
August Story Contest

Windancer - A Special Mare
By microphone & Black Mist     age 11


           I knew as soon as I saw the flea-bitten gray Arabian mare that I would have to ride her. The horse’s name was Windancer, or Windy. I had to put up riding Molly and Count, two Morgan horses that were great for beginners. “Rachael, when can I ride Windy?” I kept asking my instructor. “Not yet, you’ll be riding Count today.”

            But I quickly progressed to Windy’s level. “Anna, today you’ll be riding Windancer.” I jumped up and down with excitement.
            It took some time for me to get accustomed to Windy’s bumpy canter. But after the lesson when Windy gently took the carrot from my hand, I loved her. “Hey Windy. I’ll see you next week.” I left and told my parents about my first ride on an Arabian!
            Over the many months and a couple years, I got to know Windancer really well. I asked to ride her when I was given the choice. I helped out when I could, starting at twelve-ish and ending at four-ish.
            But Windancer got sick – very sick.

            One Saturday, mid-January, 2009. I was sitting, watching my little brother’s Pinewood Derby race. “It’s nine, I’m going to call the stable.” I got up and borrowed my mom’s cell-phone. “Hello, this is Anna. I want to ask if I could take care Windy for a while?” “Oh, I’m sorry Anna, she passed away this Wednesday. I meant to call you, but I forgot.” “That’s okay,” “You can come help with Molly if you want.” “Okay,” “Bye,” I hung up and went to sit back down, holding back the tears. “What did she say?” “Windy’s dead.” I said simply. I started sobbing uncontrollably. “She said I could go look after Molly.” “Do you want to?” I nodded.


            Helping out at Apple Creek Stables helped my aching heart to heal a bit. Even though it was really too cold for a lesson, Rachael let me ride Molly for a little bit. I cried the whole time I groomed the horses. I still cry for Windancer to come back. I talk to her picture and say goodbye, something I didn’t get to do in person, directly to her.  I miss Windy so much. I was only ten at the time.



She’s short and tall and white,
Her coat like a puff of grey clouds.
Her flowing tail, so glistening white,
Flows like a river,
It’s a wonderful sight!
So trusting and yet bossy,
She wants to become the boss,
But her kind brown eyes say
something different.
Her bumpy canter and smooth
walk and trot, make it fun to ride her.

But Windancer, I miss you much,
You and I shared a special bond,
And I wish you were still here
to share what’s in our hearts.

 Windancer was a special mare. Her flea-bitten grey coat shone light fresh snow when just groomed thoroughly. Her dark brown eyes told you she wasn’t mean or nasty. She was bossy because she wanted to test people. She was able to love like any human or other animal. When I met her, she and I clicked. I loved her. The first time I rode her I kept thinking, “I am not afraid, I am not afraid.  Whenever my instructor asked who I wanted to ride I would say, “Windy,” Most of the time she’d let me but sometimes she’d put me on Molly or Bob.  I spent three years with her. But then she died. She developed a neurological problem and kept falling in her stall. My instructor said that you can’t tell a suffering animal that it might be better in four months! She’s right, but that doesn’t help the pain of losing her. The best thing that I could’ve done that day was what I did. After I found out she had died, I went to the stable to take care of their other horses. Looking after the other horses helped a lot.  A year before she died, AppleCreek held its annual school show. In my class I got to ride Windy. I competed against Shannon B. and someone else I don’t remember. I won and carried away the little trophy and blue ribbon. Since I had won first that qualified me for the Junior Championship. This time I rode Molly and got Reserve Champion.  Windy was special, and I’ll never forget her! I miss her still and cry for her. I loved her.  I don’t mean to brag, but those ribbons are something to remember Windy by.  If you ever lose a horse, or animal that’s really special, put its pictures in special places, make models of it, draw it and put them up. Write something up about him or her and put it in a safe, special place. And if you have lost someone special, I feel your pain.  


Thank you for reading this story. Everything is real. I loved Windancer. I still do.
