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Ping a Pony Pal Pundit.* (*expert) Here is where you can perfect your play the Pony Pal way! First log in, then enter your question in the white message window below. They will w-mail you back their suggestions for the best ways to use our site's features.

yes Admin! your doing a great thing by answering our questions! XD
Cowgirls and angels & Holly
2016-12-21 16:54:27
Oh no!
PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-12-22 02:18:32
Hi Admin

Can I get more than three horses

At this time you can have up to three ponies. Groom Splash and Daisy every day to earn W-bucks, and play the math games.****

ponypalcutiepets & Nacho
2016-12-22 05:29:31
Hey Admin! I just wanted to ask something. Ok, so I went to Olson's, and I saw that if you return a pony, you get no "credit." I didn't know if it meant credit like Wiggins Bucks, or ownership credit...or something like that. I know this is a stupid question, and you may be like, "DUH!" But I just wanted to make sure. I don't wanna return my pony not knowing that I might or might not get my money back. Thank you!

Oh yeah, Jesus loves you, Admin!

-Bridget (TheGuardianHerdGirl1

***Thanks for reminding me about Jesus. :)

If you return a pony to Olsons you do not get any Wiggins bucks, though you do get a discount if you buy another pony at the same time. Use caution, if you return your last pony your account is closed. admin****

TheGuardianHerdGirl1 & Milagro
2016-12-23 23:36:08
Thank you, Admin! And you're welcome for reminding you about Jesus, I love Him too much for me not to tell someone that He loves them. :)
TheGuardianHerdGirl1 & Milagro
2016-12-24 17:39:22
how i drop of scavenger' quest and daily math ribbons

***You can remove anything from your inventory by dropping it off at the Klines porch donation box -- they donate the items to the St. Francis Animal Shelter. You can also hang those awards up in your cabin.-- admin ***

breyerlover24 & wonder
2016-12-25 17:00:19
Hey, Admin! So you told me that I didn't get money back if I gave a pony back but I got a discount. But when I went to buy a pony, it didn't give me any discount at all. I don't know what's wrong with it. Can you help me? Thanks! (Jesus loves you again) :D

****I can think of a reason why it may not have worked. Did you return a pony before buying a new one? To get the discount, you need to buy the new pony and trade in the old one at the same time. One of the purchase screens has an option to trade in a pony while buying the new one, that's where the discount is added.****

TheGuardianHerdGirl1 & Milagro
2016-12-25 23:34:01
Hey admin! I have a few questions:when ever I go on a trail ride my pony gets sick, and it get hungry.when I feed it , it says "if you feed your pony any more treats, it will get sick", and I don't have anything to feed it!! How does it get hungry, and what do I feed it? One last question, how do you get to your cabin? Thanks so much!


Watch for Badd Brook (the river you come across when riding the trail to Three Birches and on the Three Birches Wiggins Estate Trail) it will help both your pony's health and hunger stat go up one. Feed your pony no more than two oats or your ponys health will go down. Try feeding your pony oat then a horse cookie than an apple or carrot! Pick apples on the trails, buy more feed for your pony in Klines. Your pony gets hungry by galloping and jumping on the trails.

To get a cabin you must have bought a pony from olsons and paid your monthly board.

The steps are
1. Take the bus to Olsons
2. Select the pony you want to buy, a bay chestnut or white pony will be free if you trade in your existing pony
3. Click on buy pony (green box)
4. There will be buttons, one says none the other has your pony's name. If you want to trade your pony in for a new pony, make the dot in front of your pony's name have a spot in it.
5 .Enter the new pony's name and choose whether you want a mare or gelding, then click the green next box.
6. Then you get a box that asks if you agree to pay board for your pony.
7. Click on I agree in the green box
Then you will have a new pony and your current pony will be back at Olsons for another member to adopt. Your My Page will then have a cabin, and you can ride to the Wiggins Estate!

Once you have, to your cabin go to your "My Page" at the top of the page and click on your cabin.

Austinlove & Chester
2016-12-27 01:58:10
OHH! Ok! Thank you for the information!
TheGuardianHerdGirl1 & Milagro
2016-12-27 01:58:10
Thanks so much admin!!
Austinlove & Chester
2016-12-28 00:29:57
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
