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November Story & Poem Entries Note: Winning stories and poems will be published in Pony Pals Magazine. All entries must be original, meaning that the member who enters them must have written the text. To be eligible the story or poem must have a horse or pony in it someplace. Stories should be suitable for all ages, including younger members. All entries published in the Magazine will earn 500 Wiggins Bucks, the best stories and poems will earn 3000 Wiggins bucks and trophy for the writer.

A Full Day at the Show
By jjpals
Maddie Olsen was 12. A determined and bright girl she was. She had a stout face, pretty clear blue eyes, and a rough bunch of sandy colored hair that, surprisingly, had been smoothed and braided into two perfect pigtails.
Hop-Scotch, or Scotch, Maddie’s dark bay gelding, stood tied to the side of the trailer among many other trailers, horses, riders, trainers, show-grounds people, and judges. Everyone was hurrying to get things ready for the next set of classes as soon as lunch was over.
Maddie pulled out a heavy bucket loaded with grooming tools and began brushing and combing Scotch, as if he needed more grooming. Scotch neighed with happiness, he had been nervous ever since they had arrived on the show-grounds, but being groomed, like regular times, was a relief and most welcome to his steaming hot body.
“All contestants have 20 more minutes of lunch break, and then the first class of the afternoon, hunter under saddle, will begin” a loudspeaker broke over the hustle of everyone. Maddie hurriedly finished grooming Scotch and started strapping on the saddle, bridle, and odds and ends used to dress up horses these days. Scotch watched apprehendingly as Maddie slid on her tall boots and navy coat, then strapped on her helmet and gloves.
Maddie’s mom appeared through the crowd with a couple hotdogs and a water bottle, she deposited these items into Maddie’s arms and soon set about checking Scotch and Maddie for anything amiss. Maddie quickly ate her lunch, gulped down some water, and picked up Scotch’s reins. “I’ll be right there with your dad, ok?” Maddie’s mom gave thumbs up and a questioning look as she spoke to her daughter. “Okay, but be quick, I’m nervous” Maddie stated as she pulled Scotch toward the arena.
Maddie soon mounted Scotch and did a few turns, circles, jumps, and warm-ups in the practice arena, then she halted Scotch over to the enter gate where riders entered the arena for the classes. After waiting 10 minutes, Maddie walked Scotch to the gate as her name was called and started her turn. She smoothly trotted Scotch around the arena, over a few low fences, and maneuvered Scotch beautifully while cantering. Soon she left the arena with a few rounds of clapping to heighten her spirits.
After three hours of taking breaks, cooling down, some more classes, and winning several assortments of ribbons, Maddie and Scotch were tired, dirty, and done for the day. Pete and Mary, Maddie’s parents, were huge supporters of Maddie’s sport and quickly learned how to take charge after a full day of classes at a show. They soon had Scotch cooled down, blanket on, and loaded into the trailer, equipment was neatly stored away in the tack room of the trailer, and Maddie was changed into jeans and a t-shirt, sleeping in the truck.
On the road home Maddie woke suddenly, remembered the full but fun day, and smiled pleasantly at her parents where they sat in the truck, ordering a quick fast food dinner for the family. Life was good, wonderful parents, a horse for a best friend, and shows to complete and look forward, made life all the more beautiful and enjoyable. Maddie had much to be thankful for.
Back home Scotch was let out into the pasture where he could also make his way to his stall. Maddie had already eaten and was put to bed, and Pete and Mary were helpfully cleaning out the trailer and putting everything away from the show day. Soon they lay on the couch in the living room and slept, exhausted but happy. The day had gone well for everyone, and everyone would soon be looking forward to a new day, whether that meant school for Maddie, rest for Scotch, or work for Pete and Mary, they all would go through it together, because that is what family is for.

