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Rat Interest Club

No, but I used to have a mouse. I called her Silver!
She was sweet and was a nice grey. She was so soft!!

PonyPalClub & Snazzy
2016-01-11 01:54:08
ohh are mice good pets? you should get a rat:)
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-11 02:18:21
I think they are! Silver was very sweet. Just cleaning the cage is what stinks. We found out that the male mice (we didn't get any males) stink more, so never male mice! :D

Are rats good pets? Is there anything I need besides the cage and food? And what do they usually do?

PonyPalClub & Snazzy
2016-01-11 21:03:43
yes boys always stink more i hated cleaning the cages when we had boys rats:0
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-12 00:48:08
Rats make very gooood pets:) No i don't think you need anything else. maybe a wheel for them to run on but the metal ones aren't good for their feet i read. They sleep:) Girls are more active and playful then the boys or at least the ones i've had:) they need ALOT of attention!!! you should get 2 because they get lonely by them self:(
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-12 01:02:12
Also if you ever get a rat you should get either a Hammock for them to sleep in or at like petsmart or petco they sell these little pineapple things the rats can sleep in mine lovee it!!!
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-12 01:06:06
My rats HATE wheels but some of my friends rats like them though soo i guess it just depends.
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-12 18:05:18
Thanks a lot you guys! I asked my mom about rats but...

She said no rats. But thanks again for giving me advice! I'm glad you both love your rats.

PonyPalClub & Snazzy
2016-01-12 20:30:31
Hey Breyer what brand of rat food do you give your rats??
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-12 20:59:46
:( that's sad. Will you ever get mice again??
nornylauren & blackie
2016-01-12 21:25:32
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
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