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Ghost as Phantom's Ghost
by UK Equestrian
The clock ticked. It was moving so slow. I tapped my foot on the ground. “ Ghost, please stop tapping your foot and read the section for us.” I turned to the teacher. “Huh? “Students snickered but I wasn’t embarrassed. I looked down at the textbook.
“In 400 B.C., a man named. . .” I never got to finish reading for the bell to end school rang. I was out of my chair and out the classroom before you could say “mouse.” I ran down the hallways. “Ghost, stop running this instant!” I heard the principal, Mrs. Flower Sareth, but I didn’t bother to listen. I needed to get home and fast. My boss had plans and I was excited to hear them. I continued running and then was going down the black stone steps in front of school, two at a time. I ran to the small park that was next to Phantom Ranch High School, which is the school I go to. From the park gates, I went to my favorite tree, a giant, hollowed-out, oak. I went inside and dropped my backpack. The oak had three shelves in it. On one shelf, there was an arrangement of school supplies. On the shelf under it, there were books about every animal in the world. The books contained information of what they looked like, what they ate, where they lived, etc. The title was interesting, “The Shape-Shifter’s Guide to the Animals of the World.” The last shelf held claws, teeth, and fur of all kinds of animals. Each one was labeled. This was my space and nobody entered. I closed my eyes and started to shrink. My face became longer, my body grew black fur, and I went down on all fours. I could feel my tail growing out and then my hands and feet becoming paws. I was now a big and fast, black-furred wolf with piercing silver eyes that had a fierce attitude. I grabbed my backpack and high-tailed it to the bakery. I pushed the door open with my nose and walked in. The baker, Mr. Gray Sareth, saw me.
“The wolf is back. Let’s see what you need today.” He opened my black backpack and took out a list of items that my boss had written. ”Let’s see, twelve biscuits, six muffins, and two loaves of bread.” Gray nodded. “Coming right up.”He went behind the counter and gathered the listed items. He walked back over to me and carefully placed the bread in my backpack. Then he took the leather bag out and picked out some of the green paper which I knew was important to the humans but not to any other creature. Gray put the leather bag back where he found it in my bag. Then I ran home. I ran down the street called Ghost Way. Our town, Phantom, has strange names. I turned down a long dirt driveway. Before I went to the ranch house, I went to Meadow 1. There were nothing but fruit trees in this meadow and we only let a few selected horses graze here. The selected horses stopped chewing their grass and looked up and me. I didn’t even glance at them as I trotted to an apple tree and collected apples. As soon as I was done collecting the apples, 10 in all, I jogged to the ranch house. That’s where I had to turn back to human. I walked in and set the bag on a chair. “Black! I’m home!”
“Well, who else would it be?”A big man walked in. He was smiling.
“Ha ha ha. Very funny.”I snorted. I handed him the bag.
“Aww, the smell of apples and bread.”I could tell he was stalling. “Black, tell me the surprise otherwise I’m going to throw apples at you.”
Black surrendered. “Fine. Come to the stable with me.”
Black walked out and I followed him. Our barn is only a few yards from the ranch house and it could stable twenty horses. We kept our best and favorite horses here and, if it happened to be, a sick horse. Black slid the big door open. Inside was a man in jeans and a plaid shirt. “Ghost, this is Hail Wolff. He is a race horse trainer.” Hail tipped his cowboy hat to me. “Hallo there.” I tipped my own cowboy hat back to him. “Black, the surprise?”“Oh yes. He needs a new race horse for the track, one that can become a champion. I said I had a filly who would could be that champion.”I smiled. I knew what was coming up. “Well, let’s go get that filly.

Black came back with a black filly. She was big, seventeen hands to be exact. She was snorting and pawing the ground, ready to charge out of the gates and show the world what she was made of. I admired that filly. Well, then again, that would be saying I admire myself. I looked around, my eyes darting challenges to anyone who dared to look at me. Hail let out a whistle. “That is one big filly. She looks like she got speed. Nice straight, long legs too. She’s blacker than the dead of night.”
”Ya’got that right.” Hail looked around.
”Where’s that girl, uh, Ghost right?” Black slid a look at me.
“She’s right here.”Hail’s “wowed”expression became a confused one. “That’s the filly, though.”“That’s what I mean. Ghost is right here. Ghost is the filly.”
“How on Earth is that possible!?”
“She’s a shape-shifter. She’s your horse. Looks like a horse, got the speed of cheetah, and anything else she wants to add from a different animal.”
“Aww, I see. I’ve read about them but, of course, nobody believes they’re real. She willin’to take the role of a race horse?”
“You darn right she is.”
“Well then, let’s get her to the track and see what she can do.”

