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June 2019 Story & Poem Contest

Rules: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer. Pony writer quills are awarded every day, remember to quit the scavenger hunt and restart it after you get your quill to earn a higher score.
Jane Crandal & JB
2019-05-30 02:05:14
Jump and you will find your wings
Part 1
By: Wind Drummer

My long black hair flew out behind me as I balanced on the moving stallion. I kept hold of the two handles on the saddle, getting ready to stand. I slowly rose up, planting my feet firmly into the leather and sticking my hands out for balance. I smiled as we circled the arena at a trot, then a canter. Feeling ready, I urged Joker to gallop, thundering around, lap after lap. I flipped, landing slightly off center and my whole body started to tip. I got scared, now noticing how far it would be if I fell. I lowered myself down, holding onto his mane tightly, my legs keeping me on. “Woah boy!” He slowed, but the jolt made me even more unstable. I slipped and headed towards the ground, going down down down. I hit the floor hard, gasping for breath. My lungs felt like they were broken and my hand hurt badly from when I landed on it. I crumpled into a ball, calling out for help. “HELP! SOMEONE HELP!” But nobody came and I blacked out, thumping the floor.

When I woke up, I started to stress. I closed my eyes, calling out once more. “HELP! HELP! I’M HERE! SOMEONE HELP!” The second after I called out, footsteps could be heard. A girl rushed in, panic written all over her face. I didn’t know her, most likely one of the new girls, but still. She was someone. Someone to help.

“Are you ok? Are you hurt?” I groaned, rolling over. “Does it look like I’m fine?” She jumped back, blushing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” I looked at her. “It’s fine. Oooh!” I hurt all over. “Is there anything I can do?” I pondered this for a moment. “No. Not really. Maybe you could you help me up though?” She smiled and held out a hand to me which I happily took. “Thanks” I brushed myself off and then took out a mirror from my back pocket. “No! Maybe you shouldn’t-” It was too late. I glanced at myself and then groaned again, falling back to the floor. “I warned you.” She looked at me, half smiling, half frowning. “Yes you did. I shouldn’t have looked.” “Yeah” She grinned. “Lets go back to the stables.” She helped me up again and we both walked back.

We both sat down on a pile of hay. “So umm……. I never asked your name.” I looked up, waiting to hear what she would say next. “I’m Jessica, Iris, Alice, Rose, Mandy, Kate, Wilson, but you can call me Jess.” I looked at her in shock. “Wow” She blushed. “What’s your name?” I looked away for a minute. “Danika, Rose, Charva.” I didn’t look up, wondering what she would say. “Wow.” I smiled, before bursting into chuckles. She did the same. “Anyway…. I need to go.” My face fell, and hers did too. She got up, and rushed out, not looking back. “Wait! Jess, wait!” She didn’t stop. “WAIT!”

I sniffed, a heap on the floor, hurt. She didn’t even say goodbye. I might never see her again! I heard a car pull up and knew it was my mum. I ran outside, and got inside, slamming the door and slouching as I pulled on my seat belt. My mum looked up. “What’s wrong?” I looked away. “I AM NEVER COMING BACK!” I didn’t say anything else but I knew what she was thinking. She knew I meant it. She knew that if I said I wasn’t coming back, I never was, ever.

When we got home, I ran up the stairs and into the bedroom before anyone could say anything to me. I wanted to be alone. I didn’t want to come out of my room when mum called me to dinner. I stayed, glaring at the door, wishing it would never open.

I sat on my bed, tears pouring down my cheeks. Now nobody cared. I knew I was alone. Always have. Always will be. Alone.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. Huh. I didn’t really want to open it but I still wanted to see who it was. My dad never came up here since he hated cats and my room was a cat haven. My mum wouldn’t since I told her not to and I knew she wouldn’t. My brother wouldn’t since he said it was WAY TO “girly”. And my little sis couldn’t, since the ladder leading up was to hard for her to climb up. Who was it? Suddenly I gasped. Maybe it was….. I opened the door and screamed.

It was Jess. “Umm hey... Danika” She looked around the room, seeming scared. “Hey….” I blushed, knowing she could see my tear stained cheeks and guess why I had been crying. “I just wanted to say sorry. I didn’t mean to leave like that….. it’s just that my mum wanted me to hurry and-” I cut her off. “It’s fine, Jess. it’s 100% fine.” She looked sorry. “I told you. It’s fine!” I never imagined this. I never would had said sorry. I knew I wouldn’t have. But she did. “Thanks.” Her eyes scanned the room, like they were looking for something. Suddenly she walked over to the small, black chair, where Princess, my cat was resting, and started to stroke her, a sense of calm filling the room. I smiled, knowing she loved her. “I found her outside my window a few years ago. She was hurt and hungry, but still wild. I didn’t know what my mum was going to say so I hid her in my room, and fed her tuna. She did scratch though, and my hands always had some sort of wound on them. One day my mum found me out, and asked me what I had done. I lied and said it was from climbing trees but I could tell she knew what had happened. The next day she cleaned my room and found Princess. But, she didn’t hurt her. She just smiled and told me I had found one amazing cat. And I still have her to this day.”
Jess smiled. “I love her” I picked up my other cat, Juno and hugged him, feeling his soft fur. “So, will you come back? And ride with me?” I looked away. “Alright” She grinned. “It’s where you belong, Danika. It’s who you are.” And she was right. It was.

