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Ping a Pony Pal Pundit.* (*expert) Here is where you can perfect your play the Pony Pal way! First log in, then enter your question in the white message window below. They will w-mail you back their suggestions for the best ways to use our site's features.

How do you get the key for the Wiggins mansion?

***look for it on the Wiggins estate trails***

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-04-24 06:23:13
What is a way to get the most wbucks other than buying them?

John xo

***play the math games in Pams game loft, or contribute to our magazine. art gets you Wiggins bucks the week we get it. A story gets you Wbucks when we publish on the first of the month. admin***

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-04-24 07:00:54
Hi Admin,

Are there any offline pony pals games?
Sorry to be asking so many questions!!

John xo

***not yet. admin***

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-04-24 07:03:24
I entered a drawing in the drawing contest but how do I see my art?

***it is in this weeks Wiggins weekly and will be in the May Magazine, too. admin***

kandydove & Heffy
2016-04-24 11:46:03
I just got 1000 W-bucks and I don't know why? Do you?
Admin: Math game winner. Do you see the daily email that goes to the email address that was used to sign up? In it is a list of weekly high scorers.

kandydove & Heffy
2016-04-24 12:09:11
What club pony pal contests are there, other than the cabin contest?

John xo

Here's the page with the contest list:



PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-04-25 04:25:34
I didn't get my 3 math ribbons or wbucks

You have to wait until the end of the day before math ribbons and bonus bucks are awarded.****

TheHorseRiders & Chiko
2016-04-25 04:57:20
Hi again,

My Mum and Dad want to know more about the Parents Account. What is it and what's it for?

A Parents Account allows adults to monitor and change information for all accounts with the same email address.
In a Parents Account, you'll see a list of account usernames, pony names, birth dates and the amount of Wiggins Bucks that account has. When you click on a username, you can see the same information for that account plus the account's password, and the last login time. You can change the password or birth date from here.****

TheHorseRiders & Chiko
2016-04-25 04:58:35
If so, how many time does the scavenger hunt change?

John xo

There'll likely be a new scavenger hunt soon!****

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-04-25 06:02:49
How do you add w-mails into the same w-mails as others? (Sorry if this doesn't make sense)!!

John xo

If you are logged in, you can comment on any W-mail thread by scrolling to the bottom of the page and typing in the text box, then clicking the submit button. ****

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-04-25 06:04:29
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
