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**** Horse and Rider magazine club ***

Horseforever I would get the 20 w-bucks because I am the owner of this club.
bay speed & Ruby
2013-06-20 23:35:14
RM: sorry for a long time no one was posting but now you're back :)

Emily: I mount Striver and enter the arena.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-06-21 23:47:15
(It's alright I understand.)

Sarah: Ok once everyone is in the arena I want you to do what you need to do to warm your horses up. Then we will start the trail class.

bay speed & Ruby
2013-06-23 20:06:32
ummm....I handed Pintabian lovers club to someone else so I do not know if that will have to drop out or not depending on what the owner wants.

Samantha:I mount Crystal and enter the ring

horsecrazygirl80 & Flame
2013-07-02 03:13:05
You do not have to own a club to be in one.
bay speed & Ruby
2013-07-02 21:31:50
Everyone warm their horses up and then Horseforever you can go first we will do the trail class first. You can set up the course however you would like it set up.
bay speed & Ruby
2013-07-02 21:31:50
RM: thanks. one thing....what's a trail class? it is a hunter-jumper class or more of a cross-country thing?

Emily: I warm Striver up around the ring. Striver snorts and arches his neck proudly, his Arabian tail held high. After a couple rounds around the ring, he calms down a bit.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-07-03 23:43:07
It's like a cross country course in the woods and its not all jumping you have to open mailboxes and go around things.
bay speed & Ruby
2013-07-05 18:29:56
RM: Okay. :)

Emily: I finish warming up Striver and wait for the signal. As soon as they give me the signal, I kick Striver into a fast trot. We head into the woods and come up to a low fence. Striver gathers his hindquarters beneath him beautifully and sails over the fence, with tons to spare. Striver snatches at the bit and I let him go into a slow canter. We come up to a stream, and Striver slows a bit, eyeing the cool water. But he goes past and we come up to a gate. I slow Striver down and open the gate, shutting it behind me. Then Striver goes into a high-stepping canter and we jump a few fences: a combination, a water jump, and a oxer. We come up to a mailbox and I slow Striver to a trot and open and shut the mailbox. After that, We jump a bush jump and a few parallels, and climb up a little hill. Then we go into a gallop and race to the finish. I halt in front of the judges and bite my lip.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-07-06 02:04:46
Sarah: That was a great ride by Emily and Striver!(The audience applauds)Next comes Samantha and Crystal.
bay speed & Ruby
2013-07-16 01:14:50
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