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*QUESTION CLUB* People can ask questions about ANYTHING!!

PLease join my Harley the Horse club! We're sitting around in a three person conversation (actually four, cause Sugar just posted) and discussing weather. Can you believe that? WEATHER! So please, PLEASE join my club, lest I melt into a puddle of self-pity right before your astonished eyes. . . perhaps I'd be the consistency of melted swiss cheese. LOL
I'm extremely random tonight. :) Sorry. It's really, really. . .really. . .late.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-20 17:21:34
Thanks nat2.
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-01-20 17:38:02
I mean the original Star Trek series was enough for me. And I like Star Trek. (If that isn't clear yet. LOL)
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-20 20:04:54
I like star trek my fav series is either The next generation or Enterprise
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-01-20 23:21:53
Harley is the character in my cartoons, 'Harley The Horse'. He's the mini horse with the sardonic view of life.
Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-21 04:56:02
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-01-21 23:36:11
Hi Sugar1Loaf2

I was a bridesmaid when another member of my family got married and I was a bit younger.

First, find a time to ask the bride when she can spend a few minutes with you, either in person or on the phone. I am sure she has a plan for what she wants you to do and can tell you who is in charge of the planning for the wedding.

If there is a wedding planner (someone paid to do it) you can also ask them.

Basically, being in a wedding is pretty boring. There will be a rehearsal the day before, where everyone will practice what they have to do. Your job will likely be to carry flowers or perhaps hold the train or veil of a dress. When the procession in is done, you will have to stand in one place quietly for the whole rest of the ceremony.

The bride and groom are the center of attention, it is your job to be quiet and let them perform the ceremony the best they can.

Write back if you have more questions,


Jane Crandal & JB
2014-01-22 02:04:37

I'm always nervous when there are a lot of people!

Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-01-23 02:22:54
Thanks JC
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-01-23 02:26:25
Awesome fofuhuio!!!!!! How old are you fofuhio??
Sugar1Loaf2 & Lightning
2014-01-23 19:51:19
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
