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February Story Contest Age 12 & Older To be eligible for voting your story must have a horse or pony in it somewhere. Start your entry like this TITLE By USERNAME

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Jane Crandal & JB
2014-01-30 21:53:01
Life in Wiggins: Part 1
By Sockylola1

~Chapter 1~

I handed Mrs. Green a bag of apples--twenty, to be exact. "I picked them on the trail ride to Downtown," I told her as she took the bag and handed me $2.00.
"Thank you, Ashley," she replied, setting the bag down behind the counter. "Can I get you anything? Some carrots for Hunter?" Hunter's show name was Midnight Hunter, but everyone who knew him called him Hunter or Midnight. He was a black gelding with two white coronets and a white stripe on his face.
I shook my head and smiled. "Thanks, I just took a free carrot from the bin outside. I'm good for now, but Hunter might go through that jar of horse cookies soon!" I waved as I headed out of the shop, and she waved back.
Out on the street, I headed down the sidewalk for Klines', run by Mr. Kline himself. I pushed the door open and heard Mr. Kline talking with some guy in beige breeches and a crisp white polo shirt. I shrugged to myself and went over to the saddle pad section. Hunter needed a new black pad, since his old one was scruffy and tearing.
I couldn't help but hear the conversation as I looked--it wasn't as if they were whispering.
"I told you--we don't sell Thoroughbreds here. If you want a horse for your daughter, go to Mr. and Mrs. Olsons'! They have tons of good ponies for her," Mr Kline told the man.
"I don't want a pony," the man snapped, saying 'pony' as if it were a silly, stupid thing. I felt my ears turning red as I started to get annoyed. Ponies are just as good as Thoroughbreds!
"Well, if you don't want a pony, then you can go off to some other town," Mr. Kline replied. "Because we don't sell your type of horses, mister. Our horses are just fine. So you can go on your way!"
"Fine," the man replied hotly. "None of the tack here is adequate, anyway. But mark my words, you'll be hearing from me again for your discourtesy!"
"Get out," Mr. Kline ordered, pointing to the door. "And don't you dare come in here again and insult this town and its horses."
Chin high, the man brushed past me and stalked out of the shop. I pulled a saddle pad from the shelf and brought it over to Mr. Kline, trying not to act as if I'd heard every word. He looked a little flustered and still angry, but he managed a smile.
"Ashley! Midnight needs a new pad, eh?" he said as he checked out the pad for me.
"Yep," I replied. "He keeps scratching his tack against rocks and tree trunks."
"Try putting saddle oil over the scratches on the saddle," Mr. Kline said, handing the pad in a bag over to me. "It might work. Has he had his booster shots yet?"
"No," I replied. "I'm calling Dr. Bob soon. He'll do a check-up." I said my good-byes and headed out. The bus was at the bus stop, and I ran over and just barely made it, handing the driver a few bills and slipping into a seat, holding the saddle pad in my lap.
As the bus started for the barn, I wondered who the man had been and who his daughter was. 'Maybe he'll go buy a pony from Olsons' farm after all,' I thought. That was where my parents had gotten Hunter, and Mr. and Mrs. Olson were really nice. Hunter had been 600 W-bucks, not too expensive. I hoped to someday get a bay and maybe a white or chestnut, but for now I'd have to make do with just one horse.
The bus stopped in front of the barn and I hopped out, bag in hand. Hunter stuck his head out the back window of his stall and let out a long, throaty nicker. I smiled. "Love you too, big guy. Got you some new clothes!" I held up the bag, and he tossed his head, making me laugh.
Abigail was dismounting from the mounting block. She turned and smiled at me, leading her dun gelding, King of the Wind, forward. I smiled back at her.
"Good ride?" I asked. King was wearing a feather-printed blue saddle pad, brown with silver decal western saddle, blue halter, and a brown western bridle with silverdollars clipped to it. Really classy.
"Yep!" she replied with a smile. "It was good! King and I nearly broke our cross-country record, but Amy's is still better." The three of us were all really good friends, especially since our names all started with an A.
Amy walked out of the barn, brushing dun hair from her breeches. Like King, her horse, Mainstar, was a dun. He wore a zebra print pad, blue saddle, green halter, and a brown bridle. Also classy--and way better than Hunter's tack.
"Who's talking about me, now?" she asked with a smile, looking at us.
"I was," Abigail replied. "King nearly--NEARLY--beat your record."
"Ha! That's never going to happen," Amy teased. She looked over at the bag in my hands. "What's that?"
"New black pad for Hunter," I answered. "His old one was getting raggedy."
"Are you guys up for a trail ride tomorrow morning?" Abigail asked. "Wish we could do it today, but King's pooped."
I laughed with them. "Sure," I said. "I can make it." Amy nodded.
Then I remembered the man in Kline's shop and told them about the conversation. They listened, interested and worried.
When I finished, we began to walk for the barn, King clopping lazily behind us. "What do you think?" I prompted them.
"I don't know," Abigail began. "This guy sounds like he's really rich. And his daughter is pretty important, to him anyway. Maybe he just wants a good horse."
"Or maybe he wants more than that," Amy cut in. "Either way, we'll hear more. We can take the trail ride to town tomorrow and hear about it at Klines. The man said that Mr. Kline would be hearing from him, wouldn't he? Well, let's just see exactly what we'll hear!"
"I'm in," I said instantly. "If Wiggins is in trouble by this guy, I want to help out."
"That goes for me, too," Abigail agreed. King snorted and tossed his head. "And for King," she added with a smile.
Amy pumped her fist. "Let's save Wiggins!"
~End of Feburary~

