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July 2016 Story & Poem Entries Note: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer.

By Melaniezzz

(This story is set in the mid 19th century, in Nebraska.)

The rush of wind sweeping back your mane, blowing at your entire body, your mane and tail flying in the air like a flag. The race to run faster than approaching hordes of bison. The challenge, the fight to find your own place. Such is the thrill of life in a herd. My mother and sister, however, were content to slave away for humans. “Why leave?” my mother asked me warily, time and time again. “Sure, we have to do some jumping, go in trailers, perform at shows, and such. But the food is good, and the humans are kind, and there are plenty of other horses.”
“And running wild is no fun!” my little sister would pipe in. “Your mane is full of briars and dust and all sorts of things, and your hooves are never really clean. I love it at the stables.” Eventually I would stop asking if they wanted to come. But every day, so long as I was free to do as I pleased in my stall or in the big field, I would stare, hard, at the horizon. And at sunset, when the whole sky was crimson and purple and the clouds glowed and the ground was bathed in gold, sometimes I could see them. Hooves beating like drums upon the dry prairie grass, legs moving in rhythm, heads tossing, wild whinnies and neighing, their manes and tails streaming through the air, almost flying. And when the herd passed, I often sighed, holding on to the memory, to my wish, that I might run free.
And the day did come when a rail on the fence broke. Quickly, I bade my family farewell, and before it had registered in their minds to try and convince me not to go, I had ran a short distance. Immediately the stable hands cried out, “Misty has escaped!” The ancient groom ran to fetch a hammer and nails to fix the fence, while the three young stable hands grabbed lead ropes, desperately trying to keep the other horses within the still broken fence. But I was free. The master’s son saddled his horse, in pursuit of me. I ran harder, but his horse Eden was bred for racing, I couldn’t hold a candle to him. Before long, the master’s son had a rope around my neck. I turned toward him and whinnied reproachfully. He nodded.
“You’re like me, aren’t you, Misty? Searching for your own place? Trying to escape? I know.” He sighed. “Perhaps I will find a way to escape sometime soon as well. So long, Misty. Find your own herd, I guess.” He patted my neck. “Maybe I’ll see you sometime? Will you come back to visit? I’ll bring carrots!” He smiled in his boyish way, while I only gently nudged him and tossed my head. “I guess not.” he said in mock regret. I rubbed my large head against his arm, going along with his little charade. “Well, goodbye then.” he whispered, unclipping the rope. And I realized I was really free. But it wasn’t like the scene I had imagined, where I jubilantly leaped away, free at last. I had never realized there would be something I’d miss. Both of us walked a few steps, him back to the barn, me toward my new life. Then we both turned. His eyes were moist. I nickered, and he nodded. Then, with slow, heavy steps, he walked away. I faced the horizon, as the sky began to light up crimson. The mustangs were racing across the prairie. Banishing my fears, my worries, my one thought was that I was free. It had not been what I had imagined, but freedom, though slightly bitter, was still sweet.

Melaniezzz & Laurel
2016-07-13 19:59:55
My Bucking Bronco
by Shetlandponycupcake

Once i sat atop a donkey
yes, a donkey, not a monkey

She looked at me with eyes full of fire
And i couldn't help but wonder who was her sire

Then up she kicked, her hooves flying
Then she bolted, no i'm not lying

But she forgot one last thing
She was tied to a post with string

She suddenly jerked to a stop
sending me flying over the top

And that's the story,
of Lola, the bucking donkey!

Shetlandponycupcake & Susan
2016-07-14 19:53:51
My Love of Horses
by horsegirl124321
I think horses are pretty neat,
They have hoofs, instead of feet!
Horses can pull wagons, carriages, and carts
Horses will always be in people’s hearts!
I love horses, they are great
They are always ready and never make you wait!
I think horses are neat
They help farmers harvest wheat!
I know that all horses are really and truly perfect in all ways,
From their mane and tail to the way they contently graze.
Horses are my favorite animal and always will be,
But I don’t have a horse, sadly.
I love horses yes, I do
I adore horses, it is true!

