitate to do so. So look sharp. Git.” Clyde jerked his head toward the door.
Levi walked slowly out. Clyde followed him, closing the door behind him.
At the stairway, Levi hesitated. Clyde gave him a hearty shove, nearly propelling him downstairs.
“Git goin’! Now!” he hissed.
Levi picked himself up and hurried down the stairs, looking for an opportunity to escape, but Clyde matched his pace and hurried along side of him, preventing Levi from making his dash for freedom.
At the door Levi stepped aside, allowing Clyde to walk out before him.
“Nice try.” Clyde hissed through his teeth, “But no. I’m not that stupid and feather brained. You first.”
Reluctantly, Levi passed through firstm Clyde right at his back.
Levi though hard to find a way to evade Clyde. Clyde had the obvious upper hand, as Levi’s gun was empty, and Clyde had two six shooters and a belt full of bullets. But maybe with a bit of trickery. . .
The gears in Levi’s brain were spinning fast, brewing up a plan to slip out of Clint and Clyde’s grip.
Clyde and Levi walked briskly down the side street, with Levi in front and Clyde right behind him, his hand on his gun.
A face peered from the window of the Boarding House as they passed.
When they reached the crossing of Main Street and Lynn Lane, something clicked in Levi’s mind.
If I go onto Main Street, I can get Clyde riled up at me, and everyone will see and I’ll be saved! Levi though gleefully, But if Clyde catches on it’ll be all for nothing. Oh well, it’s worth a try.
So Levi turned onto Main Street, hoping Clyde wouldn’t stop him.
Levi’s hopes were dashed. “Oh no you don’t!” growled Clyde, “Maybe you don’t know it, but us folks always take the back roads. It’s safer that way, in case you didn’t realize that. Oh looky, we’re here. You know what to do now. Tell’em you want the whole shipment. Clint knows the amount of gold you ought to bring us, so if there’s any missing, we’ll know where it went.” Clyde nodded knowingly.
Levi spun around and faced Clyde. “You think I’m like you? You think I’m a dirty, stinking, lying, sneaky thief? You dare to think that? Well I’m not! I-”
Clyde struck Levi sharply across the jaw with his gloved hand. “Shut up. Shut up, pull up your neckerchief and get in there. This here’s the horse you’ll take. Now git goin’!
Levi pushed his bandanna up over his nose, only allowing his eyes to show, and, rubbing his sore jaw, he stumbled into the bank.
“Why Levi! You ought to be having dinner ‘round now, shouldn’t you?” asked Jonathan, the teller. Then, eyeing his bandanna, he asked, “Is it already that dusty on the streets?”
Levi pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Jonathan. “I want the gold shipment that came Monday. All of it.” Levi choked out the words.
“Why Levi-” started Jonathan.
Levi cut Jonathan off. “Now!”
“But Levi-” Jonathan tried again.
“I said immediately!” Levi gasped.
“All-alright. Let me get it.” Jonathan ducked behind the desk and grabbed a key from the drawer. Then he walked shakily to the strong box and removed eight sacks.
Levi grabbed the sacks. “Now stay right there and don’t make a sound. Or else.” Levi backed slowly across the room and out the door – and right into the sheriff, falling down on top of him!
Levi let ut a yelp of surprise and jumped up and leapt off the board sidewalk and jumped onto Clyde’s horse. Levi gave the old nag a light kick in the ribs and the galloped off, very slowly.
Clyde scrambled up the steps to the bank and helped the sheriff up.
“I’m sorry this happened,” slurred Clyde as the sheriff dusted himself off.
“Oh, that’s fine.” He laughed, “It happens most every day. Say, haven’t I seen you somewhere?”
“Oh, it’s likely,” said Clyde with a sly smile, “I’m seen in the sheriff’s office most every day.” Clyde grinned like a Cheshire cat, as he was referring to the wanted posters.
The sheriff shook his head. “I wouldn’t know. I’m pretty new.”
Clyde changed the subject, “Say, would you like some help catching that thief? I’ve got something personal against him.”
“Oh? What?” asked the sheriff, “By the way, my name’s Clark.”
“Well that old nag he took happens to be mine. I know I ought to track him down and pay him fer takin’ her, but I got a sort of sen-tee-mental connection to her. My little prize colt is out of her you see.” Clyde forced himself to look quite pitiful.
Clark gasped, “A horse thief? That’s no joking matter- uh, well, sir. That’s a crime worthy of hanging!”
“The name is uh- Cliff. I really need to skedaddle now. I might see you round somewhere. So long!” Clyde ducked into and alley and ran down the back street behind the buildings on Main Street.
Meanwhile, Levi was having a much less relaxing time.
Riding the old horse was like riding a kangaroo that is trying to bounce as slowly as possible. So the hopped along Main Street about as fast and a human can walk.
When they reached the alley where Clint was waiting, Levi attempted to stop the old raggedy horse. The mare ignored Levi.
Levi pulled back hard on the reins, thoroughly upset with the scraggly dark brown beast, and shouted, “Stop hopping around you old bag of bones!”
