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horse crazy girl barn competition club
where you can board your horses, take lessons, and other fun things:) We might have a show or two!

Since the site is running slowly, we are not taking down any clubs at the moment.


Jane Crandal & JB
2014-12-03 01:40:07
rosie: i bring skipper back to the barn after riding and once she is untacked and put away, i check on Katie.
after lunch (it is 12:00) i bring in pop-corn and busy-boy and hold them still while the farrier works on their hooves one at a time.
it is now 2:00 and the vet arrives and checks up both pop corn and busy boy.
because my trainer(chance) is not here i lounge black flash and work on some basic training with him:)
it is now 5:00pm
and it is time for the evening feeding:)
with the help of Katie i feed all of the horses, clean up the barn and a few stalls and lock up the barn for the night.:D

rrpals & Black Widow
2014-12-10 02:27:10
I found an inactive club
Starlitluna & Shadowfax
2015-01-04 02:20:19
Inactive confirmed, club will be deleted from the clubs page unless a member wants to step forward to keep it active.


Jane Crandal & JB
2015-01-04 02:20:19
no, I still own this club
rrpals & Black Widow
2015-01-08 01:13:22
I will keep it active if rrpals will not:)

jjpals & Dynamo
2015-01-08 01:13:22
rosie: it is the next day, 8:00 o'clock.
things that need to be done today:
for Katie:
train black flash
clean as many stalls as you can get done today
exercise lizzie
help with feedings

for me:
help with feeding
clean stalls
bring paco in from pasture
teach Katie's lesson
straighten up the barn
clean my tack
exercise skipper
send out e-mails for ordering t-shirts:)

things boarders/riders can do:
clean stalls
clean your tack
ride your horses
help with feeding
have fun:)

I anyone wants to order a shirt, the colors are:
and purple

the t-shirts are 20 dollars each:)

(the whole above shirt thing is just pretend and you will not actually get a shirt in cpp life or real life, I am just having fun:)
thanks for having fun with me!!!!!

rrpals & Black Widow
2015-01-08 23:33:08
Katie: when I arrive at the barn, I hurry inside and tack up black flash, I take him to a training corral where I work on engaging his hind legs and being responsive in all the aids (I am working him on a lunge). when I am done with flash, I take him back, untack and groom him, and put him out in the pasture. I help with afternoon feeding and work on completing 5 stalls, then I eat lunch, and tack up lizzie. I work lizzie in the indoor on jumping, and more jumping!!!!!
when I come back to the barn, untack, groom and put away lizzie, I clean out 3 more stalls and help with dinner feeding:)

tired and a bit exhausted I ask rosie for her to order me a purple shirt that saids: "I work at horse crazy barn" and a pink one too:)
I then pull out a wad of 1 dollar bills and count out forty, then I hand the money to rosie and drive away with my mom for the night:)

how about we have my lesson tomorrow????

jjpals & Dynamo
2015-01-09 01:24:08
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
