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Ravens Herd Role Play club
about a Black horse that has to start out on his own to survive the cold harsh winters to the heat and drought in the Rockies

Hi! Could I have one of the plaques for this club?

****Check your gifts! JC****

Pam Crandall & Cameo
2014-04-12 01:50:32
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-14 22:09:09
Raven: *Goes over to the tall grass and grazes*.
"Hello, Shadow and Darker I have been acspecting you. I also Remember your mother Shadow. I know its sad but she would want you to be alive, then her. I know because, I have something to say. We and made a beautiful young mare. She never wanted to because, well I said to much. Anyway be glad that you have my jeans. Strong and Unforgetable. I have a feeling you will be sugseceful like your father and Beautiful mother. *Picks up ears and smells the air*. I smell humans go into the brush and Shadow, Have the herd hide in a good place. I'll take care of those guys, HURRY"!

Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-04-15 03:26:35
Shadow: *Sniffs. Grumbles* "Of all the mothers..." *Smells the humans to* "HIDE everyone!! Darker, HIDE! HUMANS! HIDE!!!"
Darker: *Whispers to Raven* "Leader's instinct. Then he goes and hides*

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-04-18 00:33:44
Shimmer: *Turns to Raven* I won't go without you!
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-04-18 00:37:19
*Goes and chases off those cowboys to distract them from getting the rest of the herd*. Shimmer hide NOW! Its to dangerous!
Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-05-01 23:28:46
Shimmer: Bares her teeth to the cowboys and rears. The other grabs the horse's reins and they gallop off* I can fend for the herd too!
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-05-02 00:48:26
Shadow: *Grits teeth*
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-05-02 02:07:11
RM: Chance I'm the leader and I can only take care of the herd.

Raven: Shimmer, no you cant. I mean its great that you TRIED TO HELP me but I'm the leader and you listen to me. I don't deal with up coming rivels like you. *Smerks and asks the herd to move out of here. I lead them to a water spring and we start to drink and lay in the water to stay cool*.

Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-05-02 02:26:26
RM: Anyone ca protect the herd.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-05-02 20:49:05
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