The elderly mare, deeply insulted, gave a few crow hops and let her air out. The saddle – and Levi – fell off. The mare stopped, coughed a little half-digested grass in Levi’s face and let out a long, horsey laugh. Levi did not share her amusement.
However, Clint sided with the old mare. He was leaning up against the wall of a building in the alley. That is, he had been leaning up against the wall of the saloon, until the episode between Levi and the old bay “bag of bones.” It was during this episode that Clint’s posture changed drastically. It went from an unnatural slouch, caused by leaning one shoulder against a wall or other type of flat upright surface, to a rather horizontal stance - if it can even be referred to as a stance - which highly encourages messing up ones clothes and soiling them with dirt that can easily be acquired by rolling around in an alley. To put it bluntly, Clint tipped over and began to roll around in the alley, laughing.
“You’re extremely helpful,” said Levi sarcastically as he walked off the street and into the alley, pulling the old “bag of bones” along behind him. “I brought your unjustly, illegally stolen goods. And your mule.” Levi dropped the sacks of gold bullion on the ground and le go of the old bay’s reins. “Well if you’ve no further need of me-” Levi turned on his heel, disgusted by the lack of appreciation for his successful robbery of who-knows-how-much.
“Oh no you don’t!” Clint leapt up and grabbed Levi by the arm. “You’re going to stay right here till Clyde gets back and tells how the criminal deed went. And I hope for your sake he shows up. I’ll know what happened if don’t.”
“You think I’m a murderer! You dirty scoundrel! Well I’m not like you! I’m-” Once again, Levi was silenced by a cuff.
“Shut up Levi. Or the next thing to hit you’ll be hot lead.” Clint tapped his holster meaningfully.
At that moment, Clyde appeared. “Did the kid and my old Nell get here proper-like with the loot and al, Clint? Hope I detained the sheriff long enough. He’s pretty green. He didn’t even recognize me. I’m sure glad he didn’t too!” Clyde rubbed his neck and gulped.
“Yeah, he got here all right. Nell did too. Oh it was quite a sight I tell you! Quite a sight indeed!” Clint laughed, and it wasn’t a pleasant laugh.
“Oh yeah. That’s Nell for ya!” Clyde grinned.
“Now down to business. How’d the kid do?”
Levi tried to sneak of but Clint grabbed him and twisted his arm behind his back so hard that Levi’s face went white from pain.
“Oh no you don’t,” growled Clint, “You’re going to stand right here till we’re through. Now how’d it go, Clyde?”
So Clyde told the tale of Levi’s crime, complete with all the details of his own conversation with the sheriff.
Levi gasped. “Isn’t it bad enough that I had to rob a bank for you without you framing me as a horse thief? I could and because of you!”
“Shut yer trap.” Clint growled.
“No! I shan’t! I-” Levi was cut off.
“Listen to me kid. You like living?” Clint asked in an evil voice.
Not if living means I have to encounter you again. Thought Levi, but he nodded anyway.
“Then shut up if you want to keep doin’ it!” Clint hissed menacingly. “Now listen up. You’ve done your job. We’ve no more need of you. Usually we just, uh, “get rid” of our employees when we’re through with them. But you were a pretty good cookie, and apart from being late, trying to fool Clyde three times, knocking the sheriff over and making a scene of yourself coming here on Nell, you did an okay job. So as long as you follow our little rules, you can keep on living. But you lift one finger against us?” Clint made a motion as if to slit his throat. “It’ll be all over. Now git!” Clint flapped his arms, shooing Levi away. “Oh, and if’n you want payment,” Clint called to Levi, “take Nell!”
Levi ignored him as he ran off in the direction of the livery stable.
Levi swung open the door to the livery stable and ran in. He lept upon his horse and leaned against the mare’s neck.
“Well Thief,” he said to his horse, “I guess we’ve been put in the same corral. Now we’re both called “The Masked Thief”. Only you were christened with that name. I was forced into adopting it as a title. I wish I’d had the guts to turn them down. Of course then you’d not have any owner. Oh Thief little girl. I have no idea what to do.”
The dark bay Quarter Horse swung her nose around and nuzzled Levi.
With his finger, Levi traced the white bandanna shape that stretched across Thief’s face and ran up her chin and into her mane.
“What should I do, girl? What should I do?”
The stable door creaked in the wind. Thief stayed steady.
“You know what, girl? I just realized the meaning in what that evil Clyde said. He said he’s hoped he’d detained the sheriff long enough. The sheriff’ll be looking for me! Oh Thief how come I’ve got to be a criminal? He’ll likely look here first as this is where I keep you. We’ve got to get going!”
Levi slid off Thief and slipped her bridle on. He swung her saddle up onto her back and girthed it up tightly before leaping into the saddle. He rode her out of her stall and out the stable door. Levi signaled Thief and she swung around and pushed the door shut with her nose. Then she grabbed the bolt with her teeth and slid it into its notch.