Wind drummer & Renaria
2019-06-02 01:21:33
The Runaway Part 3
By Nat2

“I know Luger is supposed to be a wonder dog,” Trudy commented as Bastion picked his way along a stream, “but so far all he’s done is gnawed on my foot, splashed in every puddle from here to Virginia, barked his head off, and made a general nuisance of himself.”
They had been combing the woods beyond the pastures for the past twenty minutes, looking for some sign of the way Dolf had taken. So far all they’d found was Marse’s hoof prints leading back towards the stables, which at least gave them some idea as to where to head. The air was heavy and damp from the morning’s rain, the surrounding foliage still glimmering with droplets the sun hadn’t yet burned off. Puddles lurked beneath ferns and tree roots, and the horses’ hooves sank into the softened dirt. Luger, bounding hither and yon with canine abandon, kept finding new ways to kick mud up onto Trudy’s legs.
“Oh, don’t be such a cat person, Tru.” Charlotte ducked to avoid a low-hanging branch. “He’s doing what dogs do.”
“I’m not being a cat person,” she retorted. “I’m just not a dog person.” She shot the German Shepherd a glare, positive he was smirking at her again. “Wait, no, let me rephrase that—I’m just not a Luger person.”
“You’ll hurt his *fee*-lings!” Charlotte cautioned in a singsong voice.
“I don’t *ca*-are!” Trudy leaned over Bastion’s neck to inspect the ground ahead. It was rocky by the stream, but further on the ground leveled out into smooth grass. “At least the rain gave us some mud to work with. There have to be somebody’s prints *somewhere.”*
“Yeah, sure there are.” Charlotte drew Bullitt up even with Bastion. “But we don’t even know if we’re going the right way.”
“It makes sense to look here,” Trudy argued. “Every other time a horse has gotten out, it’s gone this way. Dolf would have known that, so he would have gone this way too. And besides, if you look at Marse’s trail, he came from this direction.”
“All right, all right, I bow to your undeniably reasonable logic.” Charlotte kowtowed as best she could in the saddle, making Bullitt’s ears go back. “But at the very least we should split up and cover more ground. That makes *sense,* too, doesn’t it?”
Trudy shot her a glare in reply to her teasing tone, but had no time to think up a reply. Luger had started barking again, lost somewhere up ahead, and this time he wouldn’t shut up. “Luger!” Trudy yelled. “Luger, be *quiet!”* He kept going. She scowled at Charlotte. “See what you can do with him. He’s obviously not going to listen to me.”
Charlotte gave her an arch look. “That’s because you aren’t doing it right. Watch this.” She gave a long high-low-high whistle. From up ahead the barking broke off for a moment and then started right up again. Trudy raised an eyebrow.
“I see what you mean. You *do* have the magic touch.”
“Don’t be cute.” Charlotte flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. “He’s probably barking for a reason, you know.”
“Yeah, because he’s a stupid dog.” Trudy snapped the reins and Bastion splashed through the stream. “Let’s go see anyway.” She leaned low over her horse’s neck as he sped into a lope. Charlotte followed, Bullitt’s hooves picking through the stream with surgical precision. For a while they were silent, trying to pinpoint where Luger’s barks were coming from, and then Charlotte spoke up. Her voice had lost its light quality, becoming thoughtful and almost hesitant.
“You are worried about Dolf, aren’t you?”
Trudy frowned over her shoulder at her friend. “Of course I am. But you don’t know him like I do—I mean, he can take care of himself. He probably found Little Boots and was trying to get him, and Marse ran off for some reason. You know how French Trotters can be, especially him; he’s pretty high-strung. That’s why he’s Dolf’s instead of a lesson horse, because Dolf can handle him. . .” She trailed off. Charlotte was staring at her like she’d just stumbled from King Tut’s tomb covered in cobwebs and bandages. *You’re babbling, Trudy,* she told herself, and cleared her throat. “Anyway,” she said, self-conscious. “I only meant to say that Dolf’s probably fine.”
“Yeah.” Charlotte was looking like she wished she’d brought along a goldfish or two just so she’d have somebody sane to converse with, but valiantly she refused to voice her concerns aloud. “Probably.”
Trudy turned back around, wishing the world would split open beneath her and swallow her up like the plot of some particularly bad 1950s sci-fi flick. It didn’t, of course, because that would have been too easy. “Luger’s up here,” she said to change the subject. “Just through these trees, I think.”
“Right.” Charlotte still had a wary look in her eye but nudged Bullitt along anyway. The two horses slipped between a gap in the trees and topped a gentle rise. Luger was in a shallow hollow just ahead of them, half-buried in a clump of bushes with only his hind legs and furiously-wagging tail visible. He was, naturally, still barking.
“Luger!” Trudy hollered over the noise, dismounting and keeping ahold of Bastion’s reins in case he got the urge to bolt. “Luger, what’s the matter with you, you stupid animal? We’re right here!”
Finally he seemed to hear her, and the barking stopped abruptly. Awkwardly he backed out of the bushes, fur snagging on the spiky twigs, and came over to her. Whining, he pushed his slimy cold nose into her hand. She jerked back.
“Ugh! What was that for?”
“Maybe he likes you,” Charlotte suggested. “That isn’t totally impossible, you know.”
Luger was staring up at her with liquid brown eyes, his pricked ears quivering. He whined again, shoved his muzzle into her arm, and backed up a few steps. “No,” Trudy said thoughtfully. “I don’t think that’s it. What’s the matter, Luger boy?” He gave a single sharp bark and took another backwards step. Trudy followed. The German Shepherd whipped around and half-bolted, half-bounced back to the bushes he’d been poking in, circling them and wagging his tail, whining all the while. Warily Trudy knelt to peer through the hole he’d left in the foliage. She spotted something, reached in, and pulled it out.
“What is it?” Charlotte asked curiously, peering over Bullitt’s head. Trudy swallowed hard.
“It’s Dolf’s hat,” she said slowly. “He really *is* in trouble.”