“Send her for a sprint. We want to show the press that she’s the world’s next champion.”
“Aye, sir.”Ice said.
I rolled my shoulders, getting used to a person being on my back when I am normally the one sitting up there. Talk about a change of positions! “Ok girl, just like the ole’man said. Make it a sprint.”
Too easy. Go sprinting at a sprinting distance when I could go sprinting at a long distance, that’s just not right. Ice took me at a slow jog around the track to loosen me up, which was a waste of time since I was already loosened up. Oh well. A track helper put me inside a starting gate. I breathed deeply; the bell sounded and the gate opened. I was out like a rocket high on soda and sugar. I picked up my stride as soon as I took a step and I was already pulling on the bit, fighting for my head. Ice soon found out I wasn’t going to stop fighting him till he gave me my head, so, to make matters easier, he gave me it. That’s when I really started to shine.
Ice and I came barreling down the home stretch and crossed the wire. He made an attempt to slow me. No good, it did “nada.” I came sprinting around the first turn, my stride big and beautiful. The sun shined on me and made my black coat even more dazzling. The spectators watched in amazement at my speed. Before they knew it, I was going down the back stretch, still sprinting and not a sign of being tired. I could hear Black laughing.
I rounded the second turn, still going at my sprint. My strides were becoming even longer and felt like I could go on forever. I passed where I had first started and ran across the wire again. I figured I had given the spectators and the press enough excitement for one day so I slowed and came cantering back to them.
“Nice ride Ice. How she feel?”
"After that ride, she feels like a dream. She was sprinting the entire lap without a hint of her getting tired. She could have gone even longer.”
Black nodded his agreement. “She’s got the makin’of it all. Let’s go get her in the stall and then think of a racing name for her.”
Hail nodded his agreement. I was walked out, hosed off, then walked out again. I have to admit, the cold water running down my back and legs hit the spot. I was put in the track’s best stall. It had fireproof walls, door, and roof. There was freshly cut straw bedding inside, some of the freshest water I had ever tasted and the food, well, let’s just say they had to make two more trips to the feed room.
“She a cow or she a horse?” asked one of the stable hands as he dumped more feed into the bucket.
“I’m hoping she’s a horse. Hail, you got more experience in this than I do. What racing name do we give her?”Black asked.
Hail thought for a moment. “Your town is called Phantom; her name is Ghost. We should try Phantom’s Ghost.”
Black thought for a moment. “I like it. I will go send it in.”

“What you say you wanted her name to be?”
“Phantom’s Ghost.”
“Well, it is unusual but, I think we can accept that.”
There was a pause on the phone.
“Ok. Send us her pedigree and we will record her as Phantom’s Ghost. Good luck racing.
”The man shut off his phone. Black leaned back and gave a long whistle. “Your folks aren’t horses.”I shrugged. “Put me under as sired by Hot Coal and out of Black Rose. They’re our best breeding stallion and broodmare and the track has no idea who they are.”
Black thought for a moment. “Guess you’re right. Ok. Let’s put that down on paper and send it in. We got Hot Coal’s and Black Rose’s pedigrees, right?”
“Why wouldn’t we?”I said.
Black shook his head. “Come on cow. You don’t want to miss your 18 pound dinner.”
“You wanna go there? Ok, fine. I have always wondered what 18 pounds of fodder would do to a human if it was dropped on their head.” Black backed away from me. I laughed and went back to my stall where I changed back to a horse. “You get a good night sleep, ok?” Black said as he closed the bottom half of the stall door. I snorted and nodded. “Fine.”Black closed the top half of the stall door and then he was gone. I settled down in a standing position, ready for my first night as a race horse. My first night as Phantom’s Ghost.