RM: I know this chapter wasn't so good, but part 2 will be much better, I promise. I didn't have much time to come up with this. Abigail refers to Horsesforever12, and Amy refers to Rainstar13. :)

sockylola1 & Spirit
2014-02-02 01:44:05
Title: Larrisa's Quest
By: Horsesforever12

This is only a small clip of chapter 1. If I win I will post the whole chapter! :)

The forest trial blurred as Larissa galloped; her tears stinging her eyes and Adriel's words rung in her head. Lifting her wings, Larissa tried to fly but her right wing was struck with a sudden pain, causing her to yelp. "All Adriel's doing!" Larissa said to herself in a low, agonized voice. If she hadn't helped the pitiful human, none of this would have a happened. The beast roared behind her, causing Larissa to quicken her pace. Then Larissa glanced down to see her silver necklace with a blue stone clinging to it glint in the dim afternoon sun. She knew what she had to do. She closed her eyes tight. A portal began to form in front of her, glistening with a pale and almost haunting hue. Larissa galloped into it and it shut behind her. Larrissa opened her eyes to see herself standing in a large cathedral, with marble walls and daunting portraits of kings and queens frowning down at her. Her hoofs clopped on the glass floor. Her thoughts raced. King Larea would disapprove of her, of course. But she just had to do it. The human wouldn't of survived. It was her duty as a Pegasi to protect mankind...she just wasn't old enough yet. "He'll understand...right?" Larissa tried to comfort herself, but failed.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2014-02-05 01:49:55
Second Chances

After surviving a car crash and losing her father
Sonny a 9 year old girl moved to a trailer park
in Wiomming. She went to the doctor every day because during the car crash she nearly lost her leg. One day she told her mom that she was going to get some fresh air and to exrisize her leg. Then she heard something, something she herself never heard before. Sonny went behide her trailer
and through the fresh trimmed blue barrey bushes.
Naigh! Snort! Todd a 46 year old slipped right under the medle pen of Ginger, A wounded horse with a horrable temper. Ben arrived over where Todd was. "You get hurt"? He asked. "Barly" Todd ansered. They when into the staff office on Ben Silversten Ranch. Sonny walked over to Gingeres pen. She put her cruches down and slid under the rail. Ginger's temper changed iddmetately it was like she was comfortable around Sonny. Sonny started to pet her belly and Ginger just stayed there like the petting felt acctully, "Good". Ben
had some grain and oats for the horses. He seen Sonny in Ginger's pen.He dropped the feed and graped her by the waste. What do think your doing? You could had been killed!!! Sonny broke down in tears and grabbed her crutch and stormed away. In the distance Ben said sorry. Sonny stopped and turns around and walked back over to him. He said, Sorry its just thst Ginger is a vary dangerous horse and has a twisted leg. And bad temper. Just don't climb into anymore pens inless you know the horse. "Okay" she said. She walked back to the house and told her mom what happped.
The next day.....
Sonny went to the doctor to extrasize the leg. When she got home she went back into Ginger's pen.
You do realize what I said yesterday right kid?
said Ben. Yes sir but you said horses that I know and I know Ginger. I did say that. Okay go to that room over there a grab a brush and groom her.
She over heard Ben saying that Ginger is for sale and she got so excited. The next day she found Ben with the buyer. She walked over by Ben and seen and hears the buyer said, THAT HORSE IS A DEATH TRAP SHE NEARLY KILLED ME! But before that he offered Ben 400$. Sonny swelled up with tears
in her hazle eyes. Ill buy Ginger. She said trying not to cry. Oh yeah how much? -Sob sob- 4$.
4$? Son this man is offering me 400 not 4$. He handed tomise, the buyer, the rope. And he admeteately ran out because of Ginger's tude. Ill tell you what Sonny, if you can lead her out she's yours. He handed her the rope. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING SHE'S GONNA GET KILLED! Tomise said. Walking out a little girl who would rather clean HER horses stall then her vary own room.

