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September Story & Poem Entries Note: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer.September Story & Poem Entries Note: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer. |  Jane Crandal & JB | 2016-08-30 18:41:08 | | school pony
By tendertbit
There was a pony his name was candy cane she whent to school each day. She trots to school and canters back each day summer ended leafs fall and lids and ponies go to school but this year candy cane was sent home she walked slowly on the road whith her head low when all of a sudden a kid ran out of the door down the steps over the plants and across the toad grabed the pony and brrought it back. Candy cane ran in to the field and started to nibbel on the grass silly ponie come in sode. A voice shouted. So the ponie came in side a tabel was in the corner that said ponie. So candy casat down a nibbel the pencil and the papper. At break time candy was eating grass until some kicked a ball to her she passed back whith her hed a young boy shouded fix that ponie a shirt welcome to. The team.
Aday later a kid had carrots in his lunch candy ran down the hall took a left and walked to a desk a bag of big jucie carrits and none was there so she ate them all. And a big red appel too at the end if the day the ponie was like a new kid in the school year toby a older boy in the school loved candie cane so they rode home because they lived in the same house toby and candy can where best friends that was untill mr. BOB he was a full grown horses and it was tobys verry own big horse now we eill get ride if the ponie who was sold to a teacher who was tobys old teacher. Bought candy and mage him sweters showd him did 4-H whith him. Life was good.
Candy cane was nowin grade 5. The grade 5 teacher loved horses and let him nibbel is papper and pencil. And made in grass and hay sandwiches. And they lufed happyly ever after |  tendertimbit & Palio | 2016-09-02 06:22:39 | | My Pony
by msjane
His eyes ask
why are we not riding
its nice out today
and I am your pony |  msjane & AE | 2016-09-10 20:15:10 | | Horse
By: hosessaddles
Your favorite animal is a horse,
which is also your second favorite animal.
It all starts there.
You arrive at your barn,
first lesson,
and you beg your mom not to leave.
A year later,
you find that you love this one horse
that means so much to you.
You grow with him/her as you get better at riding.
A year passes,
and now you lease this horse
and go to the barn every day to see him/her.
Twenty years pass,
and you look back at those memories,
those dusty pictures,
those old videos,
of you and your horse. |  hosessaddles & Phoenix | 2016-09-11 22:21:49 | | ~The First Ride~
by DreamerGirl
Riding. Something I vowed that I would never do again. Ever. But, I. Was. Wrong.
"Alexis!" Mom called. I ran downstairs to see what she needed. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Do you want to go on a ride with me?" Mom asked. What? She already knows my answer! I said that I would never ride again! And to top it off, horses were the cause of my dad's death. "No." I turned to go upstairs, but mom stopped me and said, "Alexis, dad wouldn't have wanted you to stop. He would have wanted you to keep going!" I looked down. I felt something inside of me. I couldn't hold it any longer. I just nodded. Mom hugged me and said, "You can do it."
I went out to the barn, where mom was tacking up the sweetest horse, Sugar. I walked in as mom was finishing up. "You remember how to do everything?" She asked. "I think so." I replied. Soon, mom left and I spent some time with Sugar. She is a white Connemara pony. Beautiful eyes. Gorgeous mane and tail. "You are a very pretty horse" I said to her.
Soon, I was ready to ride. I mounted, and closed my eyes once I was up and took a deep breath. "I can do this." I muttered. I rode out into the arena, and saw mom, who was leaning on the fence. "You're doing it Alexis!" She called.I smiled and kept going. I was doing it! Once I felt comfortable, I went into a trot. It was a little unsteady at first, but it turned into a bouncy ride. "Yay Alexis!" Mom called again. I went into a canter. I was a bit scared at first, but I soon overcame that fear.
I didn't feel ready for a gallop. I remember when me and dad would gallop across the fields. Wind blowing in my hair, the warm feeling of doing what I loved with my dad. I loved it. I soon rode over to mom, who looked as if she was going to cry. "You did it!" She looked at me and said.