horsegirl124321 & Midnight Magic
2016-07-21 23:19:27
Neigh and No
by horsegirl124321
Once there was a boy, and his name was John. Well, one day John, who had a bright red apple in his hand, was walking along a dusty old road, and he came across a horse, who was grazing peacefully inside his paddock. John looked straight into the wise horses’ eyes and said, “Do you like apples?” and the horse said “Neigh!” Then the boy gave the horse the juicy apple, but the horse just spit that apple right out of his mouth! Well, the child is rightly upset that his beautiful apple was wasted, so he left the apple sitting on the ground where the horses spat it. The boy then stormed into the nearby barn, stubbed his toe, and after looking he found the owner, who was polishing a brown saddle. Well, John was feeling especially naughty and mean, after losing his best apple and stubbing his toe and all, so the boy says to the wise old owner “Why doesn’t your horse like apples? I thought all horses did!” And the owner just laughed at John. Then, the owner pulled himself together and said, “Did you ask my horse if he likes to eat apples?” and seeing that the boy shook his head ‘no’, the owner continued “Go and ask him if he likes apples, tell me what he says, and then come and ask me if my horse likes apples.” Well, that boy had told a lie, shaking his head ‘no’, but he was prideful! John’s pride got to the best of him because he didn’t want to be made out like a fool who talks to horses, but we all know that only the smartest and best people talk to horses, and obviously John didn’t! Well, now John was trapped, so he did what he could do, and that was to go and ask the horse, again. John walked out of the barn and to the paddock and once again asked “Do you like to eat apples?” And, once again, that wise horse just said “Neigh!” And john went back to the owner and said “All your horse just said was ‘neigh’.” and the wise old owner replied “Of course he did! William has got horse smarts!” William was the horse. The owner continued, "William was saying all along that he dislikes apples!” and seeing the boy’s puzzled face, the owner explained "William was only saying one word, and only one word was needed! William is a Scottish horse, straight from Scotland! William was saying ‘nay’, and that’s what the Scottish say, they say ‘nay’ instead of ‘no’!” Then it finally sunk into the child’s head, Of course the horse meant ‘no’! Why, William was shaking his head at the same time as when he said ‘no’! Then the owner spoke up again, saying, “William doesn’t like apples, but do you know what he does like? “ And the boy, in a good mood now, joked “Nay, what?” Well, that old wise owner laughed at that! Then the owner answered, “William loves carrots! Would you like to give him a few?” And the boy said ‘yes’, of course. And the old man and boy walked out to give William a few carrots. And, in the end, it all turned out beautifully! William got more than just a few carrots and they all became best friends, and what’s more important was that John learned a lesson: the difference between ‘no’ and ‘neigh'!

horsegirl124321 & Midnight Magic
2016-07-22 20:46:13
the wolf and the foal one fine day stream the foals mom said she was putting her foal river in charge of watching for wolves so river watched for wolves river got terribly bored so he cried wolf wolf so the leader buck and the leaders mate queeny came running they were very mad when the found out there was no wolf so they left river thout that was fun so he did it again and again and again but this time there was a real wolf so river cried wolf wolf but no one came he cried wolf wolf again but still no one came and the wolf ate river
Abbyis8 & condray
2016-07-25 20:29:19
Do I want a horse?
By kandydove

Do I want a horse?
Yes of course!
Everybody knows,
they don't have toes.
I know how to care for them,
and tell them to not eat a stem!
I want a horse, yes of course!
He wont run away,
but he will eat his hay.
"It wont be hard!" Yes you think,
But once you get that horse, Stop! and think!
Did you want a horse?
Yes of course!

kandydove & Heffy
2016-07-27 12:10:52
Canterwood Crest
A Book Review by Rey.
Sasha Silver is the new girl. Sasha Silver has no experience with mean girls like Heather Fox. Sasha Silver is underestimated. But Sasha Silver can ride. Well. Canterwood Crest By Jessica Burkhart is the perfect book for young riders, aged 10 and older. Sasha is new to CCA, coming from a small town called Union. When Sasha arrives to CCA on the first day, her horse, Charm, gets spooked, and bolts right to the outdoor arena. Where Heather Fox is riding. Heather gets knocked of Aristocrat, her horse. And blames it all on Sasha. After the suspenceful beginning, Sasha meets new friends, new Enemies, and Frenimies, and deals with adjusting to a new school, new schedule, and new people. Which somtimes is very hard.

Rey & Basil
2016-07-28 00:33:56
The Wild Horse
by Shetlandponycupcake

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Hana. Hana loved to read, mostly about ponies! One day, she was reading on the the swing when she heard a whinny. She spun around, and saw a horse in her neighbor's pasture. She had never seen this horse before, and seeing the wild look in his eye, she knew he was wild.
How cool! she thought.

She reached over, ever so slowly, and touched him. He nickered and leaned into her hand.

Shetlandponycupcake & Susan
2016-07-28 18:41:41
The Wild Horse 2
by Shetlandponycupcake

Hana looked at the wild horse. He was a dark bay, with a thin blaze down his face. The stallion was young, around three years old.

I've always wanted a horse! Hana thought. I'll hide him in the shed. My parents won't ever know!

But her parents, after three days, found out!

Shetlandponycupcake & Susan
2016-07-28 18:44:23
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
