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Imagination Rolepay!

Great job everyone!

I was grooming Indigo in his stall when I hear all of the commotion *I run out of the stall* I pass stardust stall the i take a step back and see him with a sponge in his nose..... Mia: What the heck!!!!!!......What is going on around here!?.......I feel a shiver through my spine.... creepy, I think to myself- I hope nothing happens to Indigo when I'm gone....

Have a great night everyone! Including you Admin! ;D

Cowgirls and angels & Holly
2017-07-01 03:19:15
Rose: It is Kristen... Oh hi Mia! I see Livy walk by with her smile.
kdude & Wisteria
2017-07-04 01:36:31
Sierra: Just as mom was about to start driving, I see the girls in there getting my attention.
"Wait!" I say. Mom stops and I run out int the barn.
"What happened?" I stop at Stardust's stall. I see the sponge and try to calm him down.

DreamerGirl & Serene
2017-07-05 01:16:02
Rose: I don’t know exactly what happened Sierra. I was petting Ash and I heard Agnes over by Stardust and I came over. Then I ytold her about Livy’s smile.

Happy 4th of July everyone! 🎆

kdude & Wisteria
2017-07-05 03:28:56
Sierra: "I bet it was whoever pulled that prank on Lucky. It could be Livy, but I'm not sure." I sighed after Stardust calmed down and gave him a treat.
DreamerGirl & Serene
2017-07-06 15:31:10
Kristen: After we take the sponge off of Stardust's nose, I walk back over to Lucky's stall. I just have enough time to finish brushing her before my Dad pulls up in his truck. I lock up Lucky's stall, then get going. "Bye guys!"

The next day...

I wake up, it's Saturday. After eating breakfast I look around, I find my dad working on a chicken coop, because we are getting chickens. "Is it alright if I go to the stables?"
Kristen: I hop on my bike and head to the stables.
On my way there, I see Livy walking out of the store. "Hi!" I say. But instead of stopping and talking, she waves and gets into her mom's car.
*That's odd* I think.

HannahB5horses & Star
2017-07-09 03:35:56
Agnes: I rub my eyes, but before anything happens, my phone rings. My old friend Rachel! She's coming to visit on Sunday!
(I can play Rachel)

chestnutcolt13 & Thunderstorm
2017-07-09 22:41:17
Rose: I get out of bed and go outside. I think to my self: I am going to walk to the stable instead of riding my bike. I walk to the stable and brush Ash then saddle him up. OK Ash! Let's hit the trails!
kdude & Wisteria
2017-07-11 00:37:45
Would anyone like to join the Spider Lover’s Club? It is looking for new members. It is a Interest Club. :+D
kdude & Wisteria
2017-07-11 01:00:08
Agnes: I am very excited for Rachel's visit. I miss her! Comrade is listless, and I know he's longing for the track.
chestnutcolt13 & Thunderstorm
2017-07-13 15:42:07
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