Hail came in and clipped my halter on me. “We got some racin’ to do today.”
Hail led me out of the stall and out into the open. A large crowd hushed as they saw me. I figured that most of them had read my article in the newspaper.
“Wow Mom! Look!”A girl was pointing to me. Her mom looked like she didn’t want to be here. I grabbed my lead rope and yanked it out of Hail’s grip. “Ghost!”
I snorted and walked over to the girl. Her eyes opened wide. I presented my back and she was on in a flash. That’s when her mother burst out with terror.
“Get down from there, THIS INSTANT!” The girl laughed and I cantered away. I could tell she was an experienced rider for the way she gripped and handled me. She squeezed her legs a little and there we were, off in a gallop down the track. She warmed me up and rode me to the track gates where I was about to race. A track helper tried to pull the girl off but instead he got a face-full of horse. He backed away, dazed.
A different track helper put me in the stall.
The girl looked around and shuddered. “Are they really gonna let me jockey you?”
I nodded. Black must have done something. I breathed deeply; it was my first real race. And then the bell sounded. The girl pushed me forward and we were in the lead. The other jockeys didn’t think the girl could keep me going so they cruised behind, waiting for me to tire. Too bad, cause I knew exactly what I was doing and I didn’t need a jockey. The girl and I came flying down homestretch, since this was a sprint race. The girl was laughing. I snorted and went even faster. And then there was me, crossing the wire, winning my first race without a proper jockey but a girl that I had just met.
“That was so fun!” The girl screamed. I cantered back to her mother where the girl slid off.
“Mom, did you see me? Did you see me? We were going so fast!” The mother scolded the girl but Black came up behind them.
“Instead of scolding her, be happy. She just rode a race horse in her first race and won. And to top it off, she was riding bareback and she isn’t even a trained or seasoned jockey.”
The mother stuttered and finally her attempted arguments fizzed out. The girl went over and hugged me. Then the press came. The girl got back on me and smiled, while holding the trophy and me wearing the blood red roses. Flashes came from everywhere and there was a lot of shouting and yelling and do not forget all the pushing. I was jostled around like crazy.
I snorted and cantered though the crowd. Black brought the girl to ride me again. She rode me into the winner’s circle where I posed like an Arabian. After a few more pictures, Black clipped the lead rope on me again and led me back to the barn. From there, the girl slid off and hugged me again.
“Thanks for the best day ever.” She whispered to me. I whinnied in answer. Then I looked at Black.
Black sighed. “I think Ghost would like you to become her jockey.”
The girl laughed. “I would love to, if you are sure.”
The girl’s mother marched up to us. “She will absolutely not ride this horse in any more races!” I turned my head and glared at the mother. I stomped a hoof and then scraped the ground.
I swung my hindquarters towards the mother, aiming to hit her square on but she quickly moved screaming, “Alright! Alright! She can ride you!”
I whinnied in pleasure. The girl smiled. Black rolled his eyes but was smiling too.
“My names Black Rain. And Phantom’s Ghost, here, got a big surprise for ya’.”Black said. The girl smiled. “I’m Raven Stone and I am ready for anything she throws at me.”

UK Equestrian & Sweetie
2013-02-10 23:53:39
by 66luvponies

Chenoa searched the mountain, her emerald green eyes twinkling in the golden morning sunlight. where was he? Kel had promised that Cator would be here and that she could become part of the tribe. Then she heard a whoop from the horizon and a boy on a nimble pony skidded to a dramatic halt as they reached the end of the valley. " I'm here, Chenoa, don't hide!" Chenoa stepped out off the shallow crevice she had been hiding in incase the stampede came down to the valley. "do you have him?" she asked, eager to get on with the trial ahead. the boy didn't need to awnser, because as chenoa spoke, a young stallion, with splashes of white and gold all over his body appeared, almost from nowhere, and reared up to his full, immpressive height. " now all you have to do.." Kel sniggered cheekily "... is ride him." He whipped the colourful blanket off of his horse and placed it cautiously on the pinto's back. Then he ducked out of the way of the flying hooves aimed in his direction and mounted his pony, bareback, and sat there, thoughtfully, as if trying to anticipate the wild mustang's next move. Chenoa walked slowly up to the horse and ran her tanned fingers through his silky, golden mane. " Hello, Cator." The horse suddenley dropped is head and nuzzled her arm. Chenoa led him over to a rock and she mounted lightly, yet slowly as not to frighten the flighty stallion. Kel gawped as she mounted the horse that was as wild as the earth itself, and rode away into the sunrise. Cator means spirit. Nothing exept love can harness that.