jjpals & Dynamo
2016-11-16 04:44:36
Warrior ||By Leia Stormcloud

Thundering hooves
Shuddering breaths

Racing forwards
Swift as the sparrow

One heartbeat
Two warriors

Pounding hearts


A warrior doesn't stop
He endures

They endured
For an eternity

Then they fell
Not one by one

But together
Boy and Horse

On the dry, unforgiving sand

Tears fell
As the mother read

And heard
of the Final Stand

One Final Stand
You and Me

Together as one
We fall together

And we will live
For Eternity

They looked each other
And he saw

In her eyes
The Truth

The Truth
of a warrior

Born and bred
in a dry, dusty land

A land that he wants
A land that he will never return

A land that they will never return

But in the everlasting sand
Their story is written

For Eternity

Two Soldiers

Leia Stormcloud & Blue
2016-11-16 10:37:36
Emma's worst day

Emma woke up one morning and it just didn't feel right. She looked out the window and saw what was wrong. Ginger was out! Emma quickly got dressed and threw on a coat and rushed out to the paddock were Ginger used to be. Emma could not find any evidence of how Ginger could have got out. "Mom!" Emma screamed. Then she ran inside. She found Mom cooking eggs and bacon and toast."Mom, Ginger's gone!" "Oh honey I'm so sorry but I bet Ginger just jumped the fence again. Don't worry she'l be back. Now you've got to go to school." "Okay Mom." But Emma had a terrible day at school. She got called to the principal's office twice and couldn't keep focus in any of her classes. Then the bus ride home was the worst. then when she got home Christi had found Ginger and she found out that Ginger had jumped the fence like Mom had said.

The End.

HannahB5horses & Star
2016-11-21 04:27:36
Sleigh Ride
by Jeppocat

Over the hills of snow
in the winter sunset we go.
My pony pulling a sleigh
is the most wonderful way
to have fun on Christmas day.

We dash together through the snow
& where we'll go, who would know?

Snow-caped mountains standing bold,
or rivers frozen, deep, & cold?
forests full of evergreens,
or a winter sunset like you've never seen!

as my sleigh ride come to and end
I will be happy to send
Holiday cheer
for my pony, me, and the coming year!

jeppocat & Rinoa
2016-11-21 04:36:29
I am born to my mother , daisy. then she sent me away when I was 6 months of age, it broke my heart, but I left, I said I would come back, I said I would come back when I was bigger and stronger, but she said never come back you runt canter to the mountains take the other runts I will have create a herd, make it strong. she looked a me her warm amber eyes where suddenly cold here warm ginger fur suddenly was ugly,but my black like night color seemed bright like day, and my dark blue eyes felt like they where light, so I left I left hating my mother thinking about my father, thinking what he would have done when mother sent me away, I started to canter fast as I could I. I stopped looked pack my mother looked like she never knew me that made me sad but then I looked at the mountain, I sighed I have to climb that sleep at the top in the morning I will look at my mother, then I will look for a close by home, will she will never find me, it must be big it must be perfect cause that is where my herd, my own herd will be we will take down my mother we will take her down, me and my siblings I will later have we will take her down. I began climbing I climbed hard, it was hard but I made it, I climbed a mountain!


Abbyis8 & condray
2016-11-27 03:52:38
my horse, sunset took me in when I was abandoned at 4 years of age, she and her mat, slide took care of me, the leader, splash was glad to hear a foal was to join the herd but then, he was a little disappointed when he found out I was human, he named me slug for my foal name, my new mother hated that name, but now at 18 years of age, I can pick a new name! let see, my naming party is in one hour so till then I will thing of a name, spark no silver no rose no oh I have a perfect one! it is snow flake! I love that name, oh and I can talk to animals so yea, I will see if my mom and dad like it so I say to them what I want to name myself to night, mom says yes! dad says sure


Abbyis8 & condray
2016-11-27 03:52:38

I walked to the counter, I was gonna eat some bacon, pack some lunch, and then I was going to go ride my pony, she was a pretty black mare with rare white mane, and then I had my colt he had a long white mane and white fur, I think I am gonna put them both in the cart and me and my friend will have fun riding,


NOTE: in part two you will find out their names!

Abbyis8 & condray
2016-11-27 03:52:38
These 2 stories are written by PeanutisaBay (also known as Peanut and John)
The Story of the Dangerous Waters

Chapter 1: The Two Boats
It all started when a small boat was sailing in a big area of water, but it hit a rock and sunk underwater. There was another boat, well actually, it was a ship and it was sailing on the same waters. It was in the middle of a battle with another faraway ship, but it got shot too many times and sunk.

Chapter 2: Clean Pig
There was a pig, named Clean Pig. It hated mud but it loved fresh, clean water and anything else that doesn’t include dirt. Everyone loved to hear it snort because it hardly ever did so. It decided to have a swim in the lake. It swam for so long it got tired and wasn’t able to swim any longer. It sank underwater.

Chapter 3: The Thirsty Cow
Then, there was a cow that was eating grass. It ate so much grass that it became thirsty but its water trough was empty. The lake wasn’t too far away. The cow drank from the lake but it fell in! It sank to the lake floor.