Few years later...
Her mom said yes when she told her the new's 'bout
ginger a few years back. Later on... every barrel race open, Sonny and Ginger are the champs all thanks to her best trainer, Ben.


Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-02-12 05:02:35
Name: Beauty and the Hunter
By: Zoe
This is only two chapters to my book. If I win I will post the 3th and 4th. Thanks you all and God Bless.

Chapter One The LEGEND

“A Legend was told, of a rare black Lion whom lived in Death Valley. It got it’s name from the people who died trying to go through it.
The Lion’s name is “Apollyon” He got his name from the Hebrew Language. “Apollyon” in French means: “Le Diable”, in English it means: “The Devil”.
Apollyon, was a mean, deadly, cruel Lion. Some people say he has a right to be mean, a Man of great Wisdom, and power cursed him to be a black Lion. The Man of Great Wisdom was named “Yahweh” in the Hebrew Language. In French it means: “Dieu”, or in English it means: “God”.
Yahweh chose a young boy with more Wisdom than
a grown man, to be the chosen one. He was transformed into a White beautiful Lion with great power. He was named “Yeshua”.
After that day in History, the Great Man of Wisdom named Yahweh disappeared and no one saw him again. But people have said they saw the White Lion Yeshua in their darkest hour to save them. People often wondered if The Great Lion Yeshua was the Great Man of Wisdom from the beginning. No one really knows but The Great Lion himself, and me Ashley the Princess of England. How do I know this you ask? Well easy, I saw Him, and His great power that dwells in Him rose from the dead. And this is my story of how it happened.
One cold December night, a Beautiful baby girl was born.
Her blue eyes sparkling like her mothers. She had light brown like a blond but as she gets older it turns out to be a dark brown.
She was the first born, and would be the heir to the throne after she gets married. Her beauty overflowed, it was like an angel was within their reach. King Ronin, and Queen ZoeAnna named their daughter Princess Ashley Electa Odara Stone. She is now six years old. She now has two younger siblings. We will start off where we left off. A dark late night, when the King and Queen put there kids to bed and tell them a story.
"Oh, can I get married to you daddy?" Ashley asked.
“No Ashley! I claimed him first!” Kelly told pushing her sister.
“I’m older!” Ashley crossed her arms and closed her eyes she turned her head away from Kelly.
"No sweeties, daddy's mine." ZoeAnna smiled.
“You can have daddy, I just want mommy!” Declared Little George. He smiled up at his mother.
“And, mommy’s mine.” He hugged his wife.
"Well after you're done with him, may I take him?" Ashley asked.
Ronin giggled and scooped Ashley up in his arms and kissed her on the head.
"I love you guys, goodnight." Ronin set his six year old baby girl in her bed.
King Ronin held ZoeAnna’s hand in his as they walked out of the room.
When they left the room, Ashley hopped out of her bed.
“You guys go to bed, and I will be back. I shouldn’t go to bed at the same time as you! I’m older!” Ashley left the room.
She walked down the dark cold hallway.
A balcony window was open and the curtains was blowing back and forth.
That night was a windy night, as was it a dark one. But one light showed one light that changed my life forever.
Ashley secured to the window to close it when she saw a light shining in the destaint.
She looked closer and she saw, a bright object. That was standing on three legs, the other leg was in the air by his main. It almost looked like the object was telling her to follow him right outside the forest border.
Ashley’s bare feet ran across the cold stone floor, her light brown long hair followed behind her on the floor.
She grabbed a ribbon from her desk and a black silk cap, then she took the ribbon and tied her long hair up in a bun, then ran out of her room, leaving the door open. She stopped at the Castle door, then she opened it. The wind hitting her face she smiled.
Water and mud covered her feet as she ran as fast as her little feet would let her go across the courtyard.
She ran through the courtyard, a field, and a rocky road.
Instantly her feet grew calyces as she stepped on the sharp rocks.
She finally reached the spot that she saw the object at.
The wind now turned into rain.
Her eyes closed as she saw she had come for something that was not real.
Then she heard a cry. She ran into the dark forest in search of the cry.
She wandered around when she saw the bright object again. But this time she could make out what it was.
“The white Lion!” She was surprised.
She ran to the white lion.
“Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua!” She shouted as she reached him.
She hugged his head as if she knew him.
The white Lion turned his head and faced her.
He rubbed his head against her shoulder.
“You are obedient to my orders young one.” Yeshua bowed.
“Uh!” Ashley stepped backwards.
“You talk?” She asked.
He chuckled.
“Yes,” He turned his head and put his back in front of her. “You are going to ride my back, right young one?”
A big grin appeared on her face as she hopped on his golden back.
