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Flames Herd
about a herd of horses who each control a specific element (water, air, earth...)

Fire falcon: I look arond the woods. I race though them zooming past the tree's. I go back where I came in.
writerandrider & Dream Cloud
2013-05-12 19:05:12
Flame:*Smells something different.* "Are we missing a horse? Fire Falcon!" Gallops into the woods and almost runs into Bella and Fawn.* "What are you guys doing out here?"
Bella: "Fawn ran out here and tripped. I think she twisted her front leg."

AnnaROUaT & Snow White
2013-05-12 19:07:00
Aiana:*I toss my head.* That depends, Flame. Are you trustworthy?
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2013-05-12 19:08:08
Aiana: *I nod in acknowledgement toward Thunder Storm* Good day.
Maid Mairain & Dawn Rising
2013-05-12 19:08:08
Fire falcon: I sneak off into the wood's.
writerandrider & Dream Cloud
2013-05-12 19:08:58
Fire falcon: I breath in the forest air. I zoom though.
writerandrider & Dream Cloud
2013-05-12 19:37:04
Flame: *Looks at Aiana with an 'Are you kidding me?' expression.* Of course. The rule is that all horses in my herd have my promise of protection, me and my family are willing to lay our lives on the line for any of them."
AnnaROUaT & Snow White
2013-05-12 21:36:37
Fawn: *Sees Fire Falcon in the forest.* "Fire Falcon! What are you doing here? You need to go, It's too dangerous to be in here!"
Bella: *Sees Fire Falcon.* "Okay, I need to get you back to the grazing grounds. We don't know what's in these woods. There could be wolves, cliffs, even human camps!" *Gets behind Fire Falcon and nips him until he starts moving towards the herd.*

AnnaROUaT & Snow White
2013-05-12 22:11:14
Fire falcon: It's ok. I know the woods I even know a secert safe place!
writerandrider & Dream Cloud
2013-05-13 01:23:39
Fire falcon: It's ok I know wolves and wild animals wolves raised me. I always go in the forest.
writerandrider & Dream Cloud
2013-05-13 03:58:27
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