“Why? Is he susceptible to head colds?”
“Dolf *never* goes anywhere without his hat,” Trudy explained, standing up and holding the object reverently in her hands. “He wouldn’t lose it or leave it behind unless—unless something bad happened.” Now clues were beginning to show themselves as she looked around the hollow—faint hoof prints in the flattened grass, a shallow rut in the soft dirt, bushes half-smashed and bent at odd angles. *Maybe Marse threw him,* she thought, looking for human footprints to show he’d gotten up and wandered off. She couldn’t find any. She gripped the hat tighter, fighting the mounting wave of panic that threatened to overtake her. Beside her, Luger whined and leaned against her leg, and in idea occurred to her. “Charlotte,” Trudy said. “If Luger found the hat, can he find Dolf?”
“Maybe he could back by the stream where the trees are thin, but in these woods? He’s a dog, not a miracle worker.” Charlotte swung down out of Bullitt’s saddle and led him over to them. “But I’ll try my best. Give me that.” She took the hat and knelt beside Luger; Trudy stepped back to let them commune in whatever secret dog-to-master way they had. “All right, boy,” said Charlotte, holding up the hat. He smelled it vigorously. “That’s Dolf, boy. Can you find Dolf?” Positive from her tone that he was expected to do something but bewildered as to what that was, he tried to bite the brim off and she yanked it back. “Don’t eat it, you goofball, just smell it. Now can you find Dolf?”
Luger inspected the cowboy hat again, tail and ears quivering, and then turned and bounded away. They both looked after him.
“So. . .now what?” asked Trudy. “Does he send up a flare when he finds something?”
“Of course not,” Charlotte scoffed. “He doesn’t have thumbs, you know. Come on.”
The trees were denser now, so they moved on single-file, leading the horses instead of riding them. Trudy could hear Luger crashing haphazardly through the undergrowth somewhere ahead, so following his trail was no problem. She kept looking for signs of Dolf or Little Boots, but when she did find kicked-up dirt or smashed bushes, it looked more like Luger’s work than anyone else’s.
“Is that dog worth the Alpo you bother to feed him?” she finally hissed to Charlotte.
“I don’t feed him Alpo,” her friend retorted, flipping her long black ponytail over her shoulder. “It’s far too generic.”
“Your *dog* is far too generic,” Trudy muttered. She tugged on Bastion’s reins to urge him around a tricky heap of rocks. “He has the attention span of a mayfly and the brains of a telegraph pole.” Up ahead, Luger began barking like mad. “I rest my case.”
“Oh, come on.” Charlotte stopped beside a tree and tied Bullitt’s reins to a low-hanging branch. She broke into a run. “You remember the hat,” she called over her shoulder. “He was barking when he found that.”
She did have a point. Trudy tied up Bastion beside Bullitt and went after her. Luger wouldn’t shut up this time, either, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, since the shadows cast by the trees were getting so thick and dark she couldn’t find the trail he’d left. Trudy concentrated on avoiding low branches and tree roots, determined not to break her foot or bash her head in before the day was half-over. She heard Charlotte up ahead, snapping twigs and rustling leaves as she fought her way through the tightening trees.
“I’ve never been this far into the woods,” her friend finally said. “What would Dolf be doing way out here?”
“Looking for Little Boots, I guess.” Trudy squeezed between two rough-barked oaks, hoping her shirt would’t tear. “Do you see him? Luger, I mean?”
“Nope.” Charlotte appeared from behind a tall thicket of tangled undergrowth. “Hear him fine, though. I think he’s this way.”
They kept on, and finally the overhead branches thinned out enough for the sun to break through. Patches of dusty yellow light sifted down to pool on the ground, cutting through the dark enough that Trudy could make out the way ahead. A treeless ridge awaited them, topped with a line of malnourished-looking bushes. Charlotte reached it first and peered through the leaves.
“Hey, I didn’t know y’all had a gully on your property,” she commented. “How come you never told me?”
“Because I didn’t *know,”* Trudy retorted. She stopped beside Charlotte and looked down. The gully wasn’t terribly deep; it looked like it had once been home to a stream that was now long gone. Luger was down in the bottom, turning in circles and barking like mad. They stared at him for a minute. “Do you think he notices us?” Trudy wondered in a whisper.
“Do you think he’d stop if he did?” Charlotte pointed out. “Come on; I think we can slide down this way. The slope isn’t too steep.”
They shoved their way through the spindly branches and slid down to join Luger, sending up trails of billowing dust as they went. The German Shepherd paused in his barking long enough to bound over to them. His tongue caught Trudy’s hand before she could pull it away.
“Eugh!” She jerked back. “What is *wrong* with your dog, Charlotte? He knows I hate his guts.”
“Maybe he’s giving you a second chance,” Charlotte suggested, rubbing his ears. “You might change for the better if given the opportunity.”
Trudy scowled at the panting dog. “When it comes to Luger, I’m a hopeless case, thank you very much.” She wiped her saliva-slicked hand on her pants. “Now what are you barking about, you goof? What’s the big idea?”
In answer Luger latched onto Trudy’s jacket hem and tugged at it fiercely, trying to drag her forward. She went with him so he wouldn’t rip a bite out of the fabric, trying to figure out how to detach him without touching those sharp white teeth. “Charlotte, call off your beast! He’s manic!”
“Somebody is, that’s for sure.” Charlotte followed them, amused. “I’m not too sure it’s him, though.”
Abruptly Luger let go of her jacket and bounded off down the gully, stopping a long way off to frantically pace as if waiting for her to catch up. Sighing at his antics, Trudy followed at a walk. Then a run, because she finally saw what Luger was circling so insistently at the base of a sheer section of ravine wall.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2019-06-02 18:28:58
Starfrost's journey part 1 By Arnora