Next month. . .

Will Levi prove his innocence!? Will he even LIVE long enough to try? Come back next month to find out!

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2013-08-06 02:45:52
Title: Taming Mustangs Chapter 4
By: Horsesforever12

Chapter 4
Ali spread some more straw around the stall. It was Monday and the new horses were arriving. Jake and Marie were getting the other stalls ready. Jasmine and Marie hadn’t been too happy Saturday when Ali and Roy arrived at five. And Ali hadn’t told Sara about their sunset kiss yet. Ali had actually kind of ignored Sara throughout school but she told herself she would tell her when she came over to ride Magic. A red truck came in the driveway carrying a huge horse trailer…the kind that could hold up to ten horses. A tall man with a broad forehead got out and a rich-looking lady followed. Marie, Jake, and Ali went over to greet them.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Allan! I’m Marie Burningham. And this is my son Jake and my daughter Alicia." Marie greeted the couple. Mrs. Allan folded her arms, a serious look on her face.
"My farm has fifty horses that are well-taken care of. I wish to see that you can deal with these three horses of mine." Mrs. Allan said in a stately manner. Mr. Allan let down the horse trailer ramp and walked in, and a few seconds later a beautiful light bay mare came out. Mr. Allan handed the lead rope to Jake.
"This is Diva. She’s a Thoroughbred/Arabian cross. She likes to jump every fence she sees, and we want her broken of that." he said. Then he walked back in the trailer and came back out with an Appaloosa gelding. He gave the rope to Ali and told her, "This is Rocky. He’s the opposite of Diva...he spooks every time he sees a jump. Think you can handle him?" Ali nodded in response. Then back in the trailer he went, and led out a liver chestnut filly with a star on her forehead. He gave the lead shank to Marie and announced, "This is Popstar, a feisty Quarter horse filly who is completely green. She’s three, so she is almost a mare. I would like her broken." Then he shut the trailer ramp and climbed in his truck. Mrs. Allan didn’t even smile. She only said a quick "Good day," and climbed in the sparkling red truck and then they were gone.
"Wow. What snobs," Ali muttered. Jake grimaced at her.
"Not all rich people are that way," he said. "The Morello’s are quite wealthy and they are really nice." Ali bit her lip.
"Sorry. Jake, I really want to train with Diva." she begged, staring at the gorgeous mare. Jake shook his head.
"This mare is a spirited Thoroughbred cross, and I don’t think you should ride her. Rocky is perfect for you." Then he strode off, leading Diva. Marie followed with Popstar, and Ali fell behind. Rocky might not be that bad. Besides, Appaloosas are nice breeds. she thought. Then she remembered about the wild stallion. She hadn’t talked to Jake about him yet. What if her older brother didn’t agree? If he wouldn’t let her ride a Thoroughbred/Arabian cross mare, would he ride off into unfamiliar turrain to capture a wild mustang to satisfy his sister? The case seemed hopeless, but it was worth a shot. Just then the Morello’s came. Roy and Sara came out. Sara opened her eyes wide when she saw the horses. She ran over to Ali, followed by Roy.
"Wow! Look at that bay mare. Thoroughbred?" she asked, admiring the strikingly beautiful horse. Ali sighed.
"Yeah, she’s a Thoroughbred/Arabian cross. Her name is Diva. I really wanted to train with her, but Jake thinks not." Ali replied. She pointed at Popstar. "That’s Popstar, a Quarter horse filly. And this is Rocky, the one I’m training. He’s an Appaloosa," she said, rubbing the gelding’s nose. Sara patted his neck.
"These are all well bred horses. Who’s boarding them?" Roy asked. Ali bit her lip. She didn’t want to say anything mean about rich people to the Morello’s.
"Oh, just some stuck-up couple…Mr. and Mrs. Allan." Ali answered. Sara gasped.
"We know them! They own a mansion and a thousand acres! They are so rich…I was thinking of buying a Anglo-Arab from their farm but I chose Magic instead." she said. Ali shrugged. She didn’t like talking about selling and buying horses. She decided to change the subject.
"Speaking of Magic…are you going to ride her today?" Ali asked her friend. Sara nodded.
"Of course!" she replied. They reached the barn and Jake, Marie, and Ali put Diva, Popstar, and Rocky in their stalls. Then Sara went to get Magic tacked up. Ten minutes later, Sara led Magic to the outdoor ring. Ali and Roy watched her from the gate. Marie was giving Sara a riding lesson. First, Marie told Sara to take Magic through her three main gaits: the walk, trot, and canter. Magic’s silver coat gleamed in the autumn sunlight and her neck was arched; her eyes and ears alert. Her trot and canter seemed flawless. Then Marie told Sara to make Magic do an extended trot and canter. The Irish Cob obediently extended her strides. Then Marie asked Sara to make Magic do a countercanter. Magic lifted her head and did exactly what her rider wanted. Then Marie put up some jumps: a couple parallel’s, a combination, and oxer, and a wall. Magic sailed over the parallel’s in two strides, tucking her feet under her. Sara collected herself as Magic hit the ground and cantered for the combination. The mare flew over that one too, and took the oxer and wall like they were nothing. And the end of the lesson Sara trotted up to the gate and smiled down at Ali.
"You want to try her?" she asked. Ali grinned and shook her head "yes". She grabbed a helmet and waited for Sara to dismount. Then Ali gripped the pommel of the saddle and hoisted herself up into the saddle. She gathered the reins and realized she was way off the ground. Magic was one of the tallest horses she had ever ridden. She signaled Magic to walk to the center of the arena. The mare docilely plodded forward, her ears back, listening to Ali’s commands. Ali told the mare to trot and immediately the mare broke into the faster gait. Ali rose in the saddle, posting correctly. Magic’s trot was smooth, much different then smaller horses. And Ali found that her rocking canter nearly put her to sleep. The mare seemed all-around perfect! After a few minutes, Ali dismounted and cooled Magic down. Then she let Sara lead her to the barn and untack and groom her. She put the mare in her stall and gave her some fresh hay and water. The Ali whispered to Sara to meet her in the tack room. Sara only looked at her questioningly, but followed her friend into the tack room. Ali shut the door. Then they sat down on a little bench and Ali sighed and then began:
"Sara, I wanted to talk to you- about Roy and I’s ride the other day." Sara smirked.
"Tell me what happened," she urged.
"Well," continued Ali, "I showed him the meadow and I thought of this really cool name to call it…Mustang Meadow. Well then the sun started setting and the wild mustangs were there. Then- well, we sort of…um, kissed." Sara stared at her, gaping.
"You didn’t!" she gasped. Ali blushed.
"We did." she replied slowly. Sara pushed her brown hair back, taking in the news.
"But…you mean you just kissed? What was it like? Was it smushy? Or-"
"It was a kiss…and that’s all I can really say. A kiss is a kiss, isn’t it?" Ali interrupted.
"Was it on the lips?" Sara inquired. Ali rolled her eyes.
"Where else?" she said matter-of-factly.
"Wow. Does this mean you’re girlfriend and boyfriend now?" Sara questioned. This is the moment Ali knew would come. She prepared herself.
"Y-yes." she answered. Sara smiled.
"Aw, man, you beat me to it!" Sara elbowed Ali playfully. Ali sat there quietly. She didn’t think Sara would react like that! Ali smiled. Sara was a true friend.
"Alright, Sara Morello, tell me your crush." Ali elbowed her friend back. Sara bit her lip and blushed.
"Uh, um- Jay Robins." she said after a minute. Ali burst into giggles.
"That doesn’t count! Everybody likes him. Especially Selina Mason." Ali grimaced at the thought of Selina. Sara only shrugged.
"He just likes her because he thinks she’s cute. He needs to really get to know her first." she said. Ali nodded.
"Yeah, I guess that’s true. But I heard he started riding at the same stable she rides at! Sunset Mountain Riding School, I think."
"I’ve heard they teach discipline and force there. I even heard that Selina uses a gag bit on her horse!" Sara shuttered. Ali shook her head.
"Gag bits really aren’t necessary. In fact, tight bits don’t help anything. It’s trust and obedience that do the trick." Ali explained.
"Where’d you learn that?" Sara asked, impressed.
"My dad. He lives in Texas and we visit him sometimes. Usually in the summer. He owns a huge horse ranch," Ali replied. Sara raised her eyebrows.
"Wow. So you come from a horse-crazy family. My parents don’t exactly love horses, but they like them. The only reason they got Blacky and Magic for me and my sister is because they think riding is a good hobby." Ali suddenly thought of Blacky when Sara mentioned him.
"How’s Blacky, by the way?" she asked, her tone of voice becoming sober. Sara smiled a reassuring smile.
"He’s doing absolutely great. Mary loves riding him all the time, and we have been feeding him the right vitamins and grains everyday." she said. Ali told herself not to worry about the tough little pony. He belonged to a good family now. Then her mind flashed back to the wild stallion. Her eyes opened wide and she quickly turned to Sara.
"Roy and I saw the most terrible thing! That wild gray stallion is injured. I got a good look at his foreleg, and there’s a deep cut running down his hock. It might get infected. Roy said he’d help me capture him and help him. I just have to convince Jake…he knows how to rope. But I just know it’s going to be hard." Ali told her friend. Sara gasped.
"Oh, that is terrible! But capture a wild stallion? I dunno…the cut was really bad?" Ali nodded. Sara bit her lip.
"Okay, I’m in. But we can’t just go up to Jake and ask him. We have to get him out there without telling him…and as soon as he sees the stallion, he’ll have to help." Sara explained. Ali nodded in agreement. Just then, the tack room door creaked open and Roy popped his head in.
"Sorry if I’m interrupting anything. Mom’s getting ready to go, Sara." he said, giving a quick smiled to Ali. Sara stood up and snatched Roy into the tack room and shut the door.
"Listen, Roy, I came up with a plan on helping the wild stallion." she said, sitting him down. Roy rolled his eyes.
"Oh no, one of Sara’s plans! Run!" he said, jokingly. Ali didn’t laugh though.
"It’s actually a pretty good plan for our hopeless case of talking Jake into capturing the stallion," Ali said. Roy leaned back against the tack room wall.
"Shoot for it," he said. Sara began. She told him about everything, and in the end, Roy agreed that it was a good plan.
"Good thinking, sis." he said. Then Jasmine started yelling for Sara and Roy, so they had to go. They walked out of the tack room and Ali hugged Sara and smiled at Roy. Then they left. Ali wondered around to Diva’s stall and watched the mare. The horse walked over to Ali and snuffled at her, her warm, soft muzzle tickling her hand.
"You’re a good girl, aren’t you?" she said, rubbing the mare on the head. Diva leaned into her, half closing her eyes and standing on three feet. Lucy came out from Sunny’s stall and walked over to Ali.
"Is this the new mare?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. Ali nodded.
"Her name is Diva. She’s a Thoroughbred/Arabian cross." Ali informed. Lucy held out a sugar cube to the horse. Diva lipped it up gently.
"She seems so gentle and docile," Lucy said. Ali shrugged.
"I guess when you’re riding her, she can’t sit still. The owners said she likes to jump every fence she sees." Lucy frowned.
"Diva doesn’t look like she’s much of a hyper horse," she commented.
"Usually when horses are in their stalls they act calm and normal, but their personality can change when they’re under a saddle. It’s different with some horses, though. Horses have personalities just like us, you know." Ali said. Lucy nodded in agreement.
"Are you riding her?" she asked Ali. Ali sighed.
"I wish. But Jake’s riding her instead." Lucy gave Diva one last pat and then said goodbye to Ali. Then she went out to meet her mom who was driving her home. Ali leaned against the stall door. Life seemed to be going every-which-way. She wished it would just slow down. She was trying to figure out everything, but sometimes you just need to be head-strong and do your best to shine. Ali walked back to the house, her mind in a ocean of thoughts. A chilling autumn breeze hit her, and a few yellow leaves fluttered down from the trees. The air was filled with the sounds of horse’s neighs and the smell of smoke wafting out of the chimney. Ali took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind of everything. She stared up at the pale blue sky as the sun was just setting, her breath forming small white puffs and then vanishing in the cool evening. Her mother’s voice called from the house, telling Ali that supper was ready. Ali took another deep breath and then headed in.