Chapter 4: The Singing Duck – NEXT PAGE >>>
There was a duck as well. It was singing by the lake, “Quack quack, quack, quack, quack…WOAH!!!!!!” But it fell in the lake!

Chapter 5: The Two Little Bears
There were also two little bears. Their names were Riley and Teddy. They were playing and having fun together near the lake. But they both ran into each other and fell into the lake!

Chapter 6: The Froggy Follow the Leader
There was a group of frogs playing follow the leader. The little frog was the leader. They were jumping on lily pads all over the lake, but once the leader frog missed, the other frogs missed as well. SPLASH!

Chapter 7: The Sharks and a Lobster
Some sharks and a lobster heard of everyone falling in, so they went in to try and eat them.

Chapter 8: The Bird and Dolphin
There was even a bird flying over the lake. It had been flying for exactly one year so it started to fall! A dolphin tried to save him, but the dolphin fell in as well and there was no way out!

Chapter 9: The Sea Creatures – NEXT PAGE >>>
There were some sea creatures swimming at the surface of the lake. Of course, they knew how to swim but they saw everything that had happened. The pink octopus said, “The blue fish goes in first, then the other fish, then the starfish, then the tiny seal.” After that, she went in herself.

Chapter 10: The Crocodile and Giant
Then, there was a crocodile crawling around. The crocodile crawled into the lake to eat them all! There was also a giant that dived in to hurt them. Now, everyone that was in the area was now in the lake.

Chapter 11: Underwater
Everyone was swimming for their lives. Even if they could swim, they couldn’t swim out! It didn’t help that the giant was after them all and the crocodile was threatening to eat them. “Aaah! Hide here, hide here, hide! Riley screamed. The Duck was trying to sing under water. “Quagark! Quagark! Quagark! Quagark! Quagark!” It tried to sing. The thirsty cow was drinking the water underwater. But it was starting to drown from drinking so much water. It had to hold its breath. Everyone had been underwater for so long. But then, the giant who was hurting them thought, “They’re stuck underwater and I’m just making it worse for them.” It decided to help them.

Chapter 12: Giant Comes to the Rescue
First, the giant took out the crocodile and threw him far away.
Then, the giant took out the lobster and threw it far away as well. The giant then took out the two sharks. Since there was no water for them to breath, they eventually died. Next, the giant rescued everyone – one by one, they were all rescued. Everyone was out of the water…

Chapter 13: THE END!
...Everyone except for that giant. Riley said, “She helped us, now we help her!” and dived in! This time, he actually managed to get out of the water. He took the giant out by the leg and took her to hospital. Not much longer after, the lake was cleaned out so no one could ever fall into it again.

The End!

The Story of the Australian Little People Missionaries
Chapter 1: Packing up
The little people family, the Browns were going on a missionary trip around Australia. They needed to pack up. Christi, who was the Mum said, “This is going to be a long trip. Pack lots of things!” Eddy completely made sure he had enough things for the whole trip. He packed 3 toothbrushes, 1 of his laptops, Freddie (that’s his frog), and he had packed also 10 pants, shirts, singlets, and 10 of every clothing, but he thought that wasn’t enough, so he packed in 20 more of each clothing! “I think I am ready to go,” he thought.

Chapter 2: The Trip is Starting!
When Christi saw his bag, she said, “You definitely have enough things for the trip!” She put it in the pile of other bags. Meanwhile, Chris (the Dad) had been having trouble with the trailer. He was trying to attach it for their bikes and extra bags and things. It didn’t help that Freddie was jumping all around the place confusing him. But then, the frog jumped on the thing you need to attach to the trailer and it worked! The Dad was happy. He opened it, put the bikes in, put the extra bags in, packed the car, (all with the kids’ help) and said, “We’re ready to go!”

Chapter 3: We are off!
The Dad started driving. The airport wasn’t that far away. It took 10 minutes for them to get to the airport, then 5 minutes to get some of the bags on. Sophie didn’t like aeroplanes so the Mum hugged her most of the way. There was a big curtain to hide yourself if you wanted to; there was even a private bathroom. Eddy decided to write a story about their trip. He got out his laptop and started typing. Mum had enough of hugging her, so she said, “Why don’t you read Eddy’s story? I can only just see it and it’s really interesting!” “But Mum…” Sophie began. “Aren’t you interested in the story? You’d better read it before it’s too late!” said the Mum. “Oh, alright, but I’ll have to go over, can you come with me please?” Sophie begged.

