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Calistas Herd
Calista is a wild mare that came from a different planet, and she is blessed with wisdom, beauty, and grace. She wants to have her own herd, and welcomes any new horse eagerly. I know that members will have good, clean fun on this herd.

Dancer-"What is this about powers?!?! (She doesn't know shes a goddess)
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-08 22:03:58
Rain: If you were born in a god family you get a speacil power such as flying
Gottoride & Winner
2013-04-09 01:05:34
Storm: *I bow low to Magic* Storm, god of Lightning and Power and Prince of Gods, next in line for when Zeus retires this fall at your service.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-09 01:59:11
Bronzia: I am Bronzia from well, Bronzia. Not a lot of creativity there, but oh well. I have telepathic skills, I can destroy and create stuff with my mind, and I can do things no one else can do by the pure will of my mind. *Looks rather menacing right now*
Magra: I am Magra's Dark Secret, or Magra, I was a racehorse, then a jumper, but I ran away, I have no special powers, I'm just me.

Annaneya & Sequoia
2013-04-09 23:35:11
Dancer-*Freaks out*
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-10 00:17:55
Rocket:Well good to meet a nephew my own age *says to Storm*


Poseidon:When did this happen Storm?

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-10 00:21:49
Rain: What?
Gottoride & Winner
2013-04-10 03:12:20
Bronzia: *Waits*
Annaneya & Sequoia
2013-04-10 17:30:55
Storm: *I nod to Rocket* Yes. Same to me. *I look at Whirlwind* Well, not officially, it's more like a 100 year holiday.
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-10 17:30:55
Dancer-"Explain what is happening Poseidon, please!"
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-10 23:38:10
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
