
June 2009 Story Contest

Best Friends by Skipper235

“Hello, Dusty,” said Cindy.  

Cindy Savoy had owned Dusty for seven years now.  Dusty was a handsome palomino stallion.  Cindy had found him at only six weeks old alone in a meadow and then took him home.  Dusty was a great horse.

 “Would you like to go on a trail ride?”  He neighed and shook his head up and down.

A few minutes later Cindy and Dusty were heading down their favorite trail.  Then they finally stopped at their favorite picnic spot. Cindy quickly tied her horse to a tree and then gave him a carrot.  After they rested for a while, they went back home.  Late that night while Cindy was asleep, a noise woke her up.  She put on her slippers, got a flashlight, and ran outside to the stable.

Dusty was gone!  Cindy walked around the stable looking all over for Dusty.  She could not find him!  

Finally she looked outside in the meadow next to her house. There was Dusty with the most beautiful mare Cindy had ever seen.  After weeks of trying to find a home for the mare, Cindy decided to keep her. She named her Sparkle.  One day Cindy tried to take Sparkle out for a ride.  But as soon as she put on the halter Sparkle put her ears back.  Then Cindy put the saddle pad on, and Sparkle neighed.  Then Cindy put the saddle on, and Sparkle could not take it any more!  Sparkle pulled at the lead rope and broke it.  Sparkle kicked, and bucked, and ran off at top speed into the woods.  

“Oh, no!  Sparkle, come back!”  exclaimed Cindy.    

I think I know why she ran off.  She was probably a wild mustang who got separated from her herd, and I didn’t realize it, thought Cindy.

 “I have to find her!” said Cindy.  She ran into the house and got three carrots.  Next she followed Sparkle’s hoof prints, and there was Sparkle standing under an apple tree.

“Sparkle!” Cindy yelled excitedly.  She gave Sparkle a carrot and took her back home.  Dusty was so glad to see her, he couldn’t stop whinnying until she was in the paddock with him.  Dusty and Sparkle were great friends!      

The End