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***** Zafirs Herd Roleplay Club******

Story Line (continues until next friday): Jobs are assigned! Zafir assigns every member in the herd a job (if you're not happy with your job just hang in there because they rotate). Sun and Moon are a bit mischievous and let their responsibilities slip while playing... and Dude refuses to work. Samantha and Ben must work together on their job (aww) and Samantha tries to get Ben to loosen up and have fun with it! Quinn teaches the young ones a valuable lesson , as towards the end of the week they find their neglected responsibilities must be completed.

Setting: Zafir's herd has found a beautiful valley to call home during the summer months. There is a river that unexpectedly goes from flowing gently the sweet water to becoming a raging and roaring water body. The grass is long and delicious and the flat area is lined with the mountains that form the valley to the east and west and forests to the north and south.

Windfall & Ophelia
2012-03-17 03:23:06
Week 1 of Zafir's Herd Roleplay (ends next Friday)

Zafir: I look around the area. "It's beautiful," I say to Breeze, who is always by my side. "We'll have to assign chores to maintain it. Freeze and I will start building a dam and channels to control the river. Dude will gather the wood in the forest to help us do so. Quinn is always the healer, so he can stay with the job he has. We need to gather food for the winter and make a surplus. Sun and Moon can start on that, and Ben and Sam will watch over them. You will rest," i say, eyeing Breeze's swollen belly pointedly, "and Tara will make sure your comfortable and get you anything you need." I sigh, anticipating the long work day ahead.

Windfall & Ophelia
2012-03-17 03:23:06
Sam: *Trots up to the river to drink.* This water is so clean!
mybuety & Pressed
2012-03-18 05:00:18
Can the mares have sires that are in the herd?
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-03-19 01:52:54
Sure maddiebaby
Windfall & Ophelia
2012-03-19 21:19:17
k, just wondering.

maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-03-20 02:37:44
Ally: i go to the river where Sam is. I roll in the river.*
maddiebaby & Harry Styles
2012-03-20 02:37:44
Maddiebaby, aren't you Freeze???

Zafir: Alright everyone! Let's get to work! I begin to dig a channel so some of the fresh water will flow gently towards us. Freeze helps me.

Windfall & Ophelia
2012-03-22 00:32:42
Tara:"I love it here!" *gallops to Ally and Sam and hops into river*
Horseluver2001 & My Pony
2012-03-22 00:34:12
Sam: *Wads into the river and splashes the water around.*
mybuety & Pressed
2012-03-29 01:38:49
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