Starfrost glided out of her nest. She turned her head to look at her two best friends, the Jungle Herd almost weanlings Thunderleaf and Crystaltail who slept next to her. She shivered, not only from the cold morning air but also from a look at the sky, where she could see the edge of the disappearing moon, growing redder every day. She landed and Thunderleaf dropped ungracefully from two wingspans above. Crystaltail followed with a better landing. "Lets go find Snowdawn," Crystaltail whinnied."We are not weaned yet." When they found Snowdawn, she would not allow them to nurse. Star frost saw it first and pumped her wings hard and soared to the clouds and
Crystaltail followed."Crystaltail spoke too soon,"Thunderleaf nickered."We are weaned now!"But even in the joyous moment
of her first cloud flight, Starfrost could not help but worry about
becoming a yearling. All young pegasi thought about their upcoming lives, but Starfrost worried. She would not only become a year old,
she would become the Keeper of the Power of the Red Moon. This was her reason why she worried. She flew back to her nest,
needing time to think about things that she just
could not tell her friends about.

arnora & Brandy
2019-06-04 02:06:01
Red River Stables
Once upon a time in Southern Michigan, there was a boarding stable called Red River Stables. There were five horses boarded at Red River, a dun named War Lord who was owned by Nicole a chestnut paint named Blaze owned by Tess, a white named Snowflake owned by Gwen, an Appaloosa named Splash, and a chestnut named Daisy, who were both owned by Mrs. River. I work there as a groom, my name is Tris. One day I was grooming Splash after his lesson when Nicole ran into the barn. "Tris, Blaze just came back". That sentence didn't alarm me overmuch, as Tess had left for a ride earlier. "What's the trouble?" I asked, unconcerned. Nicole explained, "Just Blaze came back, Tess isn't with him". I spun around "Where is Blaze now?" "He's standing outside, he's covered in sweat." I'll take care of him" I said and sprinted out of the barn, taking care to close Splash's. When I saw Blaze, I could tell he was scared, and his legs were cut. "Hey Blaze, how are you doing boy?" I asked as I lead him into his box. Just then, Gwen ran in "Tris. Nicole and I are going to look for Tess. can you stay here in case she comes back?" Gwen has a case from knee to the ankle by the way "Gwen are you sure it's ok for you to ride?" Gwen shook her head "I don't care, Tess could be in danger" "Gwen" I said, "Why don't you stay here while I ride out to look for Tess?" Gwen nodded her head. Nicole was directing two other girls to ride Splash and Daisy to look around the trail to Kerny, "Tris, you and I are going to take the Cross Country course, and connect up to the Forest track to Kerny" "Alright" I said mounting Snowflake with a clumsy movement, I can't ride well. Just as we were preparing to leave, Splash and Daisy 's riders come back "We couldn't find any tracks from Blaze or Tess on the Forest Trail" Nicole tells them to untack the horses and to call Tess's parents while we ride out on the other trails to look for Tess. While we were riding on the Cross Country Course, we saw Tess walking toward us. "Tess" Nicole called out. "Here" she called back. "Where were you?" I asked. "Blaze spooked at a crow and threw me, over by the river crossing." "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yea," she said. "You can ride back with us" Nicole said. "Thanks," Tess said. Once we got back Tess's parents took her to the doctor, who she said she was ok. And we all lived happily ever after.

Bravelion & Snowflake
2019-06-05 23:13:33
Starfrost's journey part 2 By Arnora

Starfrost took off and began flying low, over the trees for a break from the tightness of the nesting grounds, because she was turning one year old tomorrow and the moon was redder tham the day she had become a weanling and taken her first cloud flight
with Crystaltail and Thunderleaf.She was lost in her thoughts when a stallion suddenly snached her wing. Another stallion grabbed her other wing and another grasped hear tail. The stallions tried to land her , but she blasted the stallion in the chest so hard he let go and tunbled across the sky. Then she pummeled the stallion holding her left wing until he let go. She then wipped her tail so violently the stallion holding it fell off. Then she flew as fast as she could away from the stallions. When she was a safe distance away from the stallions she landed and bolted to the nesting grounds and into her hidden nest. When the over-stallion came by she told him what had happened. Then the herd hid as three stallions flew overhead. When she went to sleep she was still worried. she woke up and in the gray light of sdawn she became a yearling and with Thunderleaf and Crystaltail at her side, she received her power.
But her fears were still far from over, in fact far worse. Now that she had her power, the motive was even greater for the stallions who wanted to use her or kill her to defend their
herd, but her herd would not harm her or use her. This helped a lot and, reassured, she returned to grazing.

arnora & Brandy
2019-06-07 01:34:30
Part 1
By: Wind Drummer

Sky trudged to the stables. It was a wonderful day. But Sky wasn’t happy. Everyone crowded around her. “Sky! How was it?” She shrugged them off. “Fine...” She picked up her pace. “Sky! Wait up! I only wanted to-” She didn’t hear the rest. “Hey boy!” She patted her chestnut gelding and got to work, mucking out. When she was done, She tied him up outside and groomed, picking his hooves while she had the chance. Then, she slipped on the hackamore, grabbed a handful of mane in one hand and the rains in another and swung up. “Sky! You got better since you came back from the circus!” She rolled her eyes. “Would you just shut up Max?!” He winced and took a step back, muttering something under his breath. “What a grump”

She headed to the arena, trying out some different moves, when a girl thundered in on a lighting fast, black horse. She grinned jumped over random jumps and getting closer and closer to Sky. “Slow down! You are gonna get someone hurt!” She didn’t stop. “Why should I?” Sky got off, knowing Joker would stay. “Well guess what happens when you don’t-” The horse kicked Sky and she tumbled to the ground, moaning. All she could hear was the girl yelling: “Told you so!”

A little while later, police sirens could be heard. Sky mumbled and got up, wondering what had happened. She fell back to the ground. Suddenly, a voice spoke. “You ok?” Sky groaned. “I...I think so” The girl looked relived. “What happened?” “I was riding my horse” She motioned to the still standing Joker. “When this girl’s horse kicked me.”
The girl looked annoyed. “Lara” She muttered. “I told her to steer clear of this place. All she wants to do is wreak havoc. She’ll pay for it” The police car had now driven up to the stables and found Lara. “Anyway…… can you stand?” Sky groaned. “Yes” She got up, shaking. “You alright?” “Yeah, fine” “Nice horse you got” Sky looked at the girl. She knew her. “Thanks” She looked around. “I...I know you.” The girl looked up. “I mean, I do a lot of showjumping but-” Sky grinned. “You came to my circus show in Nilmer’s Highland!” The girl smiled “Oh yeah. You’re Sky Hawkson right?” “Yup. And you are….. Elizabeth Smith?” “Yeah” The girls smiled. “I got to go. Bye!” “Umm goodbye!” Sky rode off, leaving Elizabeth, wishing she was like Sky.

