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*** Wentworth Academy *** ANY ONE CAN JOIN! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK!!!

Angel: Thanks! *Walks Copper and tyes him next to Skye, goes to the tack room and gets treats and his grooming kit* Hey boy! *Feeds him a treat* Skye, Amber, do you want to give him a treat? They're healthy, you can give them to your horses too, I don't mind.
CopperGirl2000 & Copper Heart
2011-08-04 20:24:17
Oh... Yeah i did say that after there was 10 or more members... but we have seven now so... TIME FOR THE ELECTION! You are allowed to ask friends who aren't in the club to vote for you. If you want to run for principal, w-mail me before the 8th of august! I know it's a short period of time, but then it will be much quicker!
Can only vote once.
I will count votes, I promise to do so fairly.
The principal will plan field trips, make rules, etc:
you will only be able to vote until the 12th
Good luck to all!

perdjie & Aussie
2011-08-05 15:16:40
jane- walks to the arena, opens the door still on sierra and walks into the arena. closes the door and walks around in large circles. then starts to trot and canter her for a warm up. makes her stop quick and backs her up. gives her rains again and trots her around. after a bit of warming up, lets her walk around.pats her warm neck and smiles and says " good girl!"
eatprayloverun101 & lilly
2011-08-07 13:07:32
Can i Join?
Name: Mily
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Name: Star
Show Name: Starlight
Age: 6
Gender: Mare
Breed: Appaloosa
Color: Black and White

Mily Polo & Star
2011-08-08 18:47:55
can i join?
name Candra
age 10

name Moonlight

fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-08-09 08:46:50
Angel: *Walks to Copper Heart's stall and catches him* Come on boy, let's ride! *Clips reins to hackamore, swings up and walks half way to the barn, trots to the barn, dismounts* Good boy! *Pat his neck, walks to the tack room and gets his saddle and grooming kit, walks back, puts saddle on rack, grooms Copper Heart, puts saddle on, tightens girth* No puffing!
Copper Heart: *Diflates and whinnyies*
Angel: *Tightens girth and swings into the saddle, trots to the arena* Hi guys! What are y'all doing? Can I try?

CopperGirl2000 & Copper Heart
2011-08-09 11:43:13
After the winner of the principal election is declared... We will have a celebration picnic!!! When the time is decided, we will all go to the PAL PADDOCK! At the Cardenals barn. Get to know the people in the club! I think that is a great way to celebrate the new principal!!! Oh and... RustyGal, CopperGirl, why don't you start some campaigns? We wont vote 4 who we don't know!!!
perdjie & Aussie
2011-08-09 12:49:53
jane- lines up with barrels and makes her stand and examine the barrel pattern. then trots her in a large circle as we get closer entering the pattern, sierra starts to try and speed up. holds her back untill the end of our circle then lets her just canter the barren pattern. she turns the first one perfectly and lunges off to the second. clears the second, almost hits the last one but clears it and sierra and i fly across the area at lightning speed. stops her and lets her walk around. then trys barrels again but this time lets her run the whole way. she finnishes with all barrels perfect and waists no time around them or to finnish. pats her neck and praises her. lets her walk
eatprayloverun101 & lilly
2011-08-09 21:58:42

Jane Crandal & JB
2011-08-10 02:40:27
i know i'm late but can i join?

person:sam (but people call her SD)
age: 14
appearance: tall, skinny, red hair and blue grey eyes


registered name: Macs Black Tamarack
barn name: Tammy
gender: mare
age: 11
breed: pinto
colour: solid black
markings: socks on both left feet and a thick blaze
sport: does dressage as well as hunters, schools at 2'9"
personality: kind of rude, attempts to buck people off, loves sam

registered name: McGregor
barn name: McGregor
breed: Highland pony
age: 10
colour: fleabitten grey
sport: trained to 3rd level dressage, hunters, schools 2' - 2'3"
personality: super sweet,and very loving

**also, as a side note, tammy is a real horse who i'm actually looking for. she was sold august 2010 in maine and is probably living somewhere in new england. the description that i posted matches her exactly, if anyone knows where she is now i would be SO greatful if you could let me know, i loved this horse with my whole heart.

SceneEquestrian & McGregor
2011-08-12 06:48:17
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
