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October Story Contest Age 12 and Older

Title: The Mountain Lion's Attack
By: Horseforever12

A yellowish flash of hair crept behind the flourishing grass of the meadow. Two green eyes peered out at Mariah. The girl shrieked, realizing it was a mountain lion. The cat’s tail twitched slightly. The princess gasped, remembering that she had left her quiver of arrows, bow, and sword back by Dusky, her horse. She was completely unarmed and the cat was starting to growl. Mariah did the only thing imaginable: she ran. She ran for her life; her dress fluttering around her legs and the cat roaring behind her. She finally reached Dusky and grabbed her things. The princess tried mounting her horse, but she tripped and fell. The black stallion reared, his hooves almost hitting Mariah’s head. She quickly ducked and pulled herself out of the way of the startled horse. Still tied to a branch, Dusky snorted madly. The cat snarled at the two frightened creatures. The mountain loin stood there a moment, his eyes aiming at the stallion. Suddenly the huge cat leapt into the air and attacked the horse. “Dusky!” Mariah screamed. The horse reared, neighing furiously. The French thoroughbred stomped his deadly hooves as the mountain lion snarled at his feet. The princess already had her bow in her hand and an arrow pointed at the cat. She took a deep breath and shot the arrow. The arrow struck the ground next to the cat’s tail. She quickly loaded another, quivering as the cat slashed his claws. Mariah pulled back on the bow string. Her fingers clenched the bow. Her fingers released the bow string and the arrow flew through the air. The arrow landed in the mountain lion’s shoulder. The cat fell dead on the ground. The girl tried not to faint, her body shaking uncontrollably. But Dusky was shaking worse than her. Scratches lay along his back and neck. His leg was dribbling with blood. But he was still alive, though weak. Mariah ran to the horse and hugged him, tears flooding her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered, “thank you.”

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2012-11-29 00:05:41
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
