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*** January 2012 Poem Contest *** Enter your poem as a wmail here


I am falling for you like the December snow.
Show me you love me so...
and kiss me under the Mistletoe.


PaintPals & Lady
2012-01-04 23:46:37
By 9966332

The black mare alone,
Life of ungainly stone,
Feels no love or care,
Nor any, any, where,
Wanderers alone through coldness nights,
And never fears to fight
They call her the loner,
Only she has found not yet an owner,
Search the world for the love and care,
But never any, anywhere,
Fear and cold frightened screams,
Comes and abounds like streams,
Neither love nor care,
Any, anywhere,
Cold and frightened, fears seem not forgotten,
All the thought come through thick as cotton,
From the barns and pens she passes,
Then one last barn,
On a small one acre farm,
Comes the stream of love and hope,
Not a harsh pull of any rope,
Wanderers the fields of fear,
Love or hope never near,
But in the barn,
On the one acre farm,
Wanderer feels no fear.

9966332 & Indy
2012-01-05 17:06:43

By:Pumpkin Pip

Two horses in the feild,
With Bay foals they stood,
They each had rugs on
And all had a hood.
The winter whispered into their ears,
Each ear was filled with fright.
As soon as the farmer strolled out with carrots
Their hearts, filled with delight.

The winter whispered once more that night,
Again the horses were shaking with fright.
It was bitterly cold still taking in the sight,
The foals stood without at all any fright.

Morning struck and horses frghtened,
The sky was then finally brightened.
The farmer came out to say hello
And the foals felt like they wanted to bellow.

Happy new year Pony Pals

pumpkin pip & Gemini
2012-01-06 19:51:11
what is a good peom I do ask of thee?
and you replied, it tis one with riddles and tiddles of three,
what is a tiddle is it a dog or a fiddle?
NO, of course not you say, it's my riddle!
I asked you about a peom not a riddle,
you asked me tiddle and I replied with a riddle,
do you even know what makes a good peom?
No, not at all but I know a riddle,
I don't want to know about a riddle,
then with a puase you replied, how about a tiddle?
and in your hand was a small morsel of bread,
that's a tiddle? I asked then said, never mind I'm going home and putting ice on my head!

The arguement of two.
by GS

Golden swallow & Bow tie
2012-01-07 21:38:43
by Candy1

I won alot of ribbons.
but I couldnt have dont it without you.
I learnd to walk, trot, and canter.
but I couldn't have done it without you.
I keep my temper and don't lie.
but I couldn't have done it without you.
my hopes and dreams are coming true.
but I couldn't have done it without you.
your my horse.
your my friend.
and I love you.

Candy1 & Nitika
2012-01-10 18:01:24
I want you back
theres noting you lack
Like my heart theres all ways something of you
you are so true
all i want is you
with your ribbon in your hair thats blue

we want to be free
you heard me

i am a fool
i just feel like a tool

my heart treats me like a toy
i feel so annoyed
we both do
souls are new
hearts are of few
but now i now that we are all wonderful in are own way
as in my bed i lay

annamarie208 & Ice
2012-01-12 16:48:19
I love you pony

by lily5

Me and you stick like glue,
How I love riding you.
Oh how I love being on you,
It's so fun,How 'bout you.
You stay in my hart,
And so do you.
I love you,trust you,care for you to as i give you my hart,
You do the same but you let me tell my secrets that you will never tell.

Hope you like my poem.Lily5 and Blackie

Lily5 & Omari
2012-01-12 22:55:07
Hot Chocolate

By: Elizabeth114

Fluffy, floating marshmallows,
piping hot, very warm and comforting.
Smells wonderful,
and puts me in a tranquil,
calm world.
I ice skate around in the cold,
and my hot chocolate's waiting there for me.
Nothing better to warm me.
The chocolate taste brings delight,
and I think that
Christmas is near.
It comes to my mouth,
and the marshmallows disappear.
But the warmth is still there.
Sip it up,
use a straw.
It seems to whisper to me,
it warms me from the icy frost,
and cold.
I savor the chocolate in my mouth,
Nothing better to comfort me.
Hot Chocolate.....................................

Elizabeth114 & Peyton
2012-01-14 16:29:53
Remember me?
By poetoflove

Remember me, the one who would ride you?
Remember me? We would jump to the sky.
You were always stubborn, you still are, so am I.
Do you remember how similar we are?
We're both short and love jumping,
we are the same age, and love the fresh air.
Do you remember me? I rode you for three years
Before I had to leave... But I'm back.
Do you remember me? I remember you.
Try to remember me, you're my best friend.

poetoflove & George
2012-01-17 04:48:17
Sorry this is so short. I made it a long time ago but I hope I can win the poem contest! x

Riding here,
Riding there,
On a stallion,
Or on a mare,
Riding along the ridge we go,
Hoping my trusty steed will know,
I want to ride,
Faster and faster,
As fast as a silver rocket blaster,
My heels dig in,
Away we go,
Hooves stamping joyfully on the thick white snow.

Thanks guys!!!!!!

Love from thesaddleclubgirl123, and Starlight my buckskin gelding. xx

thesaddleclubgirl123 & Starlight
2012-01-18 17:46:02
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
