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Omahas Herd
about a horse named Omaha who lives at an abandoned farm with his herd

sarah: hey guys could i jion
broek & firefly
2014-01-17 17:38:25
Omaha: You are in the herd silly!
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-01-18 03:00:57
Legacy- * snorts and proudly arches her tail and neck * I am a WILD horse!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-18 03:00:57
Legacy- *rears, her long tail and mane flapping in the wind* I don't think me, a wild horse, would join a tame one!
rainstar13 & Nightfire
2014-01-18 16:28:30
Omaha: Kill the tension you 2. We are all wild horses, herd or no herd. So are you joining or just hanging out.
Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-01-18 16:28:30
Trekker: *practices jumping over logs, and small streams*
DragonShadowCave & Artemis
2014-01-18 16:32:51
sarah: hey calm down most of us are wild get over.

alvis: ok we know there will be fights but not now. putting his ears back. and where is that foal of mine!

broek & firefly
2014-01-18 16:32:51
midnight blue: whats going on?
broek & firefly
2014-01-18 16:32:51
Name: ancient wonder
Age: 12
Mate: no mate
Color: black
Height: 14hnds
Breed: arab
History: lost home and found heard
Rank: loner
ps i am also the same person that owns broek and firefly

neth & beth
2014-01-18 16:35:28
ok. Welcome neth. Is ancient wonder already in the herd?

Omaha: Calm down everyone!

Chance12345 & Scarlett
2014-01-18 20:33:39
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