66luvponies & Low Lightning
2013-02-16 15:11:04
Title: The Foal's Journey part 9
By: Horsesforever12
Note: I will be starting new series soon called Taming Mustangs.

The day came where the men came for Lady. I tried to protect her as best i could...but it was no use. they took her in behind that building...and i only had to listen to her scared neighs. a few days later...just like Silver Tongue...came Lady, with a fat man on her back. I was shocked and a shiver ran through me as they came for ME.
I galloped around the ring, mad, sad, and my heart burning for justice. they somehow got a so-called halter on me, with a lead rope on it. they dragged me to a corral that was lined with men cheering. The tied me down and put a heavy seat on my and tightened it around my belly. they put a metal bar in my mouth with ropes coming out from it. Then a man got on me! I barged out forward, knocking him off in a second. But those worthless humans wouldn't give up! again, he go on, and again, i bucked him off. Again, again, again, again! Finally a man with a evil look in his eye said, "We're breaking his spirit one way or another!" and with that, they brought out a long rope and the man got on my back again with it in his hand. I began bucking him off, put he slapped my flank with it, and startled; i stopped short. i turned my head and stared at my flank. my eyes were rolling, but my ears sullenly turned downward, submissively. Nostrils flaring, I bent my head, giving up and telling myself...Why? Suddenly, a voice in my head said, You don't need to give up! The wild is forever yours, these humans cannot tame that which is of freedom! ignore the whip, ignore the straps and ropes, stand for justice! And with that, I lifted my head, shifted uneasily, and reared. my mane flew back, and my hoof beat seemed to echo as my hooves crashed against the dusty ring. the human dropped the whip and fell off my back as I frantically galloped around the ring. Finally, a man shouted, "Bring him in for the day!" and that seemed like sugar to my ears. They took the retched seat off my back and the dreadful metal out of my mouth. I was put in a warm stall next to Lady. Lady whinnied to me, "Did you get tamed?" I answered with a wicker, "No. And we will escape tonight." "What?" she snorted. "How?" "Trust me...we will."
To Be Continued.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-02-16 19:02:21
Sorry admin, I entered it in the wrong age contest... can you switch my story over to the Age 11 contest?
fluffy23 & Moonlight
2013-02-21 11:41:22
The Horse That Learned To Jump
By: bay speed

Once there was a horse that was named Thara. Thara was a mustang. She was captured by cowboys that ride on the open range for new spirited horses to ride. Thara was brought to the house of a man and his family who loved horses and took great care of her.

Thara loved riding in open plains of North Dakota. She also loved riding in the mountains, jumping across streams and huge logs.But there was one thing Thara loved most was jumping.

One day, Thara woke up and stood in her stall waiting for Sarah the little girl in the family to come feed her. But while Sarah was on her way up to the barn to feed her. She over heard Sarah say that she had just entered them in a barrel racing competition. But Sarah said that they were going to skip the jumping part of the show.

. . . .

Thara just wanted to find some way of telling Sarah that she would love to be in the jumping part of the show. Sarah came and fed Thara and then groomed her, watered her and tacked up. Lets do some barrel racing! Sarah said. Thara was upset. Sarah led her out of the barn and the formed a clover pattern and Sarah cued her to canter. She did exactly what Sarah had told her. They trained hard. Then finally Sarah said I know how much you love to jump girl, lets go over a few jumps even if we are in a western saddle. Then Thara thought if I do the best I can, Sarah might think I of entering me in the jumping. Especially since she knows how much I love jumping. Thara perked up and decided to show off. She lined up for the first jump and started at an elegant canter. She sped up a little as Sarah got into two-point position and they cleared the first jump with no sweat. Then the next jump they approach was a water jump. Thara did not mind water and had done this jump many times before. The cleared that jump.