After Sky put Joker back in his stall and got him settled, she went for a walk. Jessica, one of the “Queens Of Mean” was standing outside, watching people go past. “Your breeches have mud on them!” She called to Sky. Sky looked down, but there was no mud. “Lier! That’s who you are!” Jessica didn’t get put down. “Oh be quiet. You don’t know anything!” Sky brushed past, angry. She kept walking, not noticing who was standing there, alone. Sky ran, getting her anger out, when she bumped into someone. “Watch where are are going! Clumsy-” She looked up. It was Elizabeth.

Wind drummer & Renaria
2019-06-11 05:20:11
4 Flickering Tails
BY: Rosebud117

It was a bright and loving summer morning as a young 14 year old girl named Sarah opened her eyes from a night of rest, sat up and squinted as she looked into the blinding light coming from outside the window, from the beautiful sky . Sarah yawned and stretched knowing the that it was the first day of relief of summer break. Sarah got enough stamina to climb slowly out of bed. Sarah weakly and slowly walked to her closet and picked out a lousy plaid shirt that she has had since she was five, it was big on her then but fits perfectly now. She had kept it in safe keeping until now, her last remembrance of her older brother. Then sarah picked out a worn pair of bluejeans. Sarah shut the closet door and started to get dressed, then went to her bathroom. Then Sarah picked up a hair brush and started combing her hair, then she fixed her hair up in a tight bun.. As she exited the room, she turned toward the bedroom door and went to the hallway. Sarah then glided down the stairs and into the kitchen. Then she looked for mom so she could be greeted good morning. Sarah looked everywhere including the den, kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms, etc. Sarah couldn’t even find her little brother, dad,, even her best friend,, her sister Named Emma . she started to panic so she tried to calm down buy sitting down at the kitchen table. She herd a creak of the floor in the echoing room. Sarah slowly stood up and ran up the stairs and into her bedroom. then suddenly out came her family saying “ SURPRISE.”. Sarah was so shocked as she fell back hitting the ground with her butt. she was calmed by the sights of her families faces well except for her sisters face witch worried Sarah and made her wonder then after she calmed she started giggling as her family helped her up “hehehe you guys!”. They all rushed downstairs into the kitchen where she found her sister setting all of the birthday stuff on the table Included a big birthday cake in the theme of Sarah’s favorite animal, a horse.
Sarah almost fainted with delight. Emma showed around. “There your seat” Emma said to Sarah while pointing to the fancy tall pink chair That rose all over the rest. So once she herd Emma say that she ran to the seat and sat down and then everyone takes a seat. Emma explained. What choices there are since breakfast is Sarah’s favorite meal. “You can get some eggs and bacon, biscuits and more and once you're done you can sit back and watch Sarah make a wish and blow out the candles. After that we will open presents. So Sarah was the first to get in there to fill her plate up. Then Sarah zoomed passed her family that was just walking into the kitchen to get the yummy breakfast. Sarah sat down and started gobbling up the food. Sarah was already half way done when her family got to the table The family was astonished. like her younger brother said “WOW! You are already half way done!”. Soon Sarah was done and slowly sat back while she watched the family eat while they were the family finally was halfway done. Sarah got kinda bored watching there family slowly finishing their meal. Soon there there family was finally done. So Sarah ran grabbed all of their arms and pulled them into the den and said: “Where are the stinken presents!!!”. The entire family looked puzzled and the father said “Sweetheart we can’t open presents yet. You haven't even made a wish and blown out the candles?”