Ali walked to the barn after school. It was Tuesday, and when Sara and Roy came over at three, they were going to take action on their plan. She glanced at her watch. It was two thirty. She broke into a jog and entered the barn. She went over to Chance’s stall first. It took her awhile, but she tacked up Chance, Devil, Magic, and Windy. Chance was tacked up in western. Ali was just tightening Windy’s girth when Roy and Sara arrived. "Ready?" she asked them as she led the frisky mare out of her stall. Roy and Sara nodded. Roy went to Devil’s stall and got him, and Sara led Magic out. Then Ali let Sara hold Windy’s reins while she went and got Jake. She found him grooming Popstar.
"Hey, Jake," she said, trying to sound casual. "Roy, Sara, and I are going on a trail ride. We were wondering if you want to come along." Jake put down the curry comb that he had been using.
"I’m really busy with barn chores, Ali." he said. Ali bit her lip.
"Well, you need a break. I tacked up Chance…" she pouted at her brother, fluttering her eyelashes. Jake looked from the horse he was grooming to his sister.
"Well…I guess, but just this once." he finally agreed. Ali smiled and dragged Jake to Chance. She took Windy’s reins from Sara and they all led their horses outside. As Jake mounted, he noticed a rope coiled and slung around his saddle horn.
"Hey, Ali, why’d you put a rope on my saddle? It’s not like I’ll be needing it." he asked. Ali thought quickly.
"Well, you never know. It’s nice to have around." she replied, mounting Windy. Thankfully Jake didn’t protest. She waited for the others to mount their horses, and then she led the way. Roy was behind her, followed by Sara, with Jake taking up the back. It took a while to get to Mustang Meadow, because they only walked and trotted their horses. Finally Ali could see the clearing through the little wood. She winked back at Roy and Sara and held her breath as they entered the meadow. Ali sighed with relief. The horses were there, grazing as usual. She smiled as she saw Jake’s expression.
"Are-are these wild mustangs?" he whispered. Ali nodded. His eyes grew wide and Ali knew that when he saw the stallion he wouldn’t resist helping him. They all dismounted and watched the horses for a while. Ali’s mind thought back to her and Roy’s kiss. She smiled, and caught Roy’s eye. Then Ali spotted the stallion, his body laying in the grass and his breathing heavy. She ran over to Jake.
"Jake, look!" she pointed at the stallion, her voice shaking. Jake looked, and he stood there for a moment, in silence. "He’s injured, Jake, and we need to help him." she begged.
"You mean you knew about this?" he asked, his deep brown eyes searching hers. Ali thought quickly.
"Well…yes," she admitted, wondering if their plan wouldn’t work. What if he turned and left at this moment?
"What do you want me to do, Ali?" he asked, his voice tense. Ali’s own voice was cracking.
"I want you to help him…his leg’s cut and it’s probably infected." she said slowly, grabbing the rope from Jake’s saddle and setting it in his hands. Roy and Sara watched silently. Jake pursed his lips, his eyes flashing to the stallion, who was still breathing hard but his ears erect.
"You want me to lasso him, drag him home, and put him in a corral to get checked by a vet? This is a wild mustang we’re talking about here, Ali. Plus, he might injure himself worse if we try to capture him and take him home." Jake said reasonably. Ali felt hot tears spring to her eyes.
"But we can’t just leave him here, Jake! If he gets a bad infection, he could get sick and die! If we have a chance to save a horse, now is the time," Ali replied, her heart leaping as she heard the stallion cry out in pain. Jake looked from his pleading sister, to the hurting horse, to the rope in his hands. Finally a twinkle entered his eye and Ali knew that her brother had agreed. She hugged him.
"Oh, thanks, Jake! Thanks! I’ll do your chores for a month!" she said happily. Jake smiled and pushed her off himself.
"Now, listen, we need to make a plan. I’ll ride up to the stallion and catch him, but you three need to distract the other wild horses. When we start taking the stallion home, we need someone behind him and two beside him. Ali and Roy can go on either side of him and Sara can go behind. I’ll lead him in the front. Sara, watch the stallion closely and make sure he doesn’t injure any other place…you do know that he’s going to be bucking, rearing, and fighting with all his might." Jake instructed, putting on some gloves. He clenched the rope tightly in his hands and mounted Chance. The Palomino snorted anxiously, as if he knew that some excitement was about to take place. Ali quickly mounted Windy, followed by Sara and Roy. Magic looked a little skittish, but Ali knew that this was Magic’s first trail ride with Sara. Ali watched as Jake gave them the signal to distract the other horses. They rode out, yelling and whistling. The wild mustangs started galloping frantically away, their manes and tails streaming out behind them. Ali kept her eye on Jake as he cantered up by the stallion. The gray horse jumped to his feet but immediately put pressure on his other three feet. His right foreleg was tucked up under him, and his eyes rolled with fear. Jake whirled the rope over his head and flung it in the air, and it landed neatly over the stallion’s dappled neck. Ali realized she was holding her breath, so she tried to relax and concentrate on the wild mustangs. All of them were galloping to the mountains now, and Ali, Sara, and Roy headed back over to Jake. The stallion was half-rearing, the whites of his eyes showing. His nostrils were flared, and he was eyeing everyone with a vicious wildness. Ali had never seen a wild mustang so close-up before. She loved the coloration of his coat. His head, neck, sides, belly, and flanks were all dappled gray, and his legs and muzzle were black. His mane and tail were silvery, and his conformation was very muscular. But his ribs stuck out, and his coat was mangy and tangled, smudged with dirt and mud in some places. His hooves and teeth were a mess, and Ali knew that he needed a lot of good care. Jake began to yank the horse forward, but the stallion refused. He reared once more, and Ali could see that his leg was swollen and inflated. Jake kept a stern face and urged Chance on, pulling the spirited stallion behind him. Ali and Roy took to the sides of the stallion, and Sara went to the back, carefully watching him. Magic was tossing her head and sidestepping, but Sara kept a firm hand on her. Jake continued to make the trek back, and Ali would tell him here and there how to get home, since he wasn’t used to being out there. At first Ali thought the stallion would tire, but he didn’t stop bucking or rearing or tossing his head all the way back. Sometimes he would stumble and squeal with pain, and Ali would wince. Finally she could see their farm looming ahead. Marie rushed out of the barn, her eyes showing complete confusion. As soon as she saw the horse, she shot a look at Ali, her dark eyes gleaming with bewilderment. Jake yelled to her to open the corral gate, and she quickly ran and unlatched it. Jake pulled the mustang into the corral, and, with much trouble, untied the rope and trotted Chance out. Marie shut the gate with a slam and put her hands on her hips, looking flustered. The stallion galloped around the ring, his neighs piercing the air. Jake wiped his hand across his forehead, his brow creased in sweat. Ali dismounted and pulled the reins over Windy’s head. She rolled up the stirrups and loosened the girth. Then she turned and faced her mother.
"What on earth is that?" she demanded. Ali bit her lip.
"It’s a wild mustang." Ali answered quickly. Marie opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Finally she shook her head.
"We will talk about this tonight," she said firmly and turned on her heel and walked into the house. Jake dismounted and took Chance into the barn, and Ali, Sara, and Roy followed him. After their horses were groomed, put in their stalls, and given fresh food and water, Sara and Roy left to go home. Jake and Ali trudged wearily in the house. Ali paused, staring at the setting sun. She was dreading explaining this to her mom, and so was Jake. They exchanged knowing looks and finally went in the house. Marie had supper on the table and was sitting in her chair, her dark red hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She glared toward Jake and Ali, and then took a bite of rice. Jake and Ali sat down, and Ali prepared herself. Marie’s hazel eyes planted themselves on Ali, her lips set in a straight line.
"Explain yourself, Alicia Jae Burningham," Marie said. Ali groaned. She disliked it when her mom called her Alicia, but her whole name was worse. Ali cleared her throat and began.
"The day I galloped away on Devil, I found the wild mustangs. Then I explored more and found a meadow where they grazed. I named it ‘Mustang Meadow’. Then the next time I went back, I saw the stallion, and that he was injured. So I got Jake out there and he captured him, and we brought him here. I couldn’t just leave him out there, mom," Ali explained. Inwardly she knew her mom might even make them set the horse free right now. But the corners of Marie’s mouth curved upward.
"You mean that horse out there is a wild mustang?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.
"Yes," Ali answered, letting out a sight of relief. Maybe her mom wouldn’t send the horse back.
"How are we going to keep a wild horse?" Marie questioned, her eyes turning serious again. "Vet checkups can be pretty costy."
"I’ll give you some of my allowance," Ali said. She had exactly two-hundred dollars and fifty-seven cents that she had been saving for new riding boots. But she realized a horse was more important than shoes. Marie smiled again.
"Okay, we’ll see how it goes," she agreed. Ali shrieked. She jumped up, nearly spilling her water glass, and hugged her mom.
"Thanks a million, Mom!" she said excitedly. Marie chuckled and told her to sit down and eat. Jake only smiled and shook his head.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-08-06 19:33:34
Black is the New Pink part 6
By ParelliChick

