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**** Twin’s Herd ****

Reyalp: No, I meant I jump at adventure..
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-06 01:39:18
Domino: I am Donominoid. But everyone calls me Domino.

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-07 12:36:51
Domino: Dnominoid. Di-nom-in-oid. (Spell check was screaming NO!!!!!!!!)
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-08 21:49:38
Domino: Oh. *Uncomfortable, prances in place*
Reyalp: *Giggles*
Domino: *Glares bullets through her*

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-10 01:55:22
Day: walks around the herd
Harmony: walks with her mate day
Night: stands on the hill and watches the herd
Melody: stands with her mate Night
Calypso: come play with me Fire Queen, Fire Fly, and Rhyme* she calls
Rhyme: Prances in place by Calypso *Lets race.*
Midnight: Justice you back up lead stallion and I mare.*
Wild Song: watches the foals

Starwalker123 & Star
2012-11-10 02:24:35
Day: Moves restly through the herd. Stopping Before his mate Harmony. *Hi Harmony.*
Harmony: wants up Day.*
Day: *The New Stallion Justice Midnight wish to be his mate.*
Harmony: *Yes.*
Day: walks around the herd
Harmony: walks with her mate day
Night: stands on the hill and watches the herd
Melody: stands with her mate Night
Calypso: come play with me Fire Queen, Fire Fly, and Rhyme* she calls
Rhyme: Prances in place by Calypso *Lets race.*
Midnight: Justice you back up lead stallion and I mare.*
Wild Song: watches the foals
Day: feels a soft breeze in the air smelling home in it. He takes a deep breath *Home.* he whispers was thinks of the last night Lakota Jazz, Wild Song, His twin and he had spent together. The evening air had been scented by heather and sage. Lakota Jazz had told his sons that they would always make him proud. Day had believed him. So had Night as he had told Day later.

Starwalker123 & Star
2012-11-10 02:57:57
Midnight: Same to you
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-11-12 21:28:29
Domino: *Relieved, he trots away*
Reyalp: *Trots after Domino* You are AWFUL with mares!
Domino: So? *Canters away, leaving Reyalp*
Reyalp: *Annoyed, gallops back to Justice* Hi again.

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-13 22:35:34
Reyalp: Aging?? AGING???!!!
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-14 23:37:05
Domino: *Sneaks up behind Reyalp and mouths; She does NOT have a sense of humor...be careful..everything is an insult to her*
Reyalp: *Frowns, confused*
Domino: *Trots away, sniggering*

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-17 02:30:59
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