. Sarah was so frustrated for her plan had not worked “Oh i forgot” she said in a grumpy and mumbly voice pretending to act like she forgot. Her dad laughed with humor thinking it was funny. Sarah groaned and moaning while she was trudged over the birthday cake on the table. She thought really hard of a good wish and then suddenly she thought of one she was been wishing for all her life then she thought really hard and then blew out the candles and as smoke rose she ripped the candle off the cake and they ate dessert. “This is really good mom” Sarah said politely. “Don’t compliment me compliment your sister.” Her mother said. “Great job sis!” Sarah said very enthusiastically.. “Thanks sis” Emma said back. Then there mom smiled at them seeing them get along. After they ate Sarah finally jumped up and said “Present time finally!” very impatiently. Then she zoomed over to the livingroom floor and looking up at the beautiful stack of present while in her mind played the song hallelujah. Then dad snapped her out of it with and snap of his fingers. Then Sarah blurted out this one first the littlest one in the corner she grabbed it and ready to shred the wrapping paper open but then her mom stopped her. “ The card first then the present” she said strictly. Sarah stopped sighed and took the taped card off the present and read. “ You are young but you're getting old, like 10 but I still feel young when i’m with you, Happy Birthday Love, Dad.”. “Thanks dad”Sarah said. “Your welcome it took me ages to find. . . . . . “ And by the time he was halfway thru with his sentence she had already ripped the wrapping to shreds. Right when Sarah opened the tiny box she gasped for air “Daddy you got me that diamond horseshoe necklace I wanted.”. “ Next I want to open this one next” Sarah said pointing to the next biggest in size. “ Remember read the tag/card first” Sarah’s mom reminded her. Sarah made sure that her mom could see her take the card out of the bag and read it while she is opening it. When she opened the blank card wondering what is inside card and out dropped 50 bucks. “Thanks mom” Sarah said. “You're welcome sweetheart, i love you” Sara's mom said happily. Sarah pulled slowly out the tissue paper and she saw a new iPhone. “oh my gosh!” Sarah said surprised beyond belief. She was surprised that her mom trusted her like that but Sarah wasn't happy like she had reacted. . . . . .she was faking! She really wanted something more meaningful than a old electronic device. The next present was from her little brother “ I wonder what's in here. . . . . “ Sarah said very worried as she ripped of the messy wrapped paper. “Oh. . . . its a slingshot. . . . “ Sarah said trying to sound surprised. “That was so sweet of of you!” Her mother said encouraging him. Sarah glanced crazy over at her mother like she was crazy. Sarah glanced back over at the weird and messy put together gift. Two sticks sat there with fungi growing on them. “ Bobby go upstairs for a moment” “ok” he said looking weird. Once he was far enough away Sarah whispered to her mother . Aren’t these from the rotting tree out in the ditch near the road. . . .?”! “Looks like it why?” Mom said looking concerned. “IT HAS POISON IVY GROWING ON IT! ! ! ! !” Sarah glanced at Bobby going up the stairs itching and scratching himself like crazy . "Oh no!" Sarah's mom said running up stairs and disappeared in Bobby's doorways to his room then mom ran into the bathroom pulling him by his shirt. " awwww." Sarah's dad said looking sad with a pouty face. Sarah rolled her eyes quick before her dad turned his head and Emma laughed very quietly to herself trying to not cause attention. Next without mom and with dad distracted Sarah was reaching for the next present and . . . . . . “Here I come, he is itching bad but he feels fine otherwise. . . lets continue.” Sarah’s mom said coming back downstairs. quickly Sarah pulled her hand away from the present. Then once everyone was settled Sarah stuck her hand out toward the present again. The biggest one of all she started to smile as excitement ran through Sara’s vanes. Suddenly tissue paper flew everywhere and once it was all gone all that was left was a tiny envelope. She shrugged and looked at Emma and picked up the envelope and opened it. out popped a card. . . as usual Sarah opened it and out popped 10 dollars she looked confused. Usually her sister gets the best presents for her so Sarah started to clean up. “STOP!!!” Emma screamed and started pointing at the bottom of the bag a little slip of paper. Sarah curiously picked it up and read it.