“Why do they call you White Lion, if you are golden?” She asked petting his mane.
“Because when I was chosen I was White to show I was the Chosen one. But until I chose the next Chosen One I will be golden.” He answered, “Now hold on.”
She wrapped her finger around a strand of his mane.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“To Life’s First Riches!” He started galloping
into the deepest part of the forest.
She squeezed him neck.
The blue moon was shining above, with the stars sparkling.
The smooth fresh air was tempting to dose off to.
But her little eyes just couldn't keep her awake.
She then awake with the sun grooming over the land.
She sat up still on the lion's back.
She brushed her hair back from her face.
“Where are we?” She asked.
He smiled.
“We are in the land of Peace and Harmony. Where the land's people live and give with love, peace, and joy.” He told.
“I have never heard of this land. How far did we travel?” She asked.
“For three full moons.” He answered.
“Uh?” She asked.
Then she repeated it in her head.
“Oh, three days.” She smiled. “My! Three days!”
“No, three months. But only in this world, young one.” He told.
“Three months! Wait this world?” She asked.
He slowed to a stop by a small pond.
“Your destination is just right up ahead.” He told.
“Mine?” She asked, “Aren’t you coming with me?”
“Yes, but you should walk from her on. So you may run if needed.” He told looking around.
“Why? I thought you said we were in the land of Peace and Harmony.” She questioned.
“Don’t you trust me?” He asked.
“Yes.” She shook her head up and down.
“Than you will obey me, and not ask questions.” He reassured himself.
“Yes… Master.” She bowed her head and walked forward.
They arrived at a cave, where a big wooden chest was sitting in the center.
“I will return.” The White Lion left the cave.
Ashley went over to the chest and opened it.
“Ashley.” A calm soothing voice came from the entrance of the cave.
“Oh!” She closed the chest and turned around.
“Do not be afraid, for I am of no harm to you.” A tall old man but to old, with dark brown hair, and a brown beard entered.
He was dressed in white robes with a rope for a belt, the sleeves hung almost to the stone ground. He wore no shoes. He had a hood that covered his forehead.
He took his hands and with them he set back his hood.
Ashley’s mouth dropped open.
She struggled to get words out, but she couldn’t. She just bowed a cursy, putting her head very low down, and not coming up for a long time.
She felt her head being lifted up by a warm hand.
He was on his knees, lifting her head with his hand, looking her straight into the eyes.
“Ashley, you are loved by me,” He told her.
Her eyes were instantly filled with tears.
He scooped up the six year old girl in his arms.
For a long amount of time she laid in his arms crying.
He just held her tight.
She looked him in the eyes.
“I love you, young one.” He told with a kiss of the forehead.
“I love you too!” She hugged him.
She then stood up, wiping her eyes from the tear stains.
“Why did you call me here, my God?” She asked.
“Because, I have the great honor to give you a gift. A gift you have prayed for many years, young one.” He pointed to the chest.
She went on her knees before the chest, and opened it.
A bright light filled the room.
Then an object appeared in the air above the chest.
He took it and hide it in his hands.
He bowed on one knee as he also bowed his head.
He reached his hands out in front of her.
She looked at his hands. They were scared right through the bone.
He opened his hands.
“The gift of beauty, has been given to you. For your, hope, kindness, love, you’re obedience, and for your-,” She interrupted him.
“I can not take this, I have not done, or even thought of doing any of those things. And for that I can not receive this gift.” She told looking to the ground.
“And for your honesty.” He finished, as he took the object from his hands and put it in her’s, “I know young one, that you haven’t done these things. But I know you will live up to, your gift.” He stood up.
“Yes, yes I will!” She took it.
“But what do I do with it?” She asked.
“You will learn the meaning in the near future. Put it next to your heart.” He told.
She went to put it next to her heart when he stopped her hand.
“No, your heart. Not your worldly heart, but you real beautiful heart.” He told her.
“But where is that?” She asked.
He took her hand and put it right under her neck.
Half of the object that had now turned into a heart left, but one half still remained.
“But what about this half?” She asked.
He chuckled.
“Young one. One of the lessons you must know is to trust. This half will show the unbelievers, that I have given you this gift.” He said as he put the half heart on her right shoulder, then left.
“Thank you, my God.” She smiled.
“At a young age you sure know how to honor me.” He smiled back, “I must be going, and you should too. But we will meet again.” He bowed, put his hood back on and left the cave.
“Bye,” She waved.
She heard a whisper in her ear.
“I love you, my child.”
“I love you too, my God.” She closed her eyes.
“Are you ready?” The White Lion came in.
“Oh, yes.” She climbed on his back.

