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***##*SILVER MOONLIGHT'S HERD*##***PONY ROLE PLAY* Hello! And welcome to the herd. I am Silver Moonlight, the lead stallion. Here is a little bit more about me.

May i join?
Name: Frolike
Color: Chesnut
Markings: White line down forehead
Age: Young mare
Rank: Playful, frolikey etc.

horsegirlluv & paintbrush
2010-02-19 22:10:52
I know there that is! *gallops to a bush that she was hiding in and pulls off a mouth full, gallops back to Silver Stream* There. *gives Silver Stream the leaves*
chelsea2 & Irish
2010-02-19 22:24:37
midnight gallops miles and miles until she finds the sparkling ivy leafs.... she grabs a mouth full and passes them to rainbow. " hear u go miss, wheres joy by the way?"

zohreh & Snow Flake
2010-02-19 23:11:17
midnight yawns and wimpers.... she is tierd from her journey...... her feet are blistered..... but, most of all, she misses joy[see page 3]
zohreh & Snow Flake
2010-02-19 23:15:22
*wakes up* [joy, im a new born filly....] nudges joy, wake u sleepy-
[she gets cut of by seeing silver stream healed...
] then, not beleiving her eyes and fainting, she fals to the ground.... [she is tooooooo tierd, she must rest! its urgent]

zohreh & Snow Flake
2010-02-19 23:42:21
Storm sees Silver Stream's problem. I know the cure! He gallops his hardest and finds the leaf he then gallops back, he is drenched in sweat, but made the 10 mile journey is 20 mins! Wait's till Silver Stream Wakes up, are you okay?...
whinnie21 & Willow
2010-02-20 02:17:01
/zohreh, who is your mother? I'm so far the only foal of the Lead mare and stallion!
chelsea2 & Irish
2010-02-22 23:08:11
*Canters away* *Finds Appolosa cornered while a Pinto is trying to run it off the cliff.* *Canters up to Pinto*
Me: Back off of her.
Pinto aka Penny: No she charged at my herd and tried to takevoer.
Appalosa aka Apple: No i did no-
Penny: HUSH!
Me: You can't rule everyone back off of her or fight me.
Penny: I'd rather not do either.
Me: Then back. Off. Now.
Penny: Tell me again i push her off.
Apple: Don't do it i don't want to die! Please don'-
Penny: I said hush!
Me: *Lowers head and pins ears back* Back off of her she probaly was just curious!
Apple: I was all i wanted was to see if i could look around there herd then he cornered me!
Penny: *Stares Apple in eyes* Be quiet or the bottom you shall be.
Me: *Gets mad and screams* LEAVER HER ALONE!
Penny: Really, i don't feel like fighting.
Me: Then back off or you will get a fight!
Penny: Alright then i'll leave her alone *Looks directly at Apple* You never come on my land again or else it wi-
Me: Just go!
Apple: Thanks you soooooo much!

horsegirlluv & paintbrush
2010-02-24 02:29:11
Markings:Star on nose

Age:2 months
Color:completly black other then star on nose like mother
(Phantom died in a fight for his own herd and Mariposa and Midnight had to move herds)
But u can still see Phantom as ghost walking around

chillycat12 & Crystal Rose
2010-02-28 19:20:23
*Mariposa nuzzles Midnight* "Are u alright Middy?"
"yes mom" Midnight replies
*Mariposa starts to trot and Midnight follows her*
*Trots ups to stream lowers head to get drink of water head pulls back at the cold water* "brrrr that freezing" *tries to graze but grass is practically frozen*

chillycat12 & Crystal Rose
2010-03-01 02:44:46
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
