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Sunset River Academy
a role play boarding school where you can take classes and ride

Krystal-*I sit in the corner of Dancer's stall and mutter to her*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-06-01 22:36:24
Emma: After her long day of classes, she heads back to the dorm ad changes into riding clothes. Then, she grabs 2 apples and heads down to the stables. She goes into Snow's stall and gives her an apple. Snow eats it, then nuzzles Emma, who smiles. "Good girl." She mutters as she leads Snow out to the cross ties. She grooms Snow, then tacks her up. Snow stands patiently the entire time. When they're ready, Emma leads Snow to the indoor arena and gets ready for the riding lesson.
Ms. Hayes (the riding instructor): She walks into the arena. "Hi Emma. Ready for lessons? Why don't you warm up while we wait for the others."
Emma: She trots Snow around the arena's far wall. Snow gets impatient and pulls at the bit. Emma leans down and pets her neck. "Settle down, girl." She whispers. Snow whinnies.

AnnaROUaT & Snow White
2013-06-02 03:33:32
Apollo:*in the morning I change into a pair of dark wash arizona boot-cut jeans,a royal purple tank top,my wornout brown paddock boots,and my black leather jacket I realize my bangs aren't where they should be and fix them then go to class after classes are over I go to the stables and pull on my riding boots and tack up Tango after grooming him then mount and don't put on helmet(will explain if needed)I put the helmet on one of the chairs in front of the arena and mount Tango and after trotting him around the ring 5 times I canter him past Emma when I'm in front of Emma my hair moves out of place reminding me that I need to put all of it but my bangs into a bun I pull Tango to the side and put my hair in a sloppy bun then trot Tango around the ring marking all exits in my mind*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-06-02 21:23:52
Kierra: *I put on beige Riding Tights, Front-Zip Tall Boots and pull my hair into a neat dutch braid after lessons and walk to the barn, I catch Gold and groom her, tacking her up in a Dark Havana Saddle over a Turquoise Fleece All Purpose Pad and clip on a black Ergonomic All Purpose Girth, I slip on a black Bridle with a Sweet Iron Full Cheek Snaffle Bit and attach a 3 Point Breastplate and strap on black Horse Boots with Neoprene Lining and black Quick Wrap Bell Boots and check the girth and bridle buckles, I clip on my black Deluxe Schooler Helmet and lead my sparkling mare to the ring, I swing onto her back and warm her up, I ride up beside Ty, making Gold match Tango's stride*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-06-03 03:34:22
Emma:She canters Snow behind the two girls until they pull to the side, then she canters her to the front of the group. Snow whinnies and tosses her mane.
Ms. Hayes: "Girls, please bring your horses to the center. Today we will work on dressage. Please Spanish walk your horses around the arena"
Emma: She groans quietly at the mention of dressage. Then, she taps Snow, who trots to the back wall. Snow Spanish walks along the arena walls, impatiently flicking her tail. Emma pats Snow's neck. "It's okay girl. I'll take you trail riding after class if you're good." She whispers to her.

AnnaROUaT & Snow White
2013-06-03 17:30:52
Ali: I wake up and get dressed. I have breakfast and tack Shadow up. I head to the arena. *Sorry I'm late,* I say and wait for my turn.
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-06-03 20:35:51
Apollo:*nods to Kierra as a hello then slows Tango to a walk then signals him to do the Spanish walk*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-06-03 20:39:22
Ms. Hayes: She looks at Ali. "That's fine. First day of classes are chaotic. Okay, girls, please bring your horses to the center and we will take turns doing a piaffe."
Emma: She trots Snow to the center and puts her in front of Ms. Hayes.
Snow: She snorts, wanting to jump, not do dressage.
Emma: She leans over Snow's neck and whispers in her ear. "Hey, remember our deal? Behave." She adjusts her seat and pushes her helmet down.

AnnaROUaT & Snow White
2013-06-03 23:15:21
Krystal-*I put on tan jhodpers and a light purple shirt then head to the barn and tack up Dancer. I lead her to the ring and wince when I hear the word 'dressage'. I ask Dancer to Spanish walk but she stauncley disobeys and instead extends and bucks.*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-06-03 23:15:21
Apollo:*trots Tango over to Krystal*Tango used to buck a lot it takes a lot of aging*smiles then trots Tango to the center of the ring then does a perfect piaffe*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-06-04 02:45:52
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
