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~Jennie's Herd~

Would Anyone like To take over the club for a week or 2..........or 3?Why you may ask?Well i am really busy and i have to focus on alot of projects for school and i get so busy i can only look through a few clubs.If anyone would like to do that tell me.And maybe i have to give this club to someone else.
jennie2 & Layla
2011-10-14 00:49:10
i can watch the club for a bit untill you get back! well if you want me to
eatprayloverun101 & lilly
2011-10-18 22:38:52
thanks eatprayloverun101.I will be back in a few weeks though.sorry if this is all of a sudden
jennie2 & Layla
2011-10-19 21:18:44
no prob jennie!:)
sierra- follows the rest of the herd and trys not to limp very much. enters cave and lifts weight off of hurt leg now bleading pretty bad

eatprayloverun101 & lilly
2011-10-20 21:15:03
gallops toward the cave as fast as my hurt leg will take me.when I reach the cave, I take all the weght off my scratched up leg and try not to look in pain."is everyone alright? are all the foals here?!
eatprayloverun101 & lilly
2011-10-22 21:21:55
princess- gallops into the cave after the rest of the herd. after I enter the cave saftly, I take all the weight off my hurt leg and look around frantickly."is everyone alright? where are the young ones? are we all here?!"
eatprayloverun101 & lilly
2011-10-25 00:22:53
Thread shortened.


Jane Crandal & JB
2011-11-17 22:28:00
Candra: Listen, wolves... *whisper to children* You guys go to Jennie and tell her, i'm going to check out what's going on. *gallop off with Moon Light*
Children: *pretend to go to Jennie but Follow Candra instead*
Candra: Are you alright? Roxy, right??
Children: *hides behind a rock*
Candra: *helps Roxy up and wait for an answer when hears a wolves howl* they must be near, the wolves.

fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-11-18 00:21:15
what's happened?
arabluv & teapot
2011-12-07 21:38:29
Candra: Okay, Roxie. *a wolf howls and get closer* A wolf *whispers* shoo, go away, go on... here's some oats *throw outs in to a far bush, the wolf ran overs* hum, for a second, i thought it wouldn't work! oh well, look the storm, i believe is coming, the clouds are getting so dark out there, *rain started to fall and thunder crashed* *takes my phone out* no service *put it back in* i guess we're stuck Roxie
fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-12-08 07:33:46
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
