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Starlight Stables

(Ty's a orphan guys her mother left her and her dad died when she was 4 she doesn't have any living family)

Ty:Where am I?*looks scared and starts to scoot away*What are you going to do to me?!*curls in a ball beside a tree and wimpers in fright*

tylerbt & Vintage
2013-03-30 22:00:31
Krystal-"Umm, I don't think so. The only person here who knows there numbers is Ty..." *I punch 911 into the keypad* "Hello?"

Operater-"Police, Firemen, or Ambulence?"


Operater-"What happened?"

Krystal-"Riding accident. Amnesia."

Operater-"Where are you?"

Krystal-"About half a mile down the oak view trail at Starlight Stables. Starlight Stables is on Oak Street, between Rose and June"

Operater-"Service will arrive shortly" *hangs up*

Krystal-"Ty, we wont hurt you" *I speak like calming a nervous horse* "Here, why don't you lie down?" *O gently guide her to some moss, appearing calm but on the verge of freaking out*

lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-30 23:48:47
Ali: I pat Krystal on the back, knowing she is trying her best to keep calm. I whisper in her ear, *Listen, it's just temporary amnesia. I've gone through stuff like this before...like my brother, Jay. He fell off a horse once and got amnesia too. He knows what it's like. Let's let him do all the work.

Jay: I grimace, watching Ty anxiously. *Listen, Ty, you're going to be O.K. Just lay down.* But I know words won't help. So I go over by her and hug her gently, glancing at her bump on her head.

Ali: I smile, seeing Jay hold Ty.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-03-31 21:05:18
Krystal-*I take a few deep breathes.*

parademics-*Rush up and put Ty on an Ambulence*

lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-31 23:01:57
Ty:*whimpers in fright*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-01 20:21:46
Paradimics-*Pull everyone on car and drive to hospital*
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-01 23:09:33
Ali: I climb on the ambulance, motioning to Krystal to follow.

Jay: I get on the ambulance and sit next to Ty, holding her hand.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-04-03 00:53:01
Ty:*shivers at the site of all the paramedics not sure why I'm so afraid of them*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-03 01:46:38
Krystal-*I hop on, and sit down, but in minutes, my face is white*
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-03 02:09:49
Ali: I rub Krystal on the back. *Are you okay?*

Jay: I squeeze Ty's hand, my eyes calm.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-04-03 23:26:14
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
