
May 2009 Story Contest

A Ponyville Adventure

Once upon a time there was a horse, her name was Starlight Fantasy. She was the queen of all of the horses in Ponyville. They all loved their queen and obeyed her every wish. She was the most beautiful of any horse that ever lived, her sliver mane and tail where the envy of the others, and her gold coat shone in the sun and brightened every dark day. Starlight Fantasy took care of all the needs of the community of ponies and they were lacking for nothing.

One day, as she galloped along a quaint, old counry road, on her way to find more food for the town, something did not feel right, she feared for the lives of those she left behind in the village, something could go wrong if she was away for too long. A tingle of excitement rose within her. Anything, anything could happen....Back in Ponyville, Pepsi, the queen's right-hoof horse, a beautiful red bay stallion, smelled trouble. The queen had never been away for very long before and even though it had only been a few days, Pepsi worried that something would happen.

Pepsi's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hoofsteps outside. They were not slow and soft as his wife Roxy's but hard and fast. "Pepsi, Pepsi sir! " a black colt ran in to him. "Sir, we fear, for the queen has gone and we have seen something coming, fast!!"

"Did you see what it was? " Pepsi replied.

"Dark, speeding, loud!" he said in his colt-like way. "We don't know what it is." Out of breath, the colt tried to explain. "What do we do?"

"Notify our army and send someone for the queen," Pepsi ordered. "Prepare the tunnels for hiding and get horses into them. GO!"

The colt ran off to do as Pepsi told him.

Meanwhile, Starlight was deciding whether or not to return to Ponyville. Everything inside her told her to turn back but yet she wondered if she should."What is it that is nagging at my mind...Snow White, who had been chosen to find the queen, galloped as fast as she could, "it will take me days to find her," she muttered as she raced. Yet still she pressed on.

Back in town, horses were running wild with fear wanting to be safe from whatever it was that was almost there. Pepsi was on the hill, scouting out what it was when from behind he heard a faint whine. A large animal, and then another came in behind him, from all directions they closed in.

From miles away, Star made her decision, she would go back! Still, she did not know what it was that overcame her, she but couldn't resist it.

The army prepared themselves for battle. They didn't know what they were up against, but they would be ready when their captain gave the order to go.

Snow White was tiring fast. She was pushing with all her strength. "You'll never make it" voices inside her seemed to say. "Yes, yes I will! I will! she countered. With strength she didn't know she possessed, she raced to her destination. Star was galloping fast, she had to before she changed her mind. "Go, don't turn back, don't give up! My kingdom needs me!"

Pepsi was surrounded y wolves. One, two, three, twelve wolves eyed him hungrily!

Back in town, horses made a mad dash for the tunnels. One of the horses had seen Pepsi and ran to warn the others.

Snow White saw an object in the distance, it was running full speed toward her!

Starlight Fantasy passed at great speed, screeched to a stop and faced Snow White.

"Your highness! I was looking for you! I...we..need you, Colt saw something in the distance and Pepsi told me to get you!" she breathed hard. "Come, we'll go together." Star snorted with determination, they raced towards the town.

Pepsi was brave but had never faced with anything like this before, he stood there acting strong but he was shaking inside. The wolves closed in. Pepsi reared. Startling wolves, he saw an opening and ran madly for home, neighing as loudly as possible, signaling to the army to charge. At the sound of a distant but insistent whinny, the captain gave the order and thirty four horses galloped out of the base. They ran to the aid of the citizens of Ponyville.

Star and Snow White ran full tilt the rest of the way home, they would get there just in time, hopfully. What they would do when they got there, they knew not, but they were expecting the worst! Star was the fastest horse in the world, they would make it, Snow White felt it.

In town, everyone was now hidden away and the army of stallions were doing their duty protecting the horses from danger. All they worried about now was that the wolves didn't get far enough to come into town.

But thirty four horses should be able to ward them off long enough for the queen to get there.

Two more miles, can they make it? Star could for sure. It was Snow White, she feared for. She was tiring quickly. Sure the town was just over the hill but her pace had slowed down so much that Star feared Snow would collapse and get killed by the attackers. Just before the hill, Star told Snow to go down and around the other side of the hill to avoid the wolves, which they could now hear perfectly.

Yelps, whines and whinnies filled the valley below the hill. Star mustered all her strength and leaped over the hill. As she landed, her presence sent a calm sense of courage and strength through the fighters on the field. They pressed on, for they know the presence of their queen was frightening the enemies.

One by one the wolves began to shy away from the army of horses who were defending their territory. Their queen helped them win yet another battle, saving the lives of the many horses in Ponyville.

And the queen won many more victories for Ponyville and they lived in peace in that land forever and I won't say the end-- because forever never ends....