. . . .

Thara tried to think of something beyond horses thinking ability. But that was the problem it was beyond horse thinking ability. Sarah just came back into the barn and was reading an article on a talking horse. "Oh, that silly little horse tried to talk. I bet its just a fib from some rich kid trying to get publicity." Sarah said. That's it she thought. I could start talking. But how?

It show day! Sarah woke up and got dressed for the show and headed to the barn to make Thara fancy. First, she took her out of the stall and groomed her. Then she gave her a bath and then groomed her again. Then she put her in her stall to dry. Then she braided Thara's mane and tail and put some sparkles in. Then all of a sudden. Thara said " Sarah, I don't want to just do reining, I want to do jumping too!"" Sarah, was in shock. She thought I must be dreaming and went back to painting Thara's hooves. Thara said " I really want to jump Sarah. Its my favorite thing to do." Sarah said " O.K Thara you can jump. When did you learn to talk like that. We should keep it a secret. Only talk to me, O.K?" " O.K" Thara said".

To Be Continued in part:2

bay speed & Ruby
2013-02-21 23:40:30
Continue of Part:2
By: bay speed

Sarah loaded Thara and all their things and headed to the show. It was really crowded when they got to the show. Sarah got Thara ready. There reining class was first. When they got into the arena Sarah was nervous, but Thara was not. They did a spin and then loped around the arena twice in different directions. Then Thara cantered from one end of the arena and did a sliding stop. It was great! They had dirt flying.

The next class was jumping. Sarah put Thara in the cross ties and switched the saddles while the other competitors were finishing the reining class. Then the announcer called their names in the ring. Sarah lined Thara up for the jump and started squeezing her legs for Thara to canter. They set off at a nice slow canter and just as they had practiced right when Sarah got into two-point position Thara sped up. The cleared the jump by 5 inches.

. . . .

They had won! Thara and Sarah were so happy. They went to many more shows in their career. Thara became a professional jumping and dressage horse and Sarah became a famous horse trainer. They still work together as a team. Thara also became the most famous talking horse in the world and the only talking horse for that matter.

bay speed & Ruby
2013-02-22 01:19:19
The Unicorn Secret
by Amazing123 and Astroid.

it was a hot summers morning,Lulu came to the breakfast table wearing her favourite T-shirt that said "i love ponies!" which she obviously did. everyone knew it. but they respected her passion for horses because if anyone said anything rude about it they would upset her,anyway, Lulu had her usual routine. she would eat her breakfast and go riding on her loan pony midnight.she loved midnight, she was a black freisian with a white stripe on her forehead. midnight meant the world to Lulu. afterwards she would help out at the stables.later that after noon Lulu came home to hear shocking news. "ring ring" went the phone. Mrs Blake picked it up. the answer was very fatal. " hello Mrs Blake, i am sorry to inform you that Midnight is going to be sold tommorrow morning because of a specific money situation, i apologize for any inconvenience even i cant bear to see Midnight go, but business, is business." Mrs Blake was sad and disheartened to hear the news.
to be continued........

Amazing123 & Astro
2013-02-28 01:47:21

admin & Aslan Equinox
2013-02-28 23:22:31
♞Juweel Story♞
By franniedog

~Chapter 1~
My first vision of the world- 1892

As I stretched out my legs for the very first time, all I saw was black.
Oh wait. My eyes were closed. I opened my eyes for the first time and my vision was flooded with all the greens of the lush, rolling hills in Holland where I was born.
I saw another horse standing over me. My body was scared, but somehow I knew she was my mother. She was a pretty palomino who had brought me into the world.
Juweel, she whispered in my ear. Dutch for Gem. So I became known as Juweel in my world.
The next day I started trotting. One, two. One, two, I thought in my head.
A man walked up to us. Well, Klaver. You really outdid yourself this time. He's beautiful.
My mom, Klaver, whinnied in approval.
The man reached down to pet me. I bolted.
Shh, Juweel. He won't hurt you, my mother told me. That was the first time I had been touched by mankind.
I later found out that we were Dutch Warmbloods. We are known for our jumping abilities, and have won numerous awards for our stable, Esdoorn Weide. It means Maple Meadow  in Dutch, my mother told me.
She also told me a lot about my sire, Komeet. I learned he was shipped to America in 1892, a month before I was born. She told me he was jet black, like me. He had a little star on his forehead, too. She told me he looked just like me. He was also brave like me too. That's why he was my master's personal prized horse. My master had sold him for 100 dollars to a man in America, only because my master had been in debt and owed some money to people.

