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*** Lord of the Rings ***
a roleplay club

My mom thought I was writing a book when she saw me...*Hee hee*
Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-27 22:18:50
Yay, if we all knew the story, then we could al help!
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-11-27 22:22:39
WHAT? HE HAS A CRUSH ON YOU?!! Actually, I kind of thought so, the way you were acting, but I guess I need to set down some rules.

1. No kissy kissy mwa mwa stuff.
2. No crushes or marriges, please. (Exception if you are the elf queen. Or later, maybe an elf princess.)

pizza freak & Amazing Grace
2012-11-28 00:35:58
I am not going to stop playing Legolas.

Lianna-*sits in the hay loft of the barn with a jar of water and hr fathers sword, sharpening it, then she sees her mare watching her* Hey Sierra. Am I being to loud? I can't help it. Sharpening swords is a very noisy task. *continues with her work*

Korra(Lianna's mother)- Oh, there you are!*leads in the palimino she traded for* Found this handsome fella on my trip. What should we name him?

Lianna-*glances up* Hey, your back. Nice find. *goes back to what she was doing* How about Sundance? Sunny for short.

Korra-Sounds good.*locks him up in the stall next to chip's* Wait, who's this guy?

Lianna- The horse that Legolas lost. He's a sleigh horse. We could pair him with Dusty and plow almost twice as fast.

Korra- Well, all right. What's his name?

Lianna- Chip.

Korra-Nice name. I'm going to cook dinner.*leaves the door, not very surprised that her duaghter hardly noticed her because of her work.*

Dragon Girl & Frodo
2012-11-28 00:48:45
RM: No nothing like that not mushy kissy stuff..yuck. Could I be an elf princess too? I mean, that would add to the plot, like an unknown princess and stuff?
Indi: *Paces*

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-28 13:09:18
(well, Aragorn is mareied to Arwen too, so that counts as an eception) :) I'm surprised no one wants to play him, after all, he's king of Gondor!:) By the way, I like where this is going, Annaneya. Stories like that always grasp my attention.:)

Lianna-*strolls out of the barn, very carefully putting the sword away, then opens the door and enters the house* Hey mom, I'm going to go riding.

Korra- *sighs* You know how I feel about you riding in the dark.

Lianna- Not horsing off, patroling. Gaurds are being set because of the orcs we fought-

Korra- Orcs?! You were fighting with Orcs?!

Lianna- We had to. Self defense, you know. Father would have approved. I think.

Korra-*shuts her eyes and stands there for a few minutes, making Lianna nervous* Allright. But come straight back. No exceptions. Remember, I buy the horses, you care for them.

Lianna- Thanks!*hugs her mom* No worries. I'll be back to feed the horses and dragon.

Korra- Ugh. Why did Aramay ever let you keep that crazy beast?

Lianna-*heads for the door* Self defense, again.

Korra- Do you have the sword? How about the Bow?

Lianna- Both. By Mom, I love you.*heads out the door*

Dragon Girl & Frodo
2012-11-29 00:41:09
I still don't think it's really that good if people are dating, or have crushes and aren't afraid to show it, but I guess you can be an elf princess. Just no gooey stuff like you said, right?
pizza freak & Amazing Grace
2012-11-29 00:41:09
I agree, nothing extreme. And Aragorn is one of my favorite characters:)
Indi: 4 am the next morning..*Stomps in, shaking the others awake* OK, who's on guard duty from 4 to 8? I'd patrol, but I need my beauty sleep. *Steps into room, puts on PJs, and sleeps*

Annaneya & Sequoia
2012-11-29 01:08:04
(I'll play Aragon (my characters brother-in-law) and someone else can do Gimli.)

Aragon: *I stand on my balcony, I see the glint of something in the distance, metal maybe? I walk to the stables and saddle my horse, I mount up and canter through the city and in persuit*

Naomi: Stupid! Little! Crown! *I yell each word as I de-tangle it from my hair* Why! Did! I! Wear! It! On! A! Mission! *I manage to yank it free and detangle my Angel blonde hair, I braid it* Now it won't be so tangled. *I hear hoof beats and stand, ready to use my crown as a weapon, instead, a man I reconize rides in* Aragon?

Aragon: The one and only! C'mere. *I grab her arm and musses her freshly cleaned hair, while she let out little screams*

Naomi: Stop! Stop! *I'm winded from struggling, he stops* Nice to see you too.

Aragon: *Laughs*

ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2012-11-29 21:01:14
"Finally, back entrance patrol is done! Now, I'm going to sleep." I braid my dark brown hair, which falls to my waist. "That's better." I sigh as I climb into bed.

pizza freak & Amazing Grace
2012-11-29 22:14:17
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