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My little pony Roleplay
Information: This club is about the first generation of my little ponies, but in roleplay form. Humans are alowed, but are optional. Dragons are also alowed(because of spike) but are also optional.

Oh no, you didn't intrrupt.

Lofty- *sees her friend Drania the wren* Oh, hey Drania. Say, you haven't seen any odd where abouts, have you?

Drania- No, not really. Just, you may be interested in the weather. Lots of snow! I suspect about three inches.

Lofty- Oh, yes! Finally, some snow!

Drania- Well, good news for you, but I have to fly through this stuff. Peace, and long live and prosper! *flies away*

Dragon Girl & Frodo
2013-02-25 03:11:11
Lofty- Weeell, I can understand that. *lands near a tree* Maybe we'll get lucky and Drania was just lying because she's in a bad mood. She has a bit of a temper sometimes. But you didn't hear that from me. *sniffs ground, looking for loose flowers* Ugh. No dandalions this time of year.
Dragon Girl & Frodo
2013-02-26 04:08:25
Fal: *I see my sister doing nothing and I form a raincloud and bounce on it, rain falls down, putting out the fire*
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-02-27 21:23:11
Lofty- White clover isn't too bad, but definately not as good as- *spots the familiar white flowers* Oh! Oh! Chamomile! *starts munching on the flowers* Mmm. So good!
Dragon Girl & Frodo
2013-02-28 00:30:28
River: *I look up at Fal, wondering. Then I screw up my face, making rainclouds appear next to Fal but I can't decide when they rain.*

Sunshine: *I move away from the rain/clouds*

SpiritRider3101 & Shade
2013-03-04 18:43:53
hair-Purple and Dark greeny turquisey
ribbon-I didn't know she had one
Cutie mark-pink and purple propeller hat things.
status-TWINKLE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look her up I think she is georgeous. Well, Mum says she's ugly, but she just doesn't like MLTP.

Uniocornia & Erich
2013-03-08 23:32:14
Fluttershy: *T-thanks Fal, that was close!*
Iluvkitties & Cupid
2013-03-11 19:08:00
Sure, Unicornia!BTW, I LOVE Wizzer.:)
Dragon Girl & Frodo
2013-03-12 00:34:08
Whizzer: *Zooms round the rain clouds* 'Yup! these are rain clouds all right. Big ones too. Maybe we should head for cover.'
Uniocornia & Erich
2013-03-13 06:49:39
Lofty- Good idea! *hovers near a forest*
Dragon Girl & Frodo
2013-03-14 02:20:22
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