~Chapter 2~
I am named- 1892

My master named me the next day. In their world, I was now called Sterrenbeeld, Dutch for constellation.
Sterrenbeeld! Komen heir! Je bent te ver! called my mother.
Sorry moeder. Ik zal harder ik beloof te proberen. 
I saw my master coming up the drive. I whinnied. I was still a bit scared of him. Kalmeren, jongen! he called.
After my mother had taught me not to bite the hand that feeds you, I had become more obedient for my master. He was a good man. He fed me and my mother and put us out in the nicest green pastures he owned.
Soon word got out that I was born, the son of my master's prized horse Komeet. People from all around town came to visit me.
Wow, hij is mooi,  they would congratulate my owner. Hoeveel vraag je vor hem?  one man asked. How much are you?
Hij is 1500 euros. 
Every horse knows that. It means you are getting sold.

~Chapter 3~
My new life in America- 1892

I was put on a ship to Amerika, to a horse farm my new master owned.
He told me I was a surprise for his daughter, named Aubrey. I wanted my mother, who was for all I knew, still in Holland.
It was day 6 of our journey, and I still saw nothing. All I did on the ship was stay in my stall and eat the hay that was starting to stink. Like, REEK. I wanted to be out of there now. I didn't care if the ship sank. I wanted to be home. Thuis. Home.

The next few weeks passed without any event. On the thirtieth day, I heard someone yelling. Land! Ik zie het land!
I had reasons to assume we had hit land.

I was right. We had hit land. I was brought ashore in one of the many ports they had there, wherever we were. My new master brought me to his barn. He had a few other horses there, named Ginger, Poppy, and Fritz. Ginger was a dark bay. Poppy was a chestnut. Fritz was a fleabitten grey. They were all really nice to me. I was in a stall between Fritz and Ginger.
The next day, I saw a wagon drawn by two bay horses pull up. A little girl who looked no older than 15 or 16 got out of the wagon. â Daddy, she asked. Why are we here?
I have a surprise for you here, Aubrey, her father replied. I recognized her father as my master.
My master led her up to the stall where I was kept.
Here you go, Aubrey, he said, opening my stall door. Aubrey just stood there in shock.
For me? she asked.
Yes, Aubrey. Just for you.
Um... Dad? I didn't ask for a horse. I really appreciate it but I don't want him. Thank you though, she said.
You don't want him? But-why? he asked, stunned.
I was stunned to. Why didn't she want a horse? Did she already have one? Or did she not like me? I was a good horse. Most of the time.
I just didn't ask for a horse. You can bring him back to wherever he came from. She didn't even look like she cared. I wanted to know why she didn't want me. Then I'd be fine. Sort of.
But- he came from Holland. He cost me 1500 euros. And an extra 500 to ship him here. I don't want him to go the wrong home, said her father.
Yes, very well. Give him to Liesbeth if you feel the need.
Well, I guess a can... She might like a horse... he said.

~Chapter 4~
Aubrey's Journal
Monday, December 13, 1892

Monday, December 13, 1892
Today was my birthday. Father tried to get me a horse. I really wanted him, but I know I would get made fun of for owning one. None of my friends have one, and I don't want to be the only one.
That's why I didn't accept him.

~Chapter 5~
My next new home

After a few days here, it was decided I was not needed anymore. My old master got rid of me. I was sold to another man, named Adieen. He was Dutch, like me. He loved his horses and treated us with the same amount of respect he treated himself. He was amazing. He was one of my favorite owners.
Here, I was put in a stall in between a horse named Georgia and a pony named Arise. They both were nice to me and I found out that Arise knew my father.
You look a lot like a horse I used to know. His name was Komeet. I knew him because he used to live here too. He was kept in your stall, for a matter of fact, said Arise.
You did?! I asked excitedly.
Yep, replied Arise.
That's my dad, I said proudly.
Really? This was... 5 years ago, he said.
Yes... That seems about right... I pondered.

