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What Would you do?
It is about you talking about what you have done and asking people what they would have done. We would talk about our funny maybe embarrassing things that had happened or just happened to us.

RM: I know, and I definitely don't want to date anyone!!
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2014-01-24 20:45:53
I agree with JC
JumperGal & Jack Frost
2014-02-10 01:27:42
Hi beky,

I am glad your dad is doing okay now. No, I do not think you were too hasty to try to call the police. Your dad was being assaulted, and that happens to be against the law, besides putting you both in danger. You also did right by NOT putting yourself physically in the middle of it. You could have been injured, and that would not have done your dad any good.

I certainly agree with Jane that this man is NOT your dad's friend. But if your dad is going to continue to be around him, he might want to fix his phone so you don't need a password to call the police. Or he might want to not have you with him.

EagleGirl & Deerslayer
2014-02-12 05:00:32
sorry beky!
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-03-15 17:09:16
what would you do if you didn't like talking in large groups and your mom is practically making you?

At our home-school geography co-op, we have to pick a country that we studied.....I'm doing Canada......and you have to talk about it. I have a really really really hard time talking in large groups. It's about 40-50 people to talk to. I don't want to do it AT ALL.

Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-04-07 21:26:54
Beky, tell your mom or dad what happened and what you were thinking. say u were rely scared and ask if maybe you can learn your dads password, or he can not have one. or get a phone, also try to get your dad to not hanout with this man anymore. ttelll your parents you wrere scared and don't want your dad to be with him anymore! Sorry and I hope he's fine
Oreopony6 & Oreo
2014-05-12 02:22:06
I did my presentation! It went great!!!!
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-05-12 17:21:47
Oreopony6 & Oreo
2014-05-13 02:00:01
SugarLoaf, congratulations on your presentation going well! Whenever we stretch ourselves and try new things, it can be uncomfortable. One of the best ways to get through something like this is to PREPARE. I'm guessing that is what you did, and that is why your presentation went well. The first time you try something new it can be very nerve wracking, but once you do it you know you can, and it is not quite as difficult the next time. You may never get over the "nerves" completely, but preparing yourself is the best thing to do, so that when you get up to speak all that practice and preparation will kick in and you will do well in spite of your nerves. Some people say that being a bit nervous keeps you sharp.

Know that your mom wants the best for you, and she knows that speaking in front of others is an important skill. I'm guessing she also had an idea that you would do well, and she wanted you to experience that. :-)

EagleGirl & Deerslayer
2014-05-13 21:06:27
I will confront her and tell her I feel far away because of this boy she was seeing, and say I want to spend more time with you... But it is your choice, but know this I will always be right here waiting for u... (The reason I saw this instead of something we are all think about, is because if you give her a choice between you or the boy you aren't being a good friend) Hope that helped :) ~Love Zoe
thezoekid & Star Gaze
2014-06-14 00:42:18
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
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