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Chestnut Hill Boarding School & Stables

Okay BaySpeed. Also, we are going on the tour now!
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-06-24 14:19:42
Gemma: *Stands up* Well. Lets go Kierra. Have fun organizing your closet Suzanne. *Follows the others*

Kierra: *Takes her place beside Gemma*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-06-26 03:30:15
Gemma: Postive. *Walks after the group* So Val, which horse is yours again?

Kierra: We got Falcon and Tybolt.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-06-29 00:07:36
March: *walks away with everyone else.*

Ali: So this is the riding ring, and that building is the indoor arena. Let's go in there. This room is where we keep the jumps and obstacles, like here, this is a fake river. It gets water put in it, and then it circulates it like a real creek.
You can ride in here and on trails and in the schooling ring later on with permission from me. I will be in my office which is over here or in the training ring over there or in the stables.
These are the stables. We have 40 extra stalls, because we get borders and stuff, and sometimes we will have our vets give demonstrations on sick horses for certain classes. There is a little closet in between each stall with the horse's tack in there.

This is the tack shop. You get points for cleaning stalls and things, and come here with your point slips and you can buy saddle pads and stuff with those. Getting good grades on your horse quizzes and winning comps are more ways to earn points.
Report to my office to get your point slips after you do jobs. The grooms will tell me if you do a job, and I know your quiz grades and who wins comps.

This is the tack room where we have the extra lead ropes and lunge lines and lunge whips and crops and stuff, but one thing, if you EVER abuse a horse, or attempt to, or misuse one, you will not be allowed to the stables for one month. And if you sneak down after being banned, you get one extra week on your detention. I abhor abuse, which is why the punishments are so high.

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-06-29 01:20:52
(Hey, do I still get my treeless saddle and rope hackamore? Because if not, that is AGAINST the way I ride)
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-06-29 22:53:40
Ali: Valarie, You can get maps for the trails in my office, but of course you need permission. You can go in groups of three or more and at least one of you must have a reputation of being trustworthy. I can't take you on the trails now because we need to get gas for the bus and the horses are tired.
Susane, last year one of my students beat a horse when it refused a scary looking jump and she got thrown off. This person was banned from the riding school part of this school for a whole semester. the horse was severely damaged and had to be taken from the school, and put to pasture. We can go see this horse. *Walks there.* Here Firefly. Good girl. look at those scars. Everywhere. The girl who did this didn't realize what she did, and was simply angry. This horse can't be ridden anymore because of these scars, see? They are in the perfect places to get rubbed on when you ride. This girl had to take classes on how abuse damages a horse like Firefly for one whole semester instead of riding classes. She is still here and has never abused one since. This is why we have rules. Things like this DO happen.

March: WHO on earth would do such a thing!

Ali: Someone who doesn't get on a team and is angry and doesn't know what they are doing. I'm not saying never use a crop on a horse. There are times firmness is needed, but the rule should be everywhere, if the crop leaves a mark, the person holding the crop leaves the farm.

Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-06-30 02:37:42
Gemma: *Gasps* I never use a crop anyway! Tybalt will just have to respond to my macoti! (A loose and soft string that can be tied to a saddle horn, like a horse that is trying to get another horse to move, it 'bites' the horses shoulder, it doesn't hurt them at all)

Kierra: *Rubs Firefly's muzzle* Poor girl!

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-06-30 22:23:41
Whoops! I left out the part saying that the girl hit the horse badly.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-06-30 22:25:37
Kierra: *Laughs as Firefly nuzzles her* I brought several carrots to give to Falcon, can I give Firefly one?

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-07-01 14:31:36
Ali: Yes, go ahead and give him treats. He's starved for attention. I have not thought of harnessing him, but you know, that's a good idea!
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2012-07-02 15:00:58
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
