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Me and My Horse
You drive up and see a beautiful barn and lots of horses running in the fields, you park and lead your horse out of the trailer.

Krystal-*I warm up quickly*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-08-01 20:27:28
Hanna:*falls asleep again and wakes up in the hospital phone buzzes looks at it and sees the words REMINDER: SHOW TOMORROW* NO!

Nurse: What?


Nurses:*runs in at same time*

Nurse 1: What's going on?

Nurse 2: What happened?

Hanna: Get me out of here! *gets up and runs away*

Nurse 2: OH MY WORD! Stop her!!!!

Nurses:*runs after Hanna but she is too fast*

Hanna:*reaches the barn and runs to Razen's stall walks in and closes the door and hides*

Nurse 1: We can't go in there.

Nurse 2: Your right, ugh.

Hanna:*peeks out and doesnt see them* Phew.

horses1002 & Diego
2013-08-03 17:27:54
Krystal-*I canter Dancer to a 2'6" (in the center) crossrail and she clears it easily, the flys over the 3'3" vertical 6 strides away*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-08-04 02:54:01
Krystal-*I set up a 4' to 5' course and jump it perfectly, the raise all the jumps to 6'-6'6"*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-08-05 00:35:54
Krystal-*I raise all the jumps to 7' and put up the 4-rail (so people call it a double oxer) oxer and the hogsback. I remount Dancer*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-08-08 01:09:40
Sorry I haven't been on, my wifi died and Time Warner was being annoying and wouldn't fix it.

Krystal-*I jump the course with Dancer fine, and make a hogsback.*

JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-08-19 14:18:56
name: Meghan
hair color: Strawberry Blonde
personality: Calm & Sophisticated
eye color: Blue

My horse!
name: Onatello
coat: Grey Overo
mane+tail: Dark Gray
hooves: Beige
eye color: Greem

xSilverReins & Eclipse
2013-08-21 01:15:09
I will be gone this Saturday-next Saturday.

Krystal-*I jump half the course with Dancer but when we reach the hogsback someone walks by (NOT TRYING TO POWER PLAY) and Dancer sees her/him out of the corner of her eye. She rears, and her front feet don't even touch ground before she is bucking, like a bronco. I fly through the air knocking all the rails down with my body. Dancer gallops off and accidentaly knocks a standard onto me.*

JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-08-23 03:42:13
Hanna:*I just finished grooming Razen when I hear what just happened I sprint to the arena* OH MY WORD! Are you okay?!
horses1002 & Diego
2013-08-23 23:34:05
Krystal: *I try to sit up but feel dizzy and fall back again. I feel nauseous, and everything seems to bright and too loud*
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2013-09-03 18:23:21
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
