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*** Prince's Herd ***
This is a Role Play Club. My name is Prince, a almost pure American Mustang, exept for my mother, a Thoroughbred. I am brave, I just need a herd to prove it. It took me two years to run here. I suffered hunger, and lost my way. I see a herd up a head, and many horses. I will neigh loudly to get their attention. My life has begun.

Reyalp: *Looks slightly annoyed that Ajax saved the day again, and trots away glowering*
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-20 20:00:27
(Parelli, could you maybe not make your horses always save everyone please?)
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-21 00:59:47
Reyalp: *Irked, follows Keeth*
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-21 23:43:24
Wow. Annaneya and Parelli have problems like these in horse herd clubs. Can you please just sign a peace tretie? It's almost Christmas.
pizza freak & Amazing Grace
2012-11-21 23:51:54
Yeah guys, really. Although I have to say, let others get a chance to save the day. Remember, 'Seize the day!'
Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2012-11-22 22:08:32
(I'm trying guys, Anna is just trying to change my character, and I am not.)
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-11-25 02:45:39
Sorry, it's just annoying. You should see me in real life. I'm like in constant arguments with everyone. I'm not very popular except with other hot heads.
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-25 02:45:39
**RM perhaps you might consider being less of a hot head. In real life that is not a success strategy. **
Jane Crandal & JB
2012-11-25 03:03:49
I know, I try not to but it's so hard! My mom and dad and their moms and dads and I think their moms and dads had tempers, so it's really hard not to get into arguments when people don't agree with me. Usually I challenge them to a race or something, but I can't do that here, especially with a god or goddess horse.
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-25 21:14:23
Here is the peace treaty:
I, SEA (my initials) will not argue with other horses and or people (namely Parellichick) and I will not try to change the other people's horses. Do you, Parellichick, agree? If so, please copy and paste this, except with your name.

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-25 21:19:21
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