Chapter Two
“Ashley! Ashley!” ZoeAnna had Ashley in her arms.
“What?” Her eyes slowly opened.
“Oh, my baby!” She hugged her.
“Mommy, why were you scared?” Ashley sat up.
“Because, you were gone for many hours and we found you on our doorstep.” Ronin told taking Ashley’s hand.
“Well, I’m okay.” She got out of her mother’s lap.
“What happened?” ZoeAnna asked.
“Nothing, I think.” Ashley left the room.
“Ashley dear?” ZoeAnna got up from the chair.
“Whatever happened, I don’t think it should have happened.” Ronin looked to ZoeAnna.
Ashley went to a mirror and looked at herself.
Nothing had changed.
She sighed.
“It was just, a dream. A dream-,” Something interrupted her.
“A dream come true.” She looked in the mirror and saw Yeshua.
“Yeshua!” She turned around, but he was not there.
Then she looked in the mirror and saw him.
“He gave me the gift, but I don’t see it.” She told.
“You haven’t tried, young one.” Yeshua walked over to her, and in the mirror he put his paw on her shoulder.
“The markings!” She slid her sleeve to her nightgown down over her right shoulder.
On it there was a marking of a half of a heart.
Then she looked on the other side and saw the same.
Yeshua did not talk, but she could feel what he wanted her to do.
She crossed her arms and put her right fingers over the left shoulders marking.
Then put her left fingers on her right shoulders marking.
A bright light now scanned the room.
ZoeAnna and Ronin ran into the room.
The light surrounded Ashley.
Then it disappeared leaving a beautiful six year old girl. Her beauty was unbelievable.
“Ashley, dear.” ZoeAnna knocked on Ashley’s bedroom door.
“What is it mother?” She asked.
“Another Prince is here to see you.” Her mother told.
Ashley sighed, she was beginning to get bored with all her beauty.

“I think I have said no a million times for marriage proposals in a lifetime of girls!” Ashley thought.

“I will be right there, mother.” Ashley told her mother.
She slipped on a brown dress and made sure her hair was in a bun. Then she went in to the hallway and into the parlor.
“Hello.” Ashley cursed.
“Hello, your highness.” The Prince bowed.
“Oh, I should check on the tea.” ZoeAnna left the room.
“Please sit down,” Ashley pointed to a chair and then sat on another chair.
“So let us get to the chase.” The Prince recommended.
“Oh yes shall we.” Ashley raised an eyebrow.
“Our families, have been wanting to unite the kingdoms. And as you well know we are betrothed I-,” Ashley interrupted him.
“Be what?!” Ashley stood up.
“Betrothed, your highness.” He answered.
“Don’t you your highness me! Good day!” She ran out of the room.
“So where were we?” ZoeAnna walked in.
“Ashley, oh man!” He hit his foot on the wall.
“Ashley!” ZoeAnna ran after her.
Ashley closed her door and locked it.
“Ashley, let me in.” ZoeAnna yelled through the door.
“Look, I just need time. Please mom.” Ashley went over to her mirror.
“Fine,” ZoeAnna left.
She looked in the mirror.
“So, now I find out!” She looks down.
“I need to find Yeshua, and Yahweh.” She told herself.
Ashley grabbed a knife from her sewing kit.
And with the knife she slashed her hair off to the shoulder. She undid her bun, and that made her hair curly.
She ran to her brother Little George's room.
She looked in his closet, and found paints.
They were bigger for her so she took them, and a dark green undershirt.
She ran back to her room.
She hemd the paints, and the undershirt.
She took her brown top she was wearing and cut, the sleeves off of them making only the buttons and the ties in the back.
She put on the paints, then undershirt, then she put on the brown shirt.
She got a belt from her brother and leather boots.
She also filled a small but still large leather bag with; A candle, matches, a journal and a quill pen, a pouch full of water, two dresses, and two large amounts of money in two sacks at the very bottom of the bag.
Ashley snuck down in the dungeon where the guards had their rooms.
And ran into the head guard’s room, Mathew.
In his room was weapons like: Swords, bow and arrows, knives, and guns.
She grabbed the Bow and arrow, and put them on her back.
Ashley ran to the barn and tacked up her black frushion.
Ashley mounted and rode away.
The ground shook as the horse's hoofs hit the dirt.
"After her!" A Guard yelled.
A big bell rang.
"The Princess is getting away!" The Head Guard told.
"Ashley!" ZoeAnna ran out to the quoit yard.
Horses flew by her, as the rode off to catch the Princess.
“This is my only chance, if they catch me they will not let me out of their sight and I would be forced to marry that boy!" She thought to herself, "so I must not get caught!”She thought.

