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Emeralds Herd
a normal Roleplay club with no humans or magic.

Buck- oh. Wow. I mean... I'm Buck.
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-12-24 01:06:11
Grand: I prick my ears and snort. I gallop off without a word and come to the river. I see Emerald and Rage and follow them silently in the bushes, hatching a plan.
Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-12-24 01:12:47
Rage- *rolls eyes* obviously your 'rescuer' didnt come.
Emerald- You betrayed me! I refuse to go back!
Rage- Its not your choice to make!

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-12-24 16:17:24
Tetra: I follow grand.* Whats the plan I say, startling him.

Polo: Not sister daughter! Suki is my daughter!Weasly nice to meet you. I am second lead stallion and Hearts mate.But heart ,My sister is in Rages herd.... * My voice trails off and my eyes widen with horror*

??: I step out of the same bush Rage had come through. I tilt my head. I have a gleaming white coat and pretty blue eyes with a look of mischief in them. My name is Lelani* Polo! I can smell you!

Polo: I hide the remaining horses here is a hiding cave. You hear squeals and shrieks and you hear polo say* Come out * In a scared and weak voice. They walk out to see a hurt polo, his leg and forehead look awfully bad and they need help. You come just in time to see a white and red horse leaving with a flurry of her tail.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2013-12-24 16:17:24
RM: guys this is Grand's mission. All the other horses are back at the herd. thanks :)

Grand: I continue to follow silently.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2013-12-25 00:59:03
Rage- Lelani! Glad your here. Help me force Emerald to come back.
Emerald- you can't force me to do anything!
Rage- Well see about that

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-12-25 01:17:30
Lelani: Ah yes! Oh course rage.

Polo: I look at Wesley and Heart. Look. I had a mate before Heart who was killed. We had two daughters. Suki and Tetra. But she was killed. Weasly if you do not want me I will not be Hearts mate. Lelani is my sister. OK? She was bad from the start. I could not stop her.

Lelani: I creep up behind Emerald when Rage is talking to her. I drag her away. Any horse that tries to help gets Springed on by a horse out of nowhere.

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2013-12-25 18:59:49
Emerald- *yells* Grand!
Rage- Good Lelani! You shall be promoted when we get home!

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-12-26 01:07:24
Lelani: Oh! Thank you Rage. * Grips Emerald tighter and vanishes in the bushes and you can no longer see or hear either of them.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2013-12-26 16:18:43
Emerald- *whinnies* Graaaaaaand! *whips head aroun and nips Lelani* Let go!
Rage- *slowlu slips out of the water*

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-12-27 03:35:41
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
