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September Poem Contest All ages

I Miss You

by ParelliChick

You loved to run,
You crazy dog.
You loved to play
Out in the open is where you belong.

Then one day
You got into trouble
Again and again
But you were too loveable

Now I wish I could change it
I wish you were in your stall
I wish that you were in the house
So we could have avoided it all

You disappeared for 10 minutes
I hope you feel the same
Just when you were making a breakthrough
You were acused of killing a cat, framed

All they could pin you with
Was a little bit of slobber
We had to give you to my aunt
So you could avoid slaughter

I hope you know I cried that night
I cried myself to sleep
I woke up the next day
Thinking you were mine to keep

I collapsed in sobs
And I made a vow
I wish you were with me
Comforting me with your howl

Black as night
With a spot white as snow
A Great Dane or Mastiff mix
And I hope they know

They hurt me beyond repair
They blamed my Lacie
They feed the wild animals
If I can prove them wrong, maybe, just maybe

I miss you so much
I cry each night
I put myself together again
But it takes all my might

I have your old collar
And my memories to comfort me
I have a spot on the floor
Your favorite spot to lie, I could see

Together they all help me remember
The happy times we had together
I have some moves that you watched
I wished it had never happened, never

They tore out my heart
They ripped it to pieces
I'll never forgive them
Although we're the owners neices

I can still see her
She'll never forget
I'm the one who comforted her
Now I need some comfort, you bet

I miss you Lacie
I miss you so much
I miss your barking
I miss your everything a whole bunch

Lacie you'll always be in my heart
I'll never forget you, not until the day I die
You may never believe me
You may thing I will lie

But this whole poem is about a truth
My Lacie was taken
By an unfair sentence
They made this happen

This is all true, my dog Lacie was sold to my aunt because she was blamed for killing a cat. Even though the people who said that feed the wild animals and Lacie had never killed ours. She was getting better and I wish that she was here. I cried while writing this. I hope she doesn't miss me as much as I miss her, then she would hate her new home, and I don't want that.

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-09-24 21:45:46
Back to school

Back to school it is,
but I don't think my pony is happy,
she whinnies at me when I leave,
she knows we used to ride at this time,
but it is finnaly the weekend me and my pony can now ride free!

ilovesunny & Thunder
2012-09-29 15:04:20

Running wild is what we horses love,
Manes whipping elegantly in the wind.

Soaring through the meadows like a dove,
Our hooves pounding on the ground.

Our nieghs ring through the wild,
Signaling all the rest or the herd.

Even though the wind is mild,
We run on through the great wild.

Nothing can stop us,
For we are the horses of the great wild.

cissy1 & Pegasus
2012-09-30 14:31:56
midnight Breeze
By: RiderGirlie944

The MidNight breeze blew upon me

My horse whinnied as the dawn broke

the wolves and foxes howling and barking made me shiver

When i felt a nudge on my shoulder,

I realized it was a dream. a very good dream.

Then i woke up.

the end.

RiderGirlie944 & Marie
2012-09-30 15:42:24

Jane Crandal & JB
2012-09-30 20:39:58
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