The next morning I wake up to my mother spritzing water on my face from a spray bottle. "What?"

"Phone call. Luke." She replies and hands me the phone.

"Hello?" I say into the receiver.

"I'm dying. What have you done to me?"

"No, you're just sore. Take some Advil and I'll see you at school."

"If I can make it that long."

"I'm pretty sure you can." We say our good bye's and hang up, I run through my morning chores, shower and change into black skinny jeans, a hot pink tank top and a short, gray graphic tee shirt with an owl on it, I slip on some ballet flat socks and purplish gray sparkling Sperry's. I straighten my long Strawberry Blonde hair and do my makeup quickly. I double check my bright blue and black backpack before slinging it over my shoulder.

I make it to the bus stop as the bus hisses to a stop. I climb on and sit next to Lisa. "How's your day going?"

"I heard about Hope. I know you learned to ride on her. I'm sorry."

"It's OK, we were expecting it for months. She was almost 30. But's it's still kinda depressing."

I smile as we pull up to the school and see Luke sitting on the bench, waiting. "On the bright side. I taught Luke how to ride yesterday." Lisa perks up.

"I cannot wait."

"Me neither."

Luke groans loud enough for people in Alaska to hear him and drags himself over to us. "You're killing me, Giselle. I'm a dead man walking."

I laugh "Please, if a 2 year old can walk it off, you can."

That made him straighten up and work through the pain the rest of the day.

We met at my bus. "My mom's going to pick up my horse and bring him to your house, wanna come?"

"I'll make sure we have a stall ready for him." He nods and we part ways.

After I check the stall to make sure the haynet is full, there are plenty of shavings and the water bucket is full, I hear a whinny and a hoof contacting metal. I walk out and see Luke holding a beautiful palomino Medicine Hat mare. "Meet Angel of the Battlefield" he says. The mare tosses her head and rolls her eyes, then rears, jerking her lead from Luke's hands. I grab the lead and throw my weight down, she snakes her head around and nips at me. I put her in her stall.

"She just needs time to relax and get used to the new people."

"Ok. Let's unload her tack."
Yay Medicine Hats!!

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-08-07 18:22:14
Musical Riding Academy
My Happy Ending
Chapter 1

"I dare you".
"You dare me to do what"?
"To kiss me".
"What am I not good enough for you"?!
"Austin it's not that.."
I watch him ride off on Lightning when he's out of site I run to Clover and burst into tears. After probably about a hour I stop crying and mount Clover and gallop him back to the stables. When I see Austin working Hugo in the outdoor ring I stop. After a second he looks in my direction. When he's sees it's me he gets this hurt look on his face. He then lopes Hugo out of the ring and onto a trail obviously trying to get as far away from me as possible. I then dismount and lead Clover into Musical Academy's stables where I see my best friend CD.
"So why's my brother mad at you girly".
"It's nothing him and I just decided that we would see who could be silent the longest, he won apparently".
Nobody knows that me and him were going on trails with each other everyday instead of instructing me on my barrel racing and jumping like he was supposed to.
"Well do you want to go to the café later and see if DJ can get us a discount"?
"Tomorrow I need to work with the horse coming in today".
Right after I finished my sentence a ear piercing whinny rang down the aisle. I looked at the entrance and saw Josh man handling a horse.
"Josh! Let go of that horse now!"

I never liked Josh. The moment I met him and saw how he handled his poor horse Red I knew he was trouble. But since I don't have control of Musical Academy I can't kick him out. When he doesn't even acknowledge my words I start quickly walking down the aisle. When I'm just a foot from him I pry his hands from the horse's lead and take the lead into my own. That's when I see what the horse looks like. He's a beautiful light grey speckled with black quarter horse stallion. Just how Austin likes them. Did I just mention Austin? Pretend I didn't. I gently lead him into a stall far away from Josh it's so far that I'm right beside Hugo's stall. Just my luck huh? I then close the stall behind us and let the horse calm down a bit when he seems to realize that I'm not Josh I lead him out and into the round-pen. I then take off his halter and watch him take off at a lope to the farthest part of the pen. I walk out making sure to latch the gate properly and almost run in to Mr. Gomez.
"I see that you've met our new rescue and your new project Ms. Leah".
"Yes he's very beautiful Mr. Gomez, by the way what happened to him"?
"His owner was going to send him to the slaughter house since he couldn't even get a saddle on him, we stepped in at just the right moment".
"How old is he"?
"He's only 5".
"He's 17 hands right"?
"Correct. Do you know where Austin is"?
"Which one"? I already know his answer.
"CD's older brother".
"Well he should be back in 5 minutes I saw him go out on the short loping trail. Why"?
"Well I was going to tell him to put you on Hugo for your lesson today".
"You have a better seat then him and you don't bring out the buck in Hugo".
He turns to leave.
"Wait! Mr.Gomez can I ask you a question"?
"Of course".
"What's the newbie's name"?
"It's My Happy Ending".
He then continues down the aisle and into his office. I turn to My Happy Ending and smile.
"Happy are you up for a quick taste of freedom"?