After Arise and I talked, we decided that Komeet was really my father.
Do you know where he went? I asked.
No, he replied.
I guess my search for my father was over.

~Chapter 6~
I Am Broken In
Today as I was in my stall, a man came up to me with a halter. I heard him say breaking and Brie. Brie was my human world name.
Arise gave me a look. You know what that means? he asked.
Um, no. What does it mean?
He chuckled. You'll find out soon enough.
Well, that's great advice.
One of the men walked up. He wasn't Adieen, and he held a halter. I was used to halters. But what was the other thing he held in his hand? It looked like a halter, but it had a metal part across my mouth, and ropes attached to it. Actually, it wasn't ropes. They were what my mother called reins.
“Here, Brie. Here, boy,” cooed the man. I swung my head after he clipped the lead rope onto my halter. I lifted my feet of the ground and gave a sharp neigh. “Brie! It’s okay. Shh... calm down... yes, that’s it boy,” said the man.
I stopped and stood still for the man. He led me out of the stall, into a riding ring. I knew what these were from Holland.
The man put his hand on my head. “Shh, boy. Now we’re going to put the bridle on you.”
He slowly slipped the ‘bridle’ onto my head, and gave me grain after he had finished.
The metal was cold and hard on top of my tongue. I snorted, trying to tell the man to take it off.
Then another man stepped out with a saddle in his hands. Adieen!
Adieen slipped the saddle onto my back, on top of a small blanket.
He tightened the girth while the other man gave me grain. I didn't even realize Adieen was putting a girth on me! I liked Adieen's way of training horses. I knew that my mother would approve. She didn't like the mean ways of training, as that was the way she was trained.
Suddenly I felt something like a sack of grain being dropped on my back. I swung my head and on my back sat Aideen. I snorted, like I was asking him what he was doing. He just patted my neck. Shush, Brie. het is al goed, he told me in Dutch. Shush, Brie. It's alright.
I wondered if Adieen only spoke Dutch. My question was soon answered after he asked the man to lead us around.
I behaved well and did what he asked me to do. First we walked around, then we started to trot.
He stopped me and jumped of. Dit is een goed paard. Zal hij een uitstekende jumper zijn, he said. This is a good horse. He will be an excellent jumper.
The other man untacked me and led me into my stall. I assumed that someone had cleaned it out, because there was fresh straw on the floor. The man cooled me down and gave me fresh water, as well as some fresh hay. I shoved my nose into the hay and gobbled up a large mouthful.
The man gave a loud chuckle and stroked my nose. You're so good, Brie.
I nickered and turned my head to take a large drink of water. The man silently walked out the door.
I turned to Arise.So that's breaking? I asked him.
Yes. That is breaking, he replied.

~Chapter 7~
My first competition
My first competition was a dressage competition, even though Adieen wanted me to be in a jumper/hunter competition.
He had said I would do alright, but he didn't sound so sure.
Before the show, he had put shoes on me and trained me in this skill. He helped my rider, the man who helped train me, to learn to control me better.
At the show, I was skittish and alert. Adieen's daughter had come up with a song to soothe me.
Brie wint de show!
Brie zal een kampioen zijn!
Gem wins the show!
Gem will be a champion!
The song really worked, because we won 1st place! I was so excited and so was Adieen.
His daughter came up with a second song.
"Brie is een kampioen!
Brie won de show!
Ik hou van Brie!"
Brie is a champion!
Brie won the show!
I love Brie!
It was the last part that stuck with me. It rung through my ears. I love Brie. I love Brie. No human had ever told me they loved me before. Only my mother had. I knew I had friends, but I had never been told I was loved. It felt better than winning.
I snapped back from daydreaming, while Adieen clipped a lead rope onto my halter.
“Good job, jongen.” He had a gleam in his eye and he scratched my neck. I nickered.
I would never forget this moment. It would stay with me forever.