Love was: a gift, a hope, a dream, a romance. Not: a ring, a man, or some roses. No! Love is the thing I have been dreaming for, so I'm not going to give up my hope, dream, or my romance. For a man with a ring and roses!

Ashley got out of the palace gates just as they were almost closed.

My heart stopped beating, it all became slow motion as I turned my head to look back to my crying mother and my father holding her hand, my sister hugging mommy and my brother waving goodbye for the last time.
Now I was free.
Free to run free to give free to live free to love.
I was Free for the first time in history.

Ashley motioned for her horse to go faster, as she turned her life away from rules and royalties.
“ZoeAnna, she will be fine. We will find her-,” Ronin was interrupted by his wife’s hand on his shoulder.
“No, let her come back to us.” ZoeAnna wiped the tears from her eyes.
“But-,” Ronin was again interrupted.
“When I ran away, I wanted to come home when they didn’t search for me. Because it made me feel like they were supporting me and my choice in life.” ZoeAnna told looking off to the distant.
“As you wish.” Ronin held her hand.
“I love you, mommy.” Ashley whispered as she went out of sight of the castle.
“Stop the horses!” The Prince ordered.
He stuck his head out of the carriage window.
Dust, wind, and dirt filled his eyes. But he did get to see who the rider was.
“Her dark brown curly hair bounced up and down, as she galloped by.” A quote from the Prince.
“Wow! Thats one Princess.” He smiled.
He then hopped out of the carriage and walked to the driver.
“Is something wrong sire?” The driver asked.
“No, just umm. I will not be needing a ride home from you. I will just take one of these horses and ride home.” He told putting his words together.
“Are you sure Prince Hunter?” He asked.
“Yes-,” The Prince was interrupted.
“There are lots of thieves around who would like to steal and kill a royal like yourself.” He told.
“For everyones sake I hope their are no thieves around.” He undid a horse inched to the carriage and mounted.
“Good day gentlemens.” He rode off.
(Three days later)
“This is quite lonely in the woods… Alone, right StarGaze?” She asked the horse with a pat on the neck.
“Wow! I must be lonely I am talking to the horse!”
A stick cracked nearby.
“Who goes there!” She turned her head.
Ashley was suddenly thrown to the ground and was now knocked out.

(A few hours later)