Chapter 4: Eddy’s Interesting Story
“All right,” said the Mum. They both went over to Eddy. “Do you want to see my story?” Eddy said proudly. Eddy had written all about the packing up, the driving and packing things into the aeroplane, the bathrooms, the curtains and even himself writing the story! Sophie liked the story. The rest of the aeroplane trip was boring. After the 12 hour long trip, everyone hopped out to stretch their legs. Then, they hired a minibus.

Why? 1, they needed to fit everything into it.
2, it needed to fit everything in, but also the people!
3, it had 2 and 4 wheel drives! So everyone was satisfied.

Chapter 5: New South Wales
Since they were already in it, they decided to go around New South Wales. There were lots of beaches. The Dad who was a great swimmer went to Bondi Beach while the others went and got set up in the cabin. Once they were finished, they started to watch the Dad catching waves. But he stopped and put his board on the sand far away from the water. Then he shouted, “DOLPHINS!!” Lots of other people went to swim with the dolphins as well. The dolphins let everyone ride them! 2 days later, it was Saturday and the family went street preaching. They gave out 152 tracts. They also went door knocking and gave out 167 tracts. After that, they were worn out. The Dad said, “Let’s go to McDonalds!” They ate almost everything there!

Chapter 6: Northern Territory
The day finally came for them to leave New South Wales. They boarded another plane that was going to the Northern Territory. The trip wasn’t as long this time because the place wasn’t as far. After they landed, they hired a jeep…and a trailer! You see, the jeep wasn’t very large. Eddy wrote a little more in his story. He wrote about New South Wales and what they did they did there, he even wrote about the plane that had no private bathrooms! NEXT PAGE >>>
The family had a long drive through the dusty place until they got to a very large rock called Uluru. “Dad,” said Eddy. “can we climb to the top of the mountain and give out tracts there?” “Sure we can!” said the Dad excitedly. “whoever wants to come, come. Whoever wants to stay, stay.” “Dad, me and Freddie are definitely coming!” said Eddy. Sophie and the Mum stayed behind. It took a while to reach the top. Luckily, they brought food! They got to the top. By the time they finished climbing, it was evening. Still, they gave out lots of tracts. They gave out 178 tracts. Dad, Eddy, and Freddie were all happy with that so they climbed down. It didn’t take as long as they were going down, not up. They all had a good night sleep. They drove back to Darwin, where they had landed. They were soon leaving but the plane hadn’t come yet. Then, the Mum had an idea. “Let’s street preach at the airport while we wait!” she said. They gave out 125 tracts. Soon, the plane finally came.

Chapter 7: Australian Capital Territory
The plane took as long as the other plane did. Eddy wrote a little more in his story. He wrote about the long drive, the Uluru, climbing and giving out tracts there, the long drive back, and even the plane that had no curtains! They soon landed in the Australian Capital Territory. They had a small tent not far away from the parliament house. When they finished unpacking, they did Bible reading and a bit of singing. After that, they went to the parliament house where they gave out tracts! They actually managed to give everyone a tract, even the prime minister! When the Browns got back to the tent, they prayed that everyone would read the tracts and think about them. Soon it was the day they were leaving, just as they were leaving, people came out of the parliament house and thanked the Browns for giving them their tracts. Their prayers had been answered! The people said that they had thought very hard. The Browns gave catechisms to the people. The people thanked them again and waved goodbye. After a little walk, the Browns got to the airport. The plane came just as the Browns got there. The Browns gave out tracts and catechisms as the people got on. They gave out 112 tracts and 123 catechisms. They were also the last people to get on. Luckily there was one seat left. Eddy wrote about the parliament, the prime minister, giving catechisms out and the cramped aeroplane.

