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***Forgotten Island Herd***
Hi! Welcome to Forgotten Island! My name is Clouds on a Summer Day, but you can call me Changer. I am a changer and your lead mare. You don't know what changers are? Let me explaine. A changer is a horse that can change shape. The other shapes I can be are rabbit, squittel, fox and wolf. No, in wolf form I won't hurt you.

Pauli; *Laughs*
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-01 01:57:23
Wild Spirit - *trots to Changer.* "Yes, the herd is growing, that's good."

Feather - *the mare watches the herd carefully, stepping back at the slighest of sounds.*

Twilight - *trots up to Feather, and pokes her with her muzzle.* "Your it!"

Feather - "But, I'm, a... mare."

Twilight - "So??"

Feather - "Ok.." *she canters after Twilight, confused.*

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-08-01 01:59:07
Star: My cousin Fren and her frind misty.*
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-08-01 13:44:36
Hey, who's it? 1* my little horse asks*

pp2 & Finnigan
2012-09-13 20:41:24
Twilight - *I happily nicker.* "Feather!"
chelsea2 & Irish
2012-09-14 21:39:22
Starblazer- *runs away from feather*
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-09-14 23:52:44
Feather - *the roan mare canter after Starblazer, before turning and chasing Twilight.*

Twilight - *runs away from Feather.*

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-09-15 21:43:12
Starblazer-*sees feather gaining of him*i wish I could fly, I wsh I could fly * he thinks, then he turns into a snowy owl* wow, an owl! I didn't know I could change into this! I have to go tell mom and dad!*he comes down, and feather tags him, but he tells her he's not playing, still in a haze nag goes to tell wild and changer*
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-09-23 20:42:49
Wild - *puts his head down to Starblazer.*

Feather - *looks at Twilight.* "what's your forms?"

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-09-27 02:04:58
Twilight - "Wolf and Fox."

Feather - "Oh... Hey, look! Can you get that apple?" Points to an apple above them.

Twilight - "Sure!" She leaps up into the air, trying to reach it. She changes to another animal, almost hanging in the air for a second before getting a hold on the branch, pulling herself up, she runs along it on little paws, leaping from branch to branch. Before landing lightly on Feather's back. "Sorry, couldn't get it, it was to big." She tells Feather still a squirrel.

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-09-27 02:04:58
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