~Chapter 8~
Back at the Stable
When we got back to the stable, Arise asked me how the show went. How'd your show end up? he asked me.
Good! We won, I told him.
Good for you! Did you have fun? he questioned.
Yes. It was a fancy dressage competition. It took a few hours to get there, but I had good food. And his daughter, Natalie, sat with me the whole time. It was quite enjoyable. Natalie even came up with a song for me, I told him.
Interesting, he said in response.
I know, I said.
We sat in silence for a little while. Then I heard my stall door open and a little child stepped in. Brie! Hoe gaat het? she asked. It was Natalie. I had learned she spoke mostly Dutch. Je bent zo'n goed paard, Brie! she told me. Ik hou van je, Brie!
Arise looked jealous. After a second, though, he returned to his normal self. I gave him a questioning look.
Natalie stroked my neck. Suddenly a voice called her. Natalie! Come here, darling!
Coming, father! She shot out of the stall door. It sounded like Adieen needed her.
“No!” A bloodcurdling scream rang through the grounds. “Dat kun je niet! Ik haat je! Ik zal niet toestaan ​​dat je verkoopt hem! Hij is het beste dat ooit is gebeurd met mij! Ik haat je, papa!”
“Natalie, niet nu. In een paar jaar oud, dochter.”
“Kan me niet schelen! Je gaat niet verkoopt hem nu niet, nooit, papa!”
Natalie ran off crying. I saw her run past the stable, her tear streaked face red and blotchy.
I looked at Arise questioningly.
He gave me a look. What? I asked.
Nothing. It was a short and quick nothing; I wanted to know what he meant by nothing.
I realized Arise wasn't being himself lately. I wanted to know what was going on. Did something happen that I did not know about? He was very blank and expressionless as he looked out onto the courtyard.
Okay. I'll tell you. Adieen is in quite a lot of debt and owes money to people. So, he's giving away some of his best horses. You, Andrejana, Houdini, Toddy, and Torahka are all getting given away, instead of money.
I stared at him in shock. Are you serious? I asked.
As serious as I can be.  He looked extremely serious.
But Adieen wouldn't do that! He would never!
Listen. I'm telling the truth. You don't think I would lie, would you?
Well, no. I really didn't think he would lie to me. Did I?
Then you've got to listen to me. I have a plan. I've already told all the others. They like the plan- 
Just tell me the plan, already, I interrupted him.
Be patient. The plan is as follows: Emerald and I will cause a distraction. Poppy will come by and unlock Andrejana's, Houdini's, Toddy's, Torahka's, and your stall doors. Then you guys will silently sneak out off the property and you're free to go where you please, Arise told me.
You're really going to do that for me? I asked.
He nodded. We are friends.
Yes. We are. I looked off into the distance. I couldn't believe Arise was doing all this for me. We had only known each other for a short time. I really appreciated what he was doing for us. I wondered who had come up with the plan.
I was rather excited.


franniedog & |
2013-03-28 17:53:23
Rare Beauty by Amazing123 and Astroid
PROLOGUE: I am the Rare Beauty of the west springs herd. I was brought up by the two horses Rare Rapids and Wild Wind. Rare Rapids was my Dam and Wild Winds was my Sire. mother and father as you humans call it.I am a 17hh buckskin mustang, mare, though i have wanted all my life to be one of the leaders. sadly only the bravest of STALLIONS can look after my herd.
my life was always a blissful one,always so calm and exciting sometimes. nothing but sheer freedom.
Chapter 1
Rare Beauty galloped across the plains. her hooves thud on the ground as loud as thunder.her golden coat gleamed in the sunset. making it look scarlet red. she looked like a pheonix from heaven.
she stopped. breathing in the salty, fresh air from the sea. her nostrils flared and opened them up. they looked like little black caves. all she ever wanted was to be free. and that was her life until the day when her life changed. and so this is how it happened. she ran away from her mother to play on the southern part of the herd. As she was still a yearling her mother forbid her to go without permission. but she disobeyed that rule. she didn't see the difference. but she didn't see the danger that lied ahead.

Amazing123 & Astro
2013-04-02 11:13:56
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