Prince Hunter was riding his horse on the road, still looking for Ashley when he heard a noise.
“Hello?” He looked around and stopped his horse.
“That is my things! You have no right to go through those!” Ashley yelled at them.
“Ma’ma I think we all know you stool these.” One laughed.
“Oh, a journal!” One announced as he pulled it out.
“How ‘bout we just dump the bag out and then look through it?” Another asked.
“Ya!” All of them agreed.
“He he he!” One grabbed the money bags.
“If I was not tied to this tree you would all get a beating!” She yelled struggling from her position.
“Ashley!” Prince Hunter whispered as he hopped off his horse and followed the sounds.
“Oh these clothes would pay a fare price at the market place! They are silk!” One grabbed the two dresses she had in her bag.
“If you're looking for far this isn’t it!” She told.
“Settle down honey, we will let you go after we find out what you have here. Or they might pay a lot for a pretty girl like you as a slave. But we are Gentlemen so it all depends” The leader told.
“Gentlemen for a fact do not treat a woman of great honor like that!” She looked upwards.
“Oh, we would never do something like this to a lady or a gentlemen. But you aren’t either so… We can.” One said.
She rolled her eyes.
The men turned their backs on her as they poured out the money and started counting.
“I-.” Her mouth was covered by a hand.
Hunter cut the ropes that held her and they both hit behind bushes.
“Thank you I-,” Ashley realized that it was Prince Hunter, now wearing a white shirt with black pants.
“You!” She was in ow.
“And you…” He put his hand on his hand as he looked at her from head to toe.
“Well at least I wore something that looked good on me!” She crossed her arms.
“At least I wore something that was made for my gender!” He told.
“Wait, do you hear that?” The lead man asked.
“Yes? Where is the girl?” One man turned around.
“Sh!” The leader snuck over to the bushes and moved some to see them.
“I don’t know why every Prince thinks it is a great reusability for them to go after the Princess in trouble, and and save them! Uge!” She paced the ground.
“What! You think I was happy about leaving my ride home to come save you?” He asked,
“Oh no! I don’t think saving is the right word, I was doing great on my own. They said they were going to let me go.” She told.
“Or sell you, admit it you are glad I came and SAVED you.” He smiled.
She raised an eyebrow.
“If I say yes, will you help me get my things back?” She asked.
He shaked his head yes.
“Fine, I guess I was glad you showed up.” She rolled her eyes.
The man turned his back and walked over to the other men.
“We need to leave like now-!” The leader was interrupted.
“Uh boss?” One of the men pointed to something behind him.
“Put up your hands boys!” Ashley ordered as she held the bow and arrow up to the leader’s back.
“Hobbits! You could not take care of Hobbits?” Prince Hunter asked.
“They snuck up behind me okay!” She answered.
“Why did you run away?” The Prince asked.
“Because I-, why would you need to know at a time like this?” She asked.
"Just a question..." He answered.
"Here!" The lead man gave her the bag.
"Thank you..." She grabbed the bag.
"Will you let us go now?" The man asked.
"Umm, I don't know.... Don’t you think they would pay a fare price for you all?” She asked.
The hobbits eyes widened.
“Look, I’ll let you go… After you do three thing for me. First thing is that you will give me my horse back, the second thing is something you need to answer… How much do you know about these woods?” She asked.
“Uh, umm. Well why would you call us thieves if you didn’t?” A slim hobbit laughed.
There was a great silence.
“Thats why he is doesn’t eat. He disgraces us in front of our food.” The leader told. “But to answer you question, yes we do know a lot about the forest.”
“Good, then you can do my third thing. Help me find the, uh-. The White Lion, and I will set you free.” She breathed in.
Laughter sprang up from the hobbits.
“The mith? You really believe he is real!” The lead hobbit ask between laughs.
“Yes, I do. I'm you could, one of his close friends.” She raised an eyebrow.
“You are?” Prince Hunter asked.
“Yes. I am also very good friends with Yahweh, and I know he will reward you all if you help me find them… Both.” She answered putting down the bow and arrow.
“That is impossible!” The hobbits told.
“Okay, I think the buyers will like you decision.” She smiled.
The hibbits hovered together in a circle.
“We can’t say yes, we would be her slave forever until we find this so called lion, and God!” One said.
“But if we don’t we have no hope of not being a slave!” The leader told.
“How ‘bout we do it? Besides shes a lady, we can’t say no to a lady!” Said the slim one in a whisper.
“You hobbits done yet?” Ashley shifted her weight from one side to the other.
“Sh!” The leader hushed her.
Whispers was exchanged, from one to the other.
“Okay, we have our decision made… We will do it… If after at the very most five years go by and we still haven’t found this White Lion then you will let us go.” The lead Hobbit told.
Ashley shook her head yes.
“You may go home, Prince Hunter, I will be okay.” Ashley turned around to grab her bag on the ground.
“You don’t think I am going to go home and miss this!” Prince Hunter asked
“Prince… Hunter?” The lead hobbit asked.
“Yes,” He answered.
“Why is a Prince hanging out with you?” He asked turning to Ashley.
“I am Princess Ashley Electa Odara Stone.” Ashley told standing strong.
“Princess?!” The Hobbit asked.
“Yes, is that a problem?” She asked.
“Uh…” The Hobbits fell to their knees, “We are so sorry your highness!”
“Oh, No I not… Umm,” Ashley looked to Hunter.
“Don’t look at me.” Hunter crossed his arms.
“It’s fine really, I kinda had fun… I’m weird like that…” Awkward silence overcame her trying to be funny act.
“Your horse is over here… Your highness.” The slim hobbit told.
“Please, just call me Ashley. NO! Odara! NO! Electa!” Ashley paced around thinking about her nickname.
“Okay, Robin Hood Beauty lets go.” Prince Hunter told.
“Ou! Ou! Ou-!” She was interrupted by Hunter.
“No, you can’t take the name Robin Hood.” He rolled his eyes.
“No, not Robin Hood but Electa sounds like a cool girls name.” She stood up tall.
“You do know Electa mean “Chosen”, right?” He asked.
“Yes! Now lets go… Oh wait. Your name will be Hunter.” She jumped up and down with joy.
“It is…” He looked at her like she was stupid.
“Exactly!” She smiled big.
“What every.” He rolled his eyes.
“You guys married?” The lead Hobbit asked.
“NO!” They both said.
“Why, do we look it?” She asked brushing back a strand of her brown hair .
“Nope, but you sound it…” Hobbit told, “Are you sure you're not engaged?”
Another award silents appeared.
“We should get going-,” Ashley broke the silence but then interrupted by Hunter.
“I would like to think so.” Hunter told the hobbits.
“I’m going to get StarGaze…” Ashley ran over to her horse. She rubbed her horses head and then gave StarGaze a treat.
Laughed erupted.
Ashley tried to ignore them but instead she blushed and looked away.
She then hopped on her horse, putting her bow on her back the the arrows in a saddlebag attached to the horse’s saddle.
The Hobbits joined her by mounting their minacher ponies.
Hunter ran back to the road and mounted his horse, then meet them back in the clearing.
“Where do we start?” The lead Hobbit asked.
“Where I first meet him, right outside the dark forest borders.” She told.
“Alright then, you lead the way… Beauty.” Hunter told.
“Haha, very funny Hunter.” She squeezed her legs together signing to the horse to go.

