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Lion Queen Roleplay
a Roleplay club with absolutely no violence. Oh yeah and the lions eat fruit instead. Their leader is the lioness River. She will choose a mate as soon as we start role playing. I'd like the plaque to be a lioness. Thanks!

Arrow I jump out of a tree by River
Arrow:* Thanks for comeing:)*

thezoekid & Star Gaze
2013-11-08 01:45:24
River- * purrs and stands* No problem. *tries to ignore how the Moonlight made Arrow's mane shine* So what's up?
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-11-08 22:32:09
Arrow:* I love you too but I can't do with out telling my first mate...*
thezoekid & Star Gaze
2013-11-09 01:41:07
River- *eyes widen and she growls* Get off him! *leaps on Sheru and pins him,* Go back to Pride Rock. NOW. *gives hima cuff around the ears* Arrow, I understand. Just tell her the truth. *nuzzles him then sneaks back into Pride Den, sneaking past the other slerping lions and lays down on the Royal Elevated part in the back of the den*
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-11-09 21:06:49
Rm: why did she pounced on him?
Arrow:* What! * ROARS!!! And stands on his hindlegs

thezoekid & Star Gaze
2013-11-09 21:06:49
Fern-* Hears The commotion And comes over * Get Off him*Pulls Sheru off of Arrow*
Gypsy2012 & Penny Pony
2013-11-09 21:20:32
Misty: *I walk behind Kweli and pounces on him* Call that a bad hunter *she snarls*
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2013-11-09 21:26:16
Rm: there was a post.... Sheru jumped on Arrow..... Just ignore that first part.
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2013-11-10 01:07:25
Misty:I am sorry Aslan. I thought maybe you might want to be my. Oh you know ..........
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2013-11-10 01:07:25
Arrow:* Thanks:)*
thezoekid & Star Gaze
2013-11-10 01:07:25
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