Wait. I did it. What?! I did it! Now I fully regret saying that I wouldn't ride again. Why did I say that? I smiled and added, "Not without Sugar." I patted her shoulder and said, "Good girl." I dismounted, and mom climbed over the fence to hug me. After, I led Sugar back into the barn. Mom came in and said, "Done already?" She had her horse, Misty, tacked up and ready to go. "Nope!" I said and turned Sugar around. This is probably the best day of my life. All thanks to mom and dad, and well, Sugar too. I will never give up riding. Ever.
The End
|  DreamerGirl & Serene | 2016-09-13 02:53:13 | | || Morning Rides ||
By Whitewolf2508
Morning sun rises,
Red, Orange, Pink,
You tack up the horse and head to the rink,
As you step into the arena,
Your heart begins to pump,
Faster and faster,
You can hear its beat,
Horse follows close behind,
Giving you a steady nudge,
You mount yourself slowly, into the saddle,
Moving forward towards the jump,
Faster, faster,
You give the cue,
Bracing yourself ready to fly,
As you grow closer to the jump,
You are overcome by a weird sensation,
A sense of excitement, nervousness and anticipation,
As you post you feel the heart rate of the horse,
You are both one,
Together in this.
The jump looms ahead,
You feel as if you were flying,
The horse raises its front legs,
You are flying!
You begin to descend,
Ground growing near,
Over the jump you feel the nerve disappear,
You feel great,
as you draw your horse to a slow gait,
Your heart still racing.
Again and again you jump,
Time passes,
You loose time,
You slow down.
The horses heart is racing to the pace of yours,
You slow to halt,
Lower yourself from his back,
Give him a congratulating pat,
And return the tack.
|  WhiteWolf2508 & Sniper | 2016-09-14 05:26:58 | | Something wonderful
a poem by Rey
something wonderful is
in a field
surrounded by
with a chestnut pony
in your ear
something painful
a cats claw
your eyelid
and blood
being drawn
from your face
something funny
your playful puppy
leap up
the sky
after a fluttering
life is
and smelling
the roses
and realizing
how important
the gift
of life
|  Rey & Basil | 2016-09-18 02:03:51 | | |Freedom| by Leia Stormcloud
Wind against your face
Eyes shining
Hooves pounding the sand
One heartbeat
Carried by a loyal creature
Who you would die for
Who you would cry for
One heartbeat
No saddle
No reins
Riding the wind
One heartbeat
Not human,
Not horse
But together
One heartbeat
Storm clouds gather
Lightning strikes
No fear
One heartbeat
Your steed
Your friend
Your family
Your freedom
One heartbeat
|~the end~| |  Leia Stormcloud & Blue | 2016-09-18 02:45:42 | | [FLying]
by Adleine HC
A horse flies above over all our hearts
It may even fill our shopping carts
The love they bring
Is enough to make us sing
Like nothing on earth can stop us
A horse is enough to help us |  Adeline HC & Esprit Ellis | 2016-09-19 20:44:21 | | The Happy Times of September
By: ilovea
Wow, it's already here: September! When the leaves start changing color, and when you get to go on fun autumn rides with your pal. As you groom your horse and get ready to go on a forest ride with your friend, your horse suddenly breaks away from you and gets his freshly brushed coat all muddy. You are about to scold him, but something stops you. You look at him, and realize, that life can be stressful at times, but sometimes, you just need to let go and have some fun. So you laugh as you get your horse back and start to groom him again. After that, you go for an amazing afternoon trail ride with your pal, and have a great time, even though school has started and you know you have to go back tomorrow. You just have fun though, with your horse and your friend.
Happy September everyone! I wish you all good luck in starting the new school year. Just remember to HAVE FUN!!
~ilovea |  ilovea & Golden Token | 2016-09-20 06:30:24 | |
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