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The sun goes down earlier, it comes up late. The snow falls gently until the world is covered with it. Pines start to shoot their smells out strongly. It's Christmas time. The waterfall is where the cats gather for meetings and ceremonies.

Cinderheart: We will never know if we don't try!
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-01-29 01:57:59
Cinderheart: I walk over to her shoulder and whisper* Thank you *Then I walk over to Winterpaw and start pointing out herbs to her as we go*
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-01-30 01:26:15
RM: I am going to make a new cat:

Gender: Tom
Age:16 moons
Pelt:white (He looks like Cloudtail)
Rank: Warrior

Age: 24 moons
Pelt: Looks like Tigerstar (Was Brambleclaw and Squirrelflights son)
Rank: Deputy (Thhe clan is deputyless right now)

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-01-31 16:18:48
(yes it is) lol and sure he can be her mate.
Angelstar- *stops * Stay here. *growls really gravelly then suddenly breaks off into a really high pitched yowling *
Lead Badger- * comes out of den and tilts head, then snarls something *
Angelstar- * makes a sound that is not quite growling but kind of like purring *
Lead Badger- * growls low, then shoves nose in a certain direction *
Angelstar- *dips head * Let's go. The herbs are over there, in that empty set.
Winterpaw- How did she learn how to speak that!

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-31 23:41:18
Cinderheart: * shakes head* only Starclaw knows. * suddenly bounds into the bushes coming back with 2 strang cats* Angelstar! Look I found my old friends, lionclaw ( whose name may not be changed) and Snowclaw.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-01 21:57:29
RM: name cannot be changed hahahahahaha lol
Anglestar- *dips head politely* Hello.

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-02 21:20:09
RM; Yep. lol.

Lionclaw: Dips head* Hello. I have heard good things about you.

Snowclaw: Nods head*

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-03 00:43:49
Angelstar- Well that's nice to know.
Winterpaw- Mom- er Angelstar?
Angelstar- *freezes* Uh yes Winterpaw?
Winterpaw- When will I get my Medicine Cat name?
Angelstar- Thats for your mentor to decide.

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-04 02:56:46
Cinderheart: When you are ready.

Lionclaw: Can we stay with your clan? Can we sis?

Cinderheart: Ask Angelstar not me bro!

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-02-04 04:34:46
Winterpaw- What will my name be? Winterstrikes? Wintereyes? Winterfish?
Angelstar- *slaps tail across her sight her daughters mouth* Thats enough Winterpaw.
Winterpaw- Sorry.
Angelstar- You want to join my Clan?
RM: Winterfish haha I just had to do that :)

rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-02-04 18:40:01
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