I left my castle small and outnumbered I leave now with an army, hope, joy, happiness, and love at my right hand.

thezoekid & Star Gaze
2014-02-15 16:32:42
If you entered on February 13 or 14 and your story is not here, please enter it again.
msjane & AE
2014-02-15 18:22:27
The Forgotten Mircle Foals
By Starwalker123

Chapter 7 The Horse Show
I hope out of my bed at 4:30. I shower and change into my clothes, Blue jeans, Purple shirt and my western boots. I walk down the stairs and tiptoe outside. I take in the scene it’s still dark. I fire up my black beater car. Max trots after me and hoops in the car when I open the door.
“Ok. Boy you can come.” I tell him as I move him to the passenger seat. I start the car and drive off down dark back roads. The radio is tuned to the Highway. Tyler Far Red Neck Crazy blares out the speakers. I pull into airport just after 6:30, Lynn is waiting at the exit with her bags. I get out and Lynn runs over to me hugging me.
“Hey Lynn.”
“Come on we have a show to get too.” I say
Lynn picks up her bags and walks over to the car. I open the truck, muttering under my breath when it gets jammed. Lynn and I get back in the car. I order Max to the back where he curls up and falls asleep. I turn down the radio as I drive out of the airport tuning back on to main street heading away from home out into farm country we drive.
“So Lynn, Ridden any good horses lately?” I ask. Lynn rides at a Show and Training barn so she always is riding different horses. Her boss is Reyna Cooper a very nice lady and a great rider.
“The we have a nice sport colt in for training, I’m still riding Paper Trail and Vince.” She says
Paper Tail and Vince were her favorite horses they were Reyna’s too. Paper Trail was a bay off the truck racer and Vince was a dapple gray draft horse mix.
“Have you solved Vince’s running out problem.” I answer
“I think so.” She reply’s happily
I slow down the car near Pepper Farm where 2 former rescues live. I spot both grazing before speeding up. Lynn and I talk until we reach the show grounds. Then I turn under the arch way I can see the trailer parking even then. I turn into the car parking lot. Lynn and I get out. I grab Max’s leash and clip it on. We walk on until I spot a dog trotting on a leash, Its great big bridle mastiff the man behind him is Mr. Reilly. I walk up to them Max yelping happily when he sees Rex the two of them had been rescued together. They pull until they can touch.
“Hi.” Mr. Reilly says
Max and Rex act excited play bounding.
“Lynn, Mr. Reilly, Mr. Reilly my cousin Lynn. Lynn you know Rex.”
Lynn, “Nice to meet you.”
“Lucy, You really must Bring Max over to play with Rex more often.” He says
“I’ve been busy.” I explain about then foals
“Sorry to hear about Paris. Max is welcome anytime as are you.” Mr. Reilly and Rex walk on.
Max cries as we walk on too. “Its ok Boy.” I whisper
Lynn keeps up as we head for were the trailers are parked. I easily find Kate and Carter’s Trailers parked side by side. Brown haired and green eyed Carter is brushing Heaven at his trailer. Lynn and Kate spot each other and Kate runs over.
“Morning Lynn.” She says
“Hey Kate.” She answers
Carter jogs over the grass squelching under his feet.
“Hey Lynn.” He says and hugs me
Heaven and Shine nicker at us. Carter scratches Max on the top of his head. I check my watch 8:30.
“We have 30 minutes.” I say.
Chase come over leading Redbird, “Lucy, Can you give me a boost?”
“Yes.” I say boosting Chase into the saddle.
“Good Luck.” Lynn says
“Chase, Lynn, Lynn, Chase.”
Over the loud speaker we hear , “12 and under, Frist call.”
Chase grins, “That’s me.”
“Keep him collected and under hand at all times.” I say.
“Not hard.” He replies
I’d been helping him get ready for the show. Chase trots off for the ring. Max lays down under the trailer when I drop his leash.

Starwalker123 & Star
2014-02-24 17:48:48
The end.

DiamondIce & Evergreen
2017-01-27 02:49:10
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