When he gallops straight to me and noses the hackamore on the round pen I jump in and pat him on the shoulder before putting the hackamore on him. I then climb on to the top rail of the pen and lower myself onto him. When he doesn't react I warm him up easily and turn him towards the lowest part of the round pen, the gate. I push him into a canter and we soar over the gate. I direct him towards the waiting exit and trot him threw it when we're out in the open I let him choose where we go and how fast we go. We walk to the café where he stops and stares at the peppermints in the window. It's so sweet that I have to buy us a couple. I don't even have to get off because DJ walks out with a handful of them which me and Happy split. We then trot towards the trails when I notice at the last minute that Austin is loping Hugo straight at us I quickly grab the reins and get me and Happy out of harms way. He charges past us not even seeing us and heads up the hill to the ring. That's when Hugo bucks him off. He flies threw the air and crumples to the ground.
I gallop Happy over and am jumping off in seconds grabbing Hugo and push Happy and him into the ring in seconds. I slam the gate and lock it then run over to Austin and kneel down.
"Austin are you okay"? I whisper and then reach out a hand and touch his arm gently.
"I'm fine".
I smile in relief and see a smile on his face surprisingly. He points behind me and I see Happy watching us with curiosity. I nod knowingly then stand up and hold out my hand which he takes and about knocks me over pulling himself up. We then walk into the stables. I turn around and see Happy jump the fence and then trot over to me. I reach my hand out and stroke his muzzle. I then turn back around and smile at the sound of hoof beats behind me. I walk him to his stall and take off the hackamore and close the door and walk down the aisle.

ok chapter two coming soon

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-08-10 23:00:21
The Forgotten:
Miracle Foals
Chapter 2 Riding
Mounting Leo, he grabs at the bit the sand under his feet reminds him of racing and the white of the fence of the track rail, holding him still him I ask for a walk, Leo trots, I pull at the reins until he walks.
“Good Boy.”
I sit down in the seat, heels down just right. I move Leo into a trot raising and falling with the shoulder on the wall, doing the same the other way. Then it’s time to canter. I ask for a canter and Leo snatches at the bit. Staying calm and in control as we canter on. I canter for 5 minutes than slow to a walk. I start to cool down Leo.
*30 minutes Later*
I lead a newly lunged Clancy out into the ring, his seal bay coat gleams muscles rippling under his shining hide. A far cry from the thin ugly horse we rescued just 5 months ago, watching as dad turn out Leo in the field nearest to the ring, I lead Clancy to the mounting block, and then I mount the tall bay. I ask for a walk and he walks, then we trot. I laugh as Clancy prances. I reverse at a trot. Dad walks up to the rail.
“Are you ready to try jumping him?”
I grin. “Yes.”
Dad slips into a ring and builds a tiny red cross- rail. He slips out and stands on the rail.
“Go ahead.”
I move Clancy into a trot; aiming for the jump, Clancy soars over it we do this 10 more times. Afterwards I cool down Clancy; then groom him and turn him out with Leo. Turning out the rest of the horses, I turn Sunny and Star out in a little field. Star leaps and bucks chasseing butterflies through the green field. I watch before gather Misty from the field. The Little tan mare acts happy to see me. I tie her in the washrack. I get out soap, brushes, clippers, scissors, Hoof oil and purple ribbon. My dad walks up to me.
“So you’re going to get her ready to hopefully meet her kids in the morning.”
He walks off to work Cutie. Clipping a bridle path into her mane, I trim her mane to one length, bathe her, lead her to the tie and tie her up. I walk down the drive and out to the end of it.
I climb up onto the rock on one side of the driveway at the base of one of the legs of the sign reading The Forgotten Animal Rescue. I sit unmoving and stare out into a green pasture across the highway. It’s been empty ever since the Barn fire. But it once held the personnel mounts form our farm. Just a bit farther down the road on that side was the old foundation of that barn. Black and burned it still held a smoky smell. The horses that died that night, Midnight, Tore, Ace and Dakota lived on in my mind. Midnight aka Midnight’s Dance the carless Frisian mare, the trouble maker and my best friend. Tore the swift bay TB ,a racer in his younger days, Dads best friend. Ace aka Ace In Cards the red and white paint, Luke’s gelding. Dakota the oldest member of that little herd at nearly 21 a gray and white overo my moms. I head back. The grass is green and springing beneath my feet as Misty trots over to me. I pick up the trailing lead. I lead her back to the ties. I paint her feet black and braid the ribbon into her mane.
“Hey pretty Girl.” I coo at the mare.
I laugh as I blanket her in her purple blanket; a hawk calls over head, the mare dances sideways, fear in her soft eyes. The sky turns dark as the first rain falls. I lead her inside into her roomy box stall. Dad comes in leading Sunny followed by Star the Stables them. I bring in the minis. Dad brings in the other big horses. We meet at the barn door.
“They were going to start taking away the old barn too day.” Dad says, running a hand through his thinning hair.
“I guess this ruins that.” I grin.
We stand quietly.
“Luc, Time to get up to the house. Race You.”
My dad and I dart off across the grass over the loose gravel, out to the path, up the white stairs, and into the house.
“I win” I taunt as we pull off our mud caked boots.
Two of dogs mill anxiously at my feet; Max the fawn pug, Tramp the gray mix that looks like Tramp form Lady and the Tramp. A noise and the rest of the pack comes flying down the stairs, a sound similar to an elephant stomping down our stairs. Lady the lemon and white beagle is first, Then Heart the black lab, Last is Pete the pit bull white with brown spots. Dad chuckles at the dogs every day routine.
“Yep. Where is your mother?”
“Up in the cat birth room.” My mom’s soft voice calls from upstairs.
We troop up stairs, Me opening the door as we slip inside. all but the dogs. Mom is knelt near a box, were Aubrey the white long hair with blue eyes is giving birth. Two black kittens already are nursing, Mom grins up at us.
“Hades and Ares.” She says softly, looking at the new members to our…odd, family.
We had deiced to name these kittens after Greek gods. After 15 minutes two white kittens join their mom both girls.
“Hera, Athena.”
I look at my watch the time is 1:30 in the afternoon, rain drumming on the shingled roof. I head down the hall to my room, Felix my Red Dilute Orange Tabby tom cat is sleep at the foot of my all purple bed, Horse posters thickly coating the walls. Over my bed hangs a gold framed picture of Midnight, Tore, Ace and Dakota standing side by side grazing.

