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Black Thorn University
a stable learning environment as well as horse stables! You have to take core studies as well as classes for your majors and minors.

Ty:20 times a day 10 on show days*smiles*don't worry it's natural if you'd have what happened to me happen to you*walks to the barn and when no one is in the aisle I climb up to the loft where nobody but the grooms go*Why did I look at that picture?!It doesn't even have Emma and Amazi in it!Besides I haven't seen Brady,Smoke,Red,and Jason since they decided they were no longer friends after we graduwated!*lies down and thinks 'I should just wait for a groom to come and yell at me to get down'*probably the best idea to finish my seizure*closes eyes*
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-26 03:44:12
(I believe I'm rooming with Lucy?)

Cara: *I go back to my dorm*

SpiritRider3101 & Shade
2013-04-26 22:18:22
What happened GreekGal?
1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2013-04-27 03:47:54
(Oh my gosh Greek! Miranda, Jo and Val are sharing a triple room, it has a living room and three bedrooms off of it)
ParelliChick & Lady of the Mist
2013-04-27 19:18:06
Krystal-*Waves hand in front of Chrissas face* "Earth to Chrissa. This is Dancer."
lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-27 19:35:46
Lucy: I walk inyo my room "Hi Cara."
Starwalker123 & Star
2013-04-27 19:39:54
Jo- I drive up in a red pick-up truck and matching two horse trailer with a tack area. I step out and brush off my dark wash jeans and cream tank. I walk to the trailer and unload all the tack. I put away all the tack and unload Peach Iced Tea, her mahogany coat barely visible with all the sheets. I walk her to her stall and ground tie her. I pull my Stetson to cover my eyes and start untacking. I pull off the boots, blanket and poll guard. I take off her halter to take off the Lycra hood and Peach stands, I replace the halter and put on a fly sheet, I attach a neck sheet, then I put on the fly mask. I replace the rope halter for a break away one and attach the neck sheet to the halter. I fasten fly boots on and let her gallop in her pasture while I unpack my things in my dorm. I see Miranda there. "I'm Jo, one of your room mates." My voice is touched with a Virginia drawl. I pull my Stetson up a little to reveal a tan face without a flaw or freckle and mahogany eyes. I stick out my hand.
Southern Pride & Peach Iced Tea
2013-04-29 22:09:59
RM:OK this is gonna happen a lot but Greek got a concussion again(she's my sis)first time she tried to scare me but she didn't know I was riding a horse named Velvet who spooks A LOT and got kicked in the head second I was riding with her and Brady and she was on this horse named Lightning who reared up when a squirrel ran by and her head hit a tree branch so basically we work with some bad horses these days
tylerbt & Vintage
2013-04-30 01:51:55
Jo- I look around the dorm. "Was it decorated like this or is this the normal. I like it. It's just missing..." I go to one of my bags and pull out a picture of my herd of horses back home. I put it on the wall. "There."
Southern Pride & Peach Iced Tea
2013-04-30 21:29:49

Krystal-*Tacks up Dancer* "Ready to go Chriss"

lighting1 & Patchwork Prince
2013-04-30 22:10:47
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
