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Heartcall- *rolls eyes*
Magicpelt- Race ya back to camp!

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-14 04:11:34
Nimbleflow-*jumps up quickly ad zips back towards camp, his paws a fast blur as they speed him along, striking the ground so fast the thump of pawsteps turn into a steady, low hum*

Currentstar-Well? I can't do any of the things you can. Magically, that is. I'd like to see you do better. Wait. No, no I wouldn't. Because you will.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-14 16:10:34
Heartcall- *laughs and purrs * you know it!
Magicpelt- *uses her power to make Nimbleflow trip over three mice, then uses her powe again to make it to cap in one second.

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-15 01:42:17
timepaw: I restart the rabiets time
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-01-15 02:50:18
Nimbleflow-*falls and scrapes his chin against the ground* You know, you'd think I'd have learned all her tricks by now.

????-Don't you just looove she-cats?

Nimbleflow-*Stops and glares into the shadows* Who's there?

????-*slides smoothly from the bushes, revealing himself as a coal-black cat with orange eyes and a white muzzle* Greetings. I'm Coalheart.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-15 18:18:30
Nimbleflow-*wonders if the tom is aggressive and thinks he should scramble to his feet*

Coalheart-No, no, don't get up. I've been looking for you for moons and I don't want to cause any inconvenience by making you rise. here, let me help. *he moves forwards and picks Nimbleflow up by the scruff, steadying the shaky tom* How's that?

Nimbleflow-*stares at Coalheart, his eyes bugging out of his head* Uh-wuh humg, um. . .

Coalheart-Cat got your tongue, Nimbleflow? *he sidles away and swishes his tail* I'll go to camp and tell them you're coming, all right? Magicpelt will know who I am.

Nimbleflow-Oh no you don't. I'll go to camp and tell them you're-OOOF!

Coalheart-*shoves him back with an invisible force. Throws Nimbleflow to the ground. His orange eyes gleam dangerously* I'll go to camp. Really. I know the way.

Nimbleflow-*stands again, realizing Coalheart controlled the breeze to knock him over* Um, no thanks. *makes it storm uncontrollably around Coalheart, blinding him with hail and thick sheets of rain* I'll get there first! *speeds to camp and crashes into Magicpelt* Magicpelt! There's a creepy tom named Coalheart coming here. He said you'd know who he was.

Currentstar-*hears a distressing thought echo from her brother's mind. Freezes. (She and Nimbleflow are pretty close, so they can kind of 'feel' each other) Turns her head and murmurs to Heartcall* Nimbleflow's in trouble. There's somebody with him!

NImbleflow-This weird tom, he looks like, looks like. . .

Coalheart-*slips from the shadows, smiling his charismatic, seductive smile* Greetings, Magicpelt. You remember me, surely?

Age-36 moons
Pelt-Black with white muzzle
Eyes-Bright orange
Personality-Mysterious, attractive, seems gentle enough. Hides a dark secret which he won't tell anybody.
Backstory-His mother died when he was a young kit, and his father disowned him from grief. He left his Clan, which was mysteriously destroyed by floods moons ago when he returned to the forest with amazing powers. He has come to ElementClan because he senses Magicpelt. (RM-Rainstar, I don't know what connection he has with Magicpelt. If you want to figure it out, be my guest!)

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-18 02:55:10
RM- Lets just say she was apart of his dark secret.
Magicpelt- *pricks ears* Coldheart? *suddenly and and embarassment, mixed with guilt, crowds her emotions * I must speak with him.

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-18 16:28:30
Timepaw: I hurry back tp camp
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-01-18 16:35:28
Coalheart-*His unnerving orange eyes shimmer from the glare of the sun and he walks over to Magicpelt. He touches her nose with his own in a sudden gesture of fondness, and gives the she-cat a smile, staring deep into her brown eyes* I knew you would remember me. *He turns briefly to Nimbleflow and his eyes seem hard and dangerous for a heartbeat of time* Would you leave us in peace, please?

Nimbleflow-*turns away and slowly walks from the two cats, reluctant to leave his friend Magicpelt alone with this creepy tom*

Currentstar-*walks slowly towards camp, heavy with rabbit carcasses*

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2014-01-18 22:24:25
Timepaw: I join my brother in the apperentice den
Starwalker123 & Star
2014-01-19 19:10:22
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