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The Saddle Club Roleplay Club
a roleplay club off of the saddle club tv series

Max: *Good Leah! Red, Harper should be okay. I want to see Fiona get him under control...she needs to be in charge. Next, Lisa!*

Lisa: urges Prancer forward, cantering. Prancer jumps over the parallels, wall, oxer, and Lisa makes the 3-foot fences in three strides. *Good girl, Prancer!* she says, patting the mare horse.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-03-18 00:23:39
Kristi: I gaze at Harper and Fiona. "Glad that wasn't us," I mutter to Barq and turn him again in tight circles to see if he is paying attention and is under control. "Perfect, boy. I wanna try to jump today, so let's get going," I say to Barq. I tighten my reins a little and nudge Barq into a canter with the rest of the class. I correct my seating, feet, and head until I look pretty good.
Kristi Cavanaugh and Barq & Comanche
2013-03-18 00:32:49
ok said red
lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-03-18 02:47:22
RM: lisa11, in the post where it says you need new reins with chain at bottom, it isn't the reins with the chain, its the bit
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-03-18 22:08:43
Ty:can I go?* urges Carta forward, cantering. Carta jumps over the parallels, wall, oxer, and Ty makes the 3-foot fences in 1 long stride.*Good Carta that was perfect!*pats Carta's neck greatfully*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-03-18 22:08:43
sighs i want to be in the saddle club im going to ask lisa or steve or carol if i can
lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-03-18 22:08:43
sorry I ment Carole and Starlight!I was thinking of my person on pine hollow just pretend I put Carole and Starlight!
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-03-19 01:28:32
Fiona: *I huff and take Harper's reins* So I'm tense. Well how am I supposed to not be tense? *I leap up on Harper and look at Max* What do you want me to do? *Harper won't stand still again and is jumping all over the place. I slap his shoulder and say* No. *He stands for a little bit and begins again.* NO. Stop right now. *I turn him in a circle and halt him again. Then he rears. I stay seated and turn him again. He stands this time.* Good boy, exasperated. *I release the pressure on his bit a little bit. Instantly he takes advantage and begins to shift around and toss his head.* Stop it boy! *I shout.* Just QUIT! *I slap him and turn him in another circle, but his suddenly takes the bit in his teeth and runs.* Help! *I try to turn him in a tight circle and he does, but he nearly tips over.*
1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2013-03-19 01:28:32
no the chain gos were the horses chine is it gos under its chin it helps you have better control of your horse
lisa11 & Asfolath
2013-03-19 01:28:32
Max: *Good job Ty! I liked that one stride jump. But remember to keep your heels down. Next, Carole!*

Lisa: glances over at Fiona again.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-03-19 01:28:32
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
