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***Feather Ridge Stables***
A roleplay stables with lessons and a competition

Okay :)

AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-09-08 17:00:07
RM: Fairytale is sort of...Snoopy and is like the popular girls in the books lol

Fairytale: *walks deletacly down the ramp and sniffs the air, the wind going through her mane*

Em: "Come'on pretty girl" *leads her into her stall and makes sure she and Zeus have some oats, water and hay, then goes outside to meet everyone, telling her mom she could come back and pick her up later*

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-09 02:21:09
Ashley: *Arrives back at the stables and dismounts.* " By any chance, are you Em? I'm Ashley, the barn owner."
AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-09-09 22:13:27
Em: *looks at Ashley* "Yeah, I'm Em. It's nice to meet you."
ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-10 22:41:45
Ashley: *Nods.* "Lillian's Lady? She's in stall 12, second stall on the left. She's a beautiful horse, by the way." *Smiles.*
AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-09-10 23:01:56
Katie: "Lillian by any chance is that you horse?" *points to a horse jumping the fence* "any way i am going to catch the horse of its your horse or not!" *mounts Lucky and gallops after the horse and get to reach the horses halter and pulls the horse back then slows down to a walk and leads the horse to Lillian* "is this your horse?"
Roy Rogers Fan 2 & Star
2013-09-10 23:01:56
Em: "So is the arena free?"
ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-11 19:09:29
Katie: "Lillian it a bad time for a trail ride it looks like there is a storm!" *dismounts Lucky and leads ker to the stable and puts her in her stall and grooms her down and then puts a rain blanket on her then closes the door and goes to the tack room and puts her tack away and goes to the feed room and gets a bucket of oats and gives it to Lucky*
Roy Rogers Fan 2 & Star
2013-09-12 01:26:32
Em: *looks at the dark clouds over head* "Your right, you're horse could slip and fall, or if she's scared of lightening, I don't know."
*goes to the tack room and get's Fairy and Zeus's rain coverings. She puts Fairy's on first, then Zeus's* "In fact, if it gets too hard, we might have to stay here until the storm dies down. Which I don't mind."

ameliabrenes5 & Rascal
2013-09-12 23:20:16
Ashley: "Yep, it's free. Looks like a storm, so we shouldn't go trail riding."
Emma: "Can I ride with you in the indoor?"

AnnaROUaT2 & Snow White
2013-09-12 23:20:17
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
