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**** Association of Club Pony Pals (AoCPP) ***

The programmers have to program the box.

Jane Crandal & JB
2011-10-09 22:42:51
yes that is true
fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-10-10 04:54:15
And they have to tell that when someone clicks the box what to-do.
justin804 & Apple
2011-10-10 12:40:19
May I join?
My ideas:
That they bring more breeds to CPP
Make a game to where you can clean saddles for people

I don't have any more ideas.

ponypaller & Pretty2
2011-10-10 19:39:31
Love both ideas, especially the more coats and breeds!

What breeds/coats do you think should be added?

justin804 & Apple
2011-10-11 00:38:28
Love both ideas, especially the more coats and breeds!

What breeds/coats do you think should be added?

justin804 & Apple
2011-10-11 00:38:32
Well, there are many breeds. :) Like arabians, mustangs, etc. For coats there could be fleabitten grey, a better palomino coat, etc. There are many coats and breeds. I guess CPP can't have to many breeds.
ponypaller & Pretty2
2011-10-11 20:45:33
a restaurent would be nice... a restaurent which u can go in... buy rice, noodles, sphegette,pasta and ratatouille. buy it eat it and payit!!! get a job as a cook or a waiter and get 2 or 3 WBs a day!
what do u think?

fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-10-12 01:27:12
Love the Idea! I always love ideas with earning a bit of cash! The restaurant food could even be served by a CPP waiter of course this would be hard on the programmers and it would be easier if you could just click on what you want on a menu then it went to you inventory.
justin804 & Apple
2011-10-12 13:16:26
I was thinking of maybe being able to pay board without logging in to world. My computer is soooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo slow! lol
perdjie & Aussie
2011-10-12 15:52:27
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