Starwalker123 & Star
2013-08-16 13:17:45
My Summer
By: Seemsom14

When summer comes, it reminds me of the summer which happened two years ago. It was the best summer ever! Because we went to Vancouver. In Vancouver, my siblings and I attended the BCMA Summer Day Camp. In the Day Camp, we had adventures. We went to Play Land, Elizabeth Park, zoo, to the beach, Go Karting, and lots of other wonderful places!! We even went to the farm to ride horses. I rode a Palomino pony and a Palomino horse and once there was even a fair in the school and there were pony rides. I rode a white pony with brown spots named Brooke. It was the bestest summer ever!!!!

Seemsom14 & Snow White
2013-08-19 23:39:29
For The Love of a Horse Lover
By LittleLion
To be perfectly honest with you, I was never the horsiest type. I live in a city, and while there are riding schools dotted around here and there, nobody I know really is the pony kind. Except for me- now.
And ironically, this time it was the one I hated who got me into something I loved.
Mrs Cambridge.
Our history teacher had a reputation for being as old-fashioned as the lessons she taught. She kept a whip on her desk- if we didn’t listen, she’d crack it through the air or into the palm of her hand. Mrs Cambridge never actually used it on us though, but in her cruel, odd sense of humour, she might. She had a few others too- a long, flicky whip, a short, stiff whip…

On a rainy September morning, first and second lesson, we finally had the prospect of learning the origins of the whips, in our new topic.
“This term,” Mrs Cambridge announced grandly. “We’ll be doing research projects on horses and their uses through the past. For instance, Victorian carriage horses, where they were mentioned in books and plays…”
Whisper, whisper.
Mrs Cambridge, who has ears like a bat, snapped her focus to John and Michael.
“If you wish, feel free to go into the details of horse slaughter and horses for meat consumption, and the races…”
Donna, a thorough vegan (Who had never been to a stable yard in her life), gasped and clutched at her chest.
“You can do about the start of horse charities, Donna…”
I slouched further over the table, and noticed that my friend Anna was …dribbling? Making weird raspy noises…sno- ohmygosh! She was asleep! I giggled. I didn’t blame her. Mrs Cambridge is the worst. I focused on doodling little lovesick smiley faces in the corner of my exercise book.
“Amber?” Mrs Cambridge’s tall, thin figure was striding across the room. I hastily scribbled down some notes of ideas that came into my head, in a little mind map.
Meat! Slaughter! Racing! Charities! Evolushun! The evolution of riding! Books! Toys!
I wrote ‘Rocking horses’ under ‘Toys’, and then Breyer, remembering Grandma’s vast model pony collection.
To my surprise, as much as Mrs Cambridge’s, I actually had a passable- if not messy- mind map on my page.
“Evolushun? It is spelt, e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n, Amber. You’ll do well to remember that, but otherwise, some nice ideas under there. How did you come to knowledge of Breyer?”
I grew hot.
“My gran collects toy horses.”
A slight snigger passed through, but oily Nigel, who I was sure fancied me (So was everyone else), waved his hand in the air almost desperately.
“Oooh! Miss! Miss! My sister collects model horses!” The whole class inwardly groaned as Nigel proceeded to recite a dozen makes- My Little Pony, Utterly Horses, Breyer, Scheich, I Love Ponies…he raved on so excessively that you’d almost think it was his collection.
The second lesson was spent researching…good game websites that weren’t blocked. I looked up pictures of celebrities, flicking back and forth between some awesome film stars and Horse Quotes Through History, and Powerpoint, whenever old hateful came my way. It was no different to usual. I was going to do close to no work this term.
There was a surprise for our class as we got the day off school- today, we would be visiting a ‘real working stables’. It took an hour to get there, and all the while I complained to Anna and Dixie about Nigel. Anna was sulking after her IPhone had been confiscated and Dixie was obsessed about her date that night.
We eventually arrived at a rather forlorn looking ‘Holly Bridge Stables’. If going on a trip with the old bat was surprising, then we were even more shocked that Mrs Cambridge was a part time riding instructor!
After a long and quite frankly, boring, explanation about this and that, bits and tack, we went into the indoor arena where a dozen horses were in bridles and saddles. Twenty in all- ten people had various excuses or the punishment of not going.
It was a rather dull task of getting assigned our horses, but especially for me. I wrinkled my nose- phew, it stank in here, and all the horses were doing were making more muck! I was Amber W- Amber Withasurnamethat-salwayslast, as I privately called myself. Nigel T waddled over to a brown horse. I looked disinterested and even though I could see my horse, I stayed rooted to the spot. Mrs Cambridge finally called me over and I sighed, striding over to a horse that was apparently called chesnut, colour wise.
Arriving, I looked my helper dead on in the eye, and was surprised at how young at good-looking he was.
“Hello, Amber.” The helper, Tyler said. It wasn’t at all creepy that he knew my name- Mrs Cambridge had just called it out into the echoey building, after all, but it was still a great sensation. Over my dark brown bob I wore a riding hat, and his hair was too short to see its colour. His eyes, however, were a different matter. I looked him dead-on, and saw that they were an amazingly warm brown. I felt annoyed that my eyes were just cold grey.
“We mounting up then?” He said chirpily. I nodded and looked the horse, Cruise, dead on in the eye too. Cruise’s eyes were pretty much the same as Taylor’s, only…horse-like.
“Well, Cruise,” I said under my breath. “Looks like you’ll have to teach me how to love horses.”

LittleLion & Lion
2013-08-30 19:27:54
You can vote for your favorite once a day

msjane & AE
2013-09-01 01:36:18
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