Emma looked puzzled and said: “Thats not my cupcake card!”. Sara's eyes in a trusting way towards her sister that that was not her card. She thought and thought because she loved riddle so why not solve this one. “Near where you began. . . . . . . ” she murmured repeatedly . “YES!!!” Sarah suddenly shouted . “IN MY OLD CRIB ROOM!”. As she ran she got more interested . She looked and there was her old baby doll with a note in hand. She ran up and grabbed the note ran down stairs and read it. Could you help me and be my partner? she said to Emma. “Sure” Emma said shrugging. Sarah ran to her and grabbed her arm.

Rosebud117 & Mase
2019-06-11 22:32:37
Part 1
By: Wind Drummer

Sky trudged to the stables. It was a wonderful day. But Sky wasn’t happy. Everyone crowded around her. “Sky! How was it?” She shrugged them off. “Fine...” She picked up her pace. “Sky! Wait up! I only wanted to-” She didn’t hear the rest. “Hey boy!” She patted her chestnut gelding and got to work, mucking out. When she was done, She tied him up outside and groomed, picking his hooves while she had the chance. Then, she slipped on the hackamore, grabbed a handful of mane in one hand and the rains in another and swung up. “Sky! You got better since you came back from the circus!” She rolled her eyes. “Would you just shut up Max?!” He winced and took a step back, muttering something under his breath. “What a grump”

She headed to the arena, trying out some different moves, when a girl thundered in on a lighting fast, black horse. She grinned jumped over random jumps and getting closer and closer to Sky. “Slow down! You are gonna get someone hurt!” She didn’t stop. “Why should I?” Sky got off, knowing Joker would stay. “Well guess what happens when you don’t-” The horse kicked Sky and she tumbled to the ground, moaning. All she could hear was the girl yelling: “Told you so!”

