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Christians bible riding camp

sara: these are the rules
*no fighting or rough housing in the cabins no bad language and if you have a cell phone plz limit the use and no staying up late at night texting i will give you to warnings if you don't listen to the second warning i will take away your phone ok and if any one breaks the rules we will give you a warning if you dont listen to the second warning we will call your parents and we don't want to have to do that we have hiking trails that you can walk they are marked but there are some trails we do not want to to go on they have a danger sign and red tape blocking the entrance because those trails are dangerous and we don't want no one hurt so do not go on those trails and when we go on trail rides stay wih the group do not leave the group for anything if you have to go the bathroom tell an adult and get there permission before you go that's all the rules oh and plz keep your shoes inside the cabin because we have a dog that will run off with them so if your allergic to dog let up know ok now this is the schedule 8:30 breakfast
9:00 is cabin cleanup 10:00 morning service 12:00 lunch 1:00 free time 2:00 fun hour 3:00 trail rides and jumping and barrel racing optional 4:00 free time if your not out riding 5:00 free time 6:00 super 7:00 showers 7:30 service 10:00 devotions around campfire then eating hot dogs and roasting marsh mellows 11:00 free time you can go to you horse or play some games 12:in you cabins 12:30 lights out you can go to bed earlier if you want like right after devotions* ok you all are free to go it is lunch time now so i will see you all at lunch i hope you all have fun here at camp

Bethany: i get up from the seat and i walk to the cafetiere to eat lunch

lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-09-04 21:47:05
ok thanks, sorry but i was just filling out the info and btw i dk have a phone my parents wont let me. :). Sarah: go to eat lunch.
sundae123456 & Ice Cream Sundae
2013-09-05 04:29:33
rm i was not talking about real phone i was talking about in the role if you had a phone in the role you had to tun it in

Bethany: i wait in line for lunch

lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-09-05 21:08:45
oh ok. Sarah: who wants to be my friend
sundae123456 & Ice Cream Sundae
2013-09-06 19:11:08
RM western fan roy rodger is my helper and is in charge when im gone ok

Bethany: i get a pj sandwich and go sit at the table

lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-09-06 19:13:13
Sarah: get a pj sandwich and pop and go sit with Bethany and ask her if she wanted to be her friend.
sundae123456 & Ice Cream Sundae
2013-09-06 23:57:16
Bethany: oh hi im bethany ya sure we can be friends eats sandwich
lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-09-09 22:13:27
Sarah: sitting and eating sandwich and talking to Bethany. so did you hear how akaknis saved his kids!
sundae123456 & Ice Cream Sundae
2013-09-10 22:41:45
Bethany: i finsh up my lunch then throw my plate away
lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-09-10 22:41:45
I am quitting this club because I do not play on it sorry bye:/
thezoekid & Star Gaze
2013-09-10 23:01:56
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
