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*** Prince's Herd ***
This is a Role Play Club. My name is Prince, a almost pure American Mustang, exept for my mother, a Thoroughbred. I am brave, I just need a herd to prove it. It took me two years to run here. I suffered hunger, and lost my way. I see a herd up a head, and many horses. I will neigh loudly to get their attention. My life has begun.

indy: nieghs thanks justice!-gallops to prince-please may i join you herd?
9966332 & Indy
2012-08-20 21:55:53
Prince: Ajax! There you are!
ponylover1709 & Oreo
2012-08-20 21:56:27
Prince: Yes, what is your name?


ponylover1709 & Oreo
2012-08-20 21:59:15
Ajax: *I snort* Well Indy, you might be better in a herd where the stallion isn't so ill-mannered! *I turn tail and float away on a graceful trot, the moment I'm out of earshot* Mom, Dad, Diablo, Survivor. I could use some help rigt about now! *A bright flash of light opens a hole in the sky, a rainbow desends to the ground and 4 horses walk down it*

??: Ajax! Darling! It's been too long! Oh my gods. Your tail is a wreck.

Ajax: Mom! I don't care about my tail! Only you, the great goddess of beauty you are, would!

Aprodite: *Looks miffed* Well!

??:Don't you talk to your mother like that! I am Ares the war god and I will not take such incomputence under my roof!

Ajax: Um. Dad. We're not under a roof.

Ares: Um.. well.. Mediforically...

Diablo: Oh dad, put a sock in it. *The black stallion walks up to Ajax, he is a good hand taller then the 16.2hh mare* Your so short Ajax.

Ajax: *Mutters under her breath* Tallest one in my herd.

Survivor: *Lets out a laugh and a handsome Cherry bay stallion walks out* Ajax! Really? Even the stallion has to bow under your greater height?

Ajax: *Her face darkens at the mention of Prince* Well. This stallion, Prince, is the most ill-tempered, ill-mannered and mood changingist thing ever seen! *She goes on to curse him in anceint Greek* He was looking me over when his mate back stepped a bit and then he started yelling at me to stop scaring her. So I bit, kicked and sprayed gravel in my face. An other stallion, Justice, came to my rescue. He's nice and so is his mate White Rose. Daddy, if you have to bring your wrath down, just bring it down on Prince. Now. Let's go scare the living daylights out of them!

Survivor: Ooh! Yes! Let's!

All: *Walk back to where Prince is, the rest staying in the trees*

Ajax: Prince, these are my brothers. *A handsome Cherry Bay stallion and a tall black stallion walk out* And my parents. *A black friesian looking horse with Thoroughbred looking too walks out and so does a dainty white Arabian mare with a sheer pink halter (wink-wink, greek myths! What does Aphrodite have?)* Now. Do you know who they are? Of course not. Mother. *The graceful mare walks up and flashes into a beautiful brunette woman in a long flowing toga and a pink sheer scarf around her neck* Father. *He changes to a tall muscular man in a knee-lentgh toga in a flash of smoke* Know now?

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-21 13:13:15
You can.
ponylover1709 & Oreo
2012-08-21 13:32:20
Sequoia:I gallop onto a hill to greet the sun.Seeing some random horses near the spot I want to graze on,I pin my ears at them and threaten to bite one,showing my bossiness.Then,since the area is clear,I drop my head down to graze.
Alexi Noelle & Mountain Sky
2012-08-21 14:32:26
Ares: No. This is how the humans see us.

Ajax: *I whisper in his ear* They're olympians.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-22 01:25:55
*I continue to play around with Mary. I then see Ajax's family and run up to them and try to chase them.*

Prince: You and your family don't belong here!
Mary: Prince! Stop it, they're not doing anything.
Prince: They don't fit in here.

*Mary rears and comes down almost trampoling Prince. She winks at Ajax.*

*Prince gallops off to Ajax.*

Prince: Alright, alright I'm sorry.

*Mary comes to him and they hug*

(You know the cute thing with their necks? They hug)

ponylover1709 & Oreo
2012-08-22 13:41:58
Ares: *I see the comotion over to the pond and disappear, I reappear by Justice* I am Ares. God of War. I will help you get your mate back. *My face is hard yet, an understanding is in my eyes.

Aphrodite: *I follow Ares* I will keep Rose company while she is in that stallions clutches. I shall appear only to her and her alone. *I disappear and re-appear where Rose is as a Ghost Horse* Do not be afraid Rose. My husband and Justice are working together to try and rescue you. My husband is Ares, the god of War.

Ajax: *I pin my ears at Prince* You dare try to chase the olympians? You dare to try and chase Ares, god of war and Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty? My brothers and I are their children. We are more powerful then you can ever be. I alone chose to live on earth and pick a herd. And I picked yours. I have the power to distroy the herd and everyone in it. Keep that in mind next time you cross me.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-08-23 22:23:03
Prince: I'll get her!

*Gallops to lightning, bites him, whinning to Mary, who helps me defeat him. He lay on the ground, breathing but hurt.*

Prince: I found Rose!

ponylover1709 & Oreo
2012-08-23 22:23:03
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