Chapter 8: Tasmania
As they were flying, the Dad told Eddy and Sophie how Tasmania used to be called Van Diemen’s Land. “The name was changed to Tasmania in 1855,” he explained. They landed in Hobart. They stayed in a large hotel. They went for a drive to Launceston. They had a small picnic and also gave out catechisms. They gave out 143 catechisms, then, they drove back. On the way, they met a giant bear. But they knew him. It was Riley. He was visiting as well! The Browns gave him a tract and catechism. It was good Riley could read small letters! It was night when they got back. They had a large dinner. “Please pass some rice with the juicy goose!” Eddy laughed. They all loved the dinner. Then for desert, they had a chocolate mousse each. A few days later, they had to leave. The plane was already waiting for them. There were no seats left…but that was good because the Browns could sit right next to the pilot! They learned many new things about aeroplanes. Eddy typed in his laptop. He typed everything that you read!
Chapter 9: Western Australia NEXT PAGE >>>
They finally landed. The trip was a much longer trip than the last but that gave the pilot more time to explain about aeroplanes. After a long time, they finally landed. They had landed in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. The Dad loved bike riding. He entered himself into a bike race! It went all the way from Albany to Broome. The race was going to be on TV! The Browns were staying in a tall building. Everyone else stayed in the building. The Dad had to take another plane! It was to get to Albany. The bike race was going to be much longer than the plane trip. The Dad ended up finishing first! But it was a very tight race. The Dad gave tracts and catechisms to all of the other racers. There were exactly 250 (including him). The Dad won $100,000 dollars. He sent it all to a lot of other missionaries. It was exciting when the rest of the Browns heard the news. They asked heaps of questions. It was finally time to board a plane. When they got on, the pilot said, “One of you was the person who won the last bike race, right?” The Browns nodded. The pilot then said, “Well then, you don’t have to pay for your ticket!” The Dad said, “Oh no, you’re much too kind.” The pilot replied, “Oh but that’s the tradition – the winner gets at least something for free, even a ticket!” “Oh thank you,” said the Dad. Eddy wrote on his laptop about all you just read, even the aeroplane that couldn’t fit many bags.

Chapter 10: South Australia
When they landed, they got a free ice-cream each. The man who gave their ice-creams’s name was Mr. I Scream. “I heard the news. Out of the 250 racers, you won! Here are free ice-creams as a reward,” said Mr. I Scream. NEXT PAGE >>>

The Browns were in Adelaide, capital of South Australia. They hired a van and went for a drive to Lake Eyre. They had a large picnic and gave out 132 tracts. They had a long drive home. They had roast turkey for dinner. They were staying in the van! Not a cabin or house, not tall building or even a hotel! They went street preaching. They gave out over 150 tracts and catechisms! After a while, it was time to leave for the next state…

Chapter 11: Victoria
…it was Victoria! “Victoria was named after a queen named Victoria,” Dad explained. “Victoria is a small state that has almost as many people as New South Wales.” They went in an aeroplane. The trip wasn’t long. Eddy wrote a bit more about their trip. They soon landed in Melbourne, capital of Victoria. They went to a shopping centre. They got some Japanese curry and red rooster. They went shopping at Big W and got 2 giant toys and a Wii game. They soon went back to the hotel they were staying in. For dinner, they had lasagne and nachos, beetroot strips, shredded cheese, and sweet corn. For dessert, they had a cake with ice-cream, whipped cream, and some cherry cheesecake cookies. They went to church the next day. Lots more people than usual came. There were kids too. Eddy and Sophie played lots of games with them. They were soon ready to leave for the final state…

Chapter 12: Queensland
“Dad,” said Eddy, “is Queensland full of queens?” he asked. Dad replied, “Queensland is not full of queens. You know Victoria was named after a queen called Victoria?” “Yes,” said Eddy. Dad then said, “Well, Queensland was named after the same queen.” They finally landed in Caloundra, Queensland. They stayed in a building called Araluen. They had a swim in the pool, then they went to the beach, then they took a drive to Queensland’s capital, Brisbane. They went door-knocking. They gave out 170 tracts! They drove back to Araluen. They had a big dinner, but were too tired for dessert! A few days later, it was time to go to… not a state… not a territory… no, not go to, return to…

Chapter 13: The End!
Their home! They had finished their trip around Australia and it was now time for them to return to their comfy, warm, soft, old home. They took a plane to their home. They talked about all the adventures they had, then Eddy finished typing his story. As soon as they landed, they drove home – with their old car and trailer. Everyone (even Freddie) said in unison, “WE WILL NEVER FORGET THIS ADVENTURE IN AUSTRALIA!”

The End!

PeanutisaBay & Liquorice
2016-11-28 02:27:38
By abbyis8

They are beautiful creatures
They stay in cold weather
Most are warm and fluffy
Sometimes they bite and kick
Cantering, trotting, and walking
When they wish they are beAutiful creatures


Abbyis8 & condray
2016-11-29 02:03:13
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
