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February 2012 Story Contest Age 12 and Older

By Princess777

I was sitting down by my pony's side on that fateful afternoon. Her body had already gone cold, but I wasn't about to tell anybody. She was supposed to be feeling better by now. The equine influenza wasn’t that deadly was it? Most horses don’t die from it. So why did mine have too? Everything had gone so well just that morning. How had it come to this?

I woke up earlier than I usually do on a Saturday morning. I took a deep breath in. The Kentucky breeze blew over and refreshed me. I love Danville, Kentucky. It was such a beautiful place to live. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Suddenly, reality hit me like a slap in the face. I hurried through the morning necessities. I brushed my teeth, went downstairs for breakfast, finally racing out the door to the barn. I looked into JoJo’s stall only to see that she was fine. In fact, she looked better than usual. I breathed a sigh of relief. I gave JoJo (short for Joelle) her morning feed before leaving the barn. I took my bike out of the shed, leaned it against the house, and walked back inside.
“Mom, I am going to Kelly’s house. Can you keep an eye on JoJo for me,” I called into the house.
“Sure, hon,” my mom called back. I ran outside, excited to tell my best friend the good news. Joelle hadn’t been doing so well for the past few days, but she seemed to be improving now. I pedaled as fast as I could down the road to Kelly’s house. When I got there, I saw Kelly outside with her horse, Moonbeam.
“Hi, Kel” I ran up to her, throwing my bike down at the end of their driveway.
“Hey Jessie,” She said.
“Guess who is feeling better today,” I said excitedly.
“She is? Oh, I am so happy for you and her,” she said hugging me. I was grateful to have a friend as good as Kelly. “I will come by as soon as I can,” she promised.
“Ok. See you later.” I went to the end of the driveway, picked up my bike, and pedaled happily home. When I got home, it was close to 11:00. I had time before lunch, so I decided to take a walk, and enjoy this earth while I was still on it. I walked all around our property. I stopped and enjoyed the beautiful birds and trees and flowers. When I came back from my walk, it was 12:00. I went inside and enjoyed my lunch. Today felt like a really good day. Walking back to the barn, I stopped to peek inside Joelle’s stall. The sight before me left me sick to my stomach. I quickly opened her stall door and ran to her side.
“Joelle,” I screamed. It was too late. She was gone. For a while, I just sat there, sobbing into her mane. I was mad at the world and I was mad at God for taking my pony away from me. The unforgiving hands of death had taken my horse away from me and she was never coming back.
“Joelle,” I sobbed, “come back, please come back. God bring her back to me.” I knew her body was cold now. I wiped away my tears, but they flooded down my face even harder now. She was supposed to be feeling better by now. The equine influenza wasn’t that deadly was it? Most horses didn’t die from it. So why did mine have too? Everything had gone so well just that morning. How had it come to this? When I had regained my composure, I stood up and walked slowly back to the house. When I walked through the door, my mother immediately came to my side. She hugged me and I cried on her shoulder. The next few days passed slowly. My family and I had a short funeral for Joelle. Then the next few days turned into months and then years. I am now 21. I just graduated and am getting married next summer. Joelle’s death was hard on me but it wasn’t the end of the world. God helped me through that tough time in my life and He will help me with even harder problems along the way. I will always love Joelle and Joelle will always love me… even if she is gone.

By Princess 777, age 12

Princess777 & Clover
2012-02-25 03:19:14
The New Mare: Part 1
By luver

Her midnight black tail flew behind her as she raced my heart did so to. She turned at a halt and looked at me with her piercing black eyes with a touch of fire in her spirit. She laughed at me and turned to run. I called to her with a small soft voice LadyBird come to me I wont hurt you. She turned the fire softened the sound of a kind voice.

Turning back I lent in to pet her. Then there was a loud slam a man yelled stay away from that beast you child. I called back she is not a beast. He came further out of the door a whip in one hand he came and whacked the mare and said “get away you animal”. Now kid head back home and leave my beast of a horse alone.

Turning to run I yelled “if anyone is a beast it is you”!! I scurried home and asked my mom “mom if I was to get a horse would you be mad.” “She replied by saying “of course not why do you ask?” “The neighbor has a beautiful mare but he doesn’t love her if he would allow it do you think we could get her?”

To Be Continued.........

luver & LadyBird
2012-02-25 23:46:22
My fingers we cold, even as they worked over Prim's, soft black coat.My fingers worked, untangling her mane. My eye's drifted around the barn, it was dim, the early morning sun, sparkling of the dew and shining into the hall. There are ten stalls, one tack room and a large indoor arena. I pulled the thick, pale green saddle pad over Prim's back, after I had it were I wanted it, I pulled the dark brown saddle over, and pulled the girth tight, but not all the way. I slipped on the bridle and grabbed my helmet.I led prim to the arena, turned on the music and pulled the girth all the way. I mounted. As we walked around the arena, I planed what I was gonna do for our ride.

"AHHH! GUESS WHAT, AURORA!" Sea, my best friend jumped into the arena. She had her pony, Check right behind her.
Prim jumped but calmed down soon enough.
"Sea,you know better then to do that!" I say, glaring at her.
" yeah, yeah.. but this is to good to be true!"
I glower at her.
" what is it, then?" I snap. I ask Prim to trot and I post as Sea goes on talking as fast as a horse's canter.

"well, ok So I was reading my um book or whatever and I saw this camp add and we us I mean, You and I.." she stopped for a breath. "Are going to camp!"
"together? Cool!" I say with a smile.

So here we are one week later, at camp. The camp is amazing. Two huge barns, 4 arenas, trails,12 cabins for 4 each and a large pond. It's hidden by dark forest trees. I am walking with Sea to the cabin. The two other girls, Alia, and Jess.

Taylor*** & Atticus
2012-03-29 01:38:49
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
