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coming from ambition to gentler times

Name: Stormstrike
Age: 29 moons
Gender: tom
Pelt: gray with looks like drizzled black
Eyes: stormy gray
Rank: deputy
Other: N/A

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-06-10 03:17:39
RM: are you guys the only people in this club allowed to join or can I join lol?!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-06-10 19:14:42
May I join Chance? If not, Here is my forum.

Full Name: Ocean Breeze
Nick Name: Ocean
Age: 9 years
Gender: Female
Coat/Appearance: A blackish Grey appearance with white paws going up and under her belly and chest and then going up her chin and on her muzzle. With long white whiskers and a pink nose.
Eyes: The left one is Blue/Black and the right one is Green/Hazel
Rank: Medicine Cat (I know a lot about this topic)
Mate: Arrowhead
Best Friend: It would be her mate, Arrowhead, but she has another family member. Named Bella.
Fur length: Its half way but her tail is smooth and short.

Full name: Arrowhead
Nick Name: (Its only Arrowhead)
Gender: Tom Cat
Coat/Appearance: A smoky grey with the same markings of Ocean Breeze. But has a brownish Black nose with battle scars on it. With long whiskers and has really long claws. He gets his name from the Arrowhead-Shaped Arrowhead on his forehead.
Best friend: It would be his mate, Ocean Breeze, but its her friend, Bella.
Mate: Ocean Breeze
Coat length: Its like Oceans but its maybe a little longer.
Rank: Outlaw of the Clan
Eyes: They are blackish blue with a pinch of green (Barely visible).
Age: 14 years

Full Name: Bella
Nick Name: Bella
Gender: Doe
Animal: Rabbit
Age: 5
Kits: Yes but they died :'( (This is a true character and EVERYTHING in this description is vary true and yes her kits did die and so did she DONT TALK ABOUT IT OR ELSE.
Hair: Vary thin and black with a salt-Pepper appearance. With long whiskers (White) and short claws.
Eyes: Blue/Green/Black
Rank: The favorite Clan member
EXTRAS: Ocean is the one who protects her and finds her food and water. She always lets her curl up next to her at night and lets her come on emergences during her shift as Medicine Cat.

Ocean: *I let Bella pick out a large cozy burrow and have Arrowhead take the luggage cart that holds our blankets and pillows. Me and Bella chose were we want to lay and set our stuff down. Arrowhead is the outlaw of the clan so we need to keep separate and sleep separate*. "Its such a beautiful clan. Isn't it Bella"?
Bella: *I lie on the pillow asleep*. "ZZZ"...
Ocean: "Aw, she is so peaceful". *I lie down next to her and sleep off the day from our long trip".
Arrowhead: *I do the same just on the other side of the burrow*.

Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-06-10 19:14:42
Arrowhead: *Being the Outlaw, I have to sleep alone, eat after the rest of the clan get their fill otherwise the scraps, drink alone on the other side of the river, wash my bedding alone, and basically do EVERYTHING alone. I do get used to it though. Getting trash and gossip talked about me and other stuff. Its the life of a runaway cat. I cant even sleep on the same side of my female. No one knows and no one can find out we are mates. Or else we and Bella will be kicked out of the clan. I'm worried about Madelyn (Ocean they call her that because her real name is Madelyn) not being there in time before the other cats get a hold of Bella. She is prey and they are predators. But Bella is always close to her and Madelyn is vary protective about that. She once put 6 claw marks on a clan leader for trying to attack Bella. That was 6 years ago and its still on his face. I then dreamed about Madelyn losing Bella. And it didn't go down good*.
Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-06-10 19:14:42
Can we role
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-06-10 19:14:42
Sure! And yes, Rainstar, if it is ok with you nat, can play Stormstrike. And we can roleplay.
Varonica, we only have cats, and they need a warrior name. Arrowhead is a perfect name.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-06-11 02:31:49
Okay Chance. Only if Nat doesn't mind!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-06-11 05:07:15
Ok Ocean can be IceShard. But can Bella stay? She was my rabbit but she died, I want a loving memory of her. And thx I have a Arrowhead collection so it made me think of it. : )
Varonnica & Vizeryn
2014-06-11 22:50:40
Hmm. What do you guys think? I guess........
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-06-12 03:17:08
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-06-12 19:49:04
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