A little while later, police sirens could be heard. Sky mumbled and got up, wondering what had happened. She fell back to the ground. Suddenly, a voice spoke. “You ok?” Sky groaned. “I...I think so” The girl looked relived. “What happened?” “I was riding my horse” She motioned to the still standing Joker. “When this girl’s horse kicked me.”
The girl looked annoyed. “Lara” She muttered. “I told her to steer clear of this place. All she wants to do is wreak havoc. She’ll pay for it” The police car had now driven up to the stables and found Lara. “Anyway…… can you stand?” Sky groaned. “Yes” She got up, shaking. “You alright?” “Yeah, fine” “Nice horse you got” Sky looked at the girl. She knew her. “Thanks” She looked around. “I...I know you.” The girl looked up. “I mean, I do a lot of showjumping but-” Sky grinned. “You came to my circus show in Nilmer’s Highland!” The girl smiled “Oh yeah. You’re Sky Hawkson right?” “Yup. And you are….. Elizabeth Smith?” “Yeah” The girls smiled. “I got to go. Bye!” “Umm goodbye!” Sky rode off, leaving Elizabeth, wishing she was like Sky.

After Sky put Joker back in his stall and got him settled, she went for a walk. Jessica, one of the “Queens Of Mean” was standing outside, watching people go past. “Your breeches have mud on them!” She called to Sky. Sky looked down, but there was no mud. “Lier! That’s who you are!” Jessica didn’t get put down. “Oh be quiet. You don’t know anything!” Sky brushed past, angry. She kept walking, not noticing who was standing there, alone. Sky ran, getting her anger out, when she bumped into someone. “Watch where are are going! Clumsy-” She looked up. It was Elizabeth.
Sky stepped back, blushing. “I’m so sorry….” She trailed off, looking at the ground. Elizabeth had walked away, tears springing to her eyes. Sky called out. “Wait! I’m really sorry!” But she didn’t come back. Sky turned, only to bump into Jessica again. “Watch where you are going!” Sky blushed again and stepped around her, hoping to leave without a fight. “Oh, leave me alone!” She ran back to the stables.

“Let’s go boy!” Sky jumped up onto Joker’s, not bothering with the hackamore. She just wanted to ride. “WAIT!” Sky didn’t stop. “SKY, COME BACK! PLEASE!” It was Elizabeth. “STAY! PLEASE!” She urged Joker on, making him gallop at full pelt, towards Greendale, the only place she would be safe.

The bush was thick and hard to see through. Perfect. After some time the brush got so thick, Sky had to dismount and lead Joker. Sky’s mind span. Would she ever go back? Would she even survive? Would Joker freeze? Would they starve? She tried to empty her mind of those things, just focusing on finding a place to camp out.

Ahead there was a small cave, a little damp and dirty but it was a shelter. Anything looked good right now. She tied Joker up and went off to find water. A spring was up ahead with clear, cold water. Sky filled up her drinkbottle and came back, placing on the ground. She did the same for a few bucketfuls of water. By then, it was dark and with the dark came the cold. Sky shivered and tried to keep warm, snuggling up to the blanket she found in her backpack and eating the tins of cold food. It didn’t really work. It wasn’t home. But for now, she would have to stay there.

When morning came, Sky woke with a start. Where was she? Sky got up and looked about. Then she realised what had happened and went outside. The second her stepped out of the cave, hoofbeats could be heard. Oh no. Sky went over to joker and jumped onto his back. He looked about, sleepy and hungry but Sky couldn’t do anything about that. She galloped away, trying to not be too loud and be found. “Sky? I know you are here! Sky?” It was Elizabeth. “Sky? Don’t hide from me! Come back! Please?” “Sky got scared and cantered off. Elizabeth heard and followed. “Sky?”

Suddenly she stopped. She couldn’t keep running away forever. “Sky!” Elizabeth pulled up. “Are you ok?” Sky burst into tears. “Say something!”

Wind drummer & Renaria
2019-06-12 01:18:23
Sadie and Sky-By Arnora.

Sadie woke up to the sound of ringing hoofbeats."Oh no,"she said to herself."I hope he didn't get away again."She went down the ladder to feed Sky, but the stall next to her where the draft her and her sister Helena owned,was empty and it was the second time this week Bailey had broken out of his stall.

Across the isle Apple and her foal Cinnamon where nickering for Bailey. He was Apple's mate Sadie went up the after feeding the horses.She got dressed and woke Helena up."Helena," she whispered,"Get dressed, Baliley got out again."Helena sprang out of bed and got dressed as fast as possible. Sadie went to Sky and saddled up. Helena saddled apple and they rode off to search for Bailey. Sadie found him eating white clover."There you are,"she said softly."We'll be going home now."

Saide took Bailey back to his stall and unsaddled Sky.Helena was already at the stable"Its time to wean Cinnamon from Apple."Lets do it tomorrow " Sadie suggested."Done" Helena agreed.

arnora & Brandy
2019-07-02 23:14:08